Where is it better to stay? On or Off Point

I'm going down to Cedar Point in two weeks and I can't decide where to stay. I heard living on point is cool because you are right there. But I heard the dorms are really bad. Is living off point nice? How is the drive in the morning? Are the dorms clean? Where is the cleanest place to stay. I heard that all the dorms off point have an A/C, is that true. If I going to live on point I'll bring an A/C. Any suggestions, comments, or opinions let me know.
Not all the dorms off point have A/C unlessthey were going to install it in them all for this year. There is a new dorm built this year that does have A/C for sure though. If I were you, I would stay off point in the dorms. They are a little bit nicer. You get free cable TV, and the like. Plus you can walk right over to the spiffy new Rec Center to get a snack or play some games or even get online. The drive in the morning is nice, as long as you go before the traffic is out of hand. I would vote for off-point living.
My vote is for on-point, but I was not there when the new off-point dorms were built. The dorms (Gold and Cedars) on-point do look like they ought to be condemned, but you're really not in the room all that much anyway. The biggest benefit that I can't stress enough is yes, you are right there. You can wake up 20 minutes before your shift starts and not be late, you can go back to your room on long breaks (depending on where you work in the park, of course), and I do think it's quieter overall, since you're not near the late-night off-point entertainment. You can participate in the employee after-hours more easily, and you're right next to the Caf -- cheapest food you'll find, not to mention being right by wardrobe when you want to exchange uniforms.

I've heard that the traffic in from off-point is really really bad later in the summer (July and August) and there are parking-ban days, when you're not allowed to drive in because guest crowds are expected to be so heavy. So to me that would definately present a problem.

All in all, you need to think about what works best for you! Most of all, have fun! :)

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

Crystal could not have made a better point. Just decide what you think would be better for you and go with it.
Kansan by birth; Cedar Point by desire; Zone 5/6 by the grace of God
I would have to recommend the on-point dorms... basically because of everything CrystalKat said.

The place looks terrible (I think Cedars was built around 1910, is that correct?), but its just so much more convienient.
The Samurai has spoken.
I've been told that Cedars was built a little before 1900. I'm going to try to live off point just to see how much different it is.
Some of the employee dorms inside Hotel Breakers *do* have air conditioning. The downside is that they cram four people on bunk beds into a room normally meant for two people on a queen bed! I believe the hotel dorms are only for Accomodations employees though, but I'm not 100% confident. Anyone?

CP Schroeder
CP Resorts Reservations '00, '01
As far as I know, yeah, the dorm rooms inside Breakers are just for Accommodations. They aren't so bad, but you're exactly right about them being so crowded. I've heard rumors that those rooms were be renovated again to be guest rooms, and they might already have been gone last year - I didn't get a very close look! There was also a wing of Breakers that you could stay in if you were over 21 (White dorms) but I don't know if that's around anymore either.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

I think that housing people are allowed to stay in Breakers as well. There was a guy I knew that was a housing supervisor and he lived in the rotunda
Kansan by birth; Cedar Point by desire; Zone 5/6 by the grace of God

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