Where Everyone Is Working In 2002

Ride of Steel's avatar
Congratulations Sabrina!

Mine Ride '99
Thunder Canyon '00
Millennium Force '01
"When it's all said and done
It's real and it's been fun.
But was it all real fun?"

LOL come work over at Wicked twister heheheh just playing thats where they got me...Hey nat, i know ur not working in rides but are u comming back in another dept?
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
"Ahh When Is The Rain Going To Stop"
Thanks Nat. The suspense was killing me (I auditioned in early Nov.) But I'm so floored, and honered, that they chose me. Big Smiles!!

Gemini 2001
Hooray for Hollywood 2002

Hey yall, I just found out that I'm gonna be the ATL of skyride this summer. Scarry I know(lol). But I am sure it will be a great summer. I can't wait to see everyone again.


Skyride 2000, 2001, 2002

"If you'r not waisted, the day is"

*** This post was edited by skyride mat on 1/25/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by skyride mat on 1/25/2002. ***

Yeah, congratulations, Sabrina, and good luck :-)
2000 - Cedar Downs, WildCat crews
2001 - Cedar Downs ATL, WildCat ATL, Magnum Crew, Gemini Crew
2002 - Wave Swinger - Swan Boats TL
Mat, you got leadership, too?? Congratulations. You know what is really scary? I got leadership...again :-)
2000 - Cedar Downs, WildCat crews
2001 - Cedar Downs ATL, WildCat ATL, Magnum Crew, Gemini Crew
2002 - Wave Swinger - Swan Boats TL
Yea, Im the other ATL of sky ride. Looking forword to a great summer. Also cant wait for them fun filled bus trips.
The end of an illustrious era has come.

Officially, I shall not be returning to Cedar Point. My application was put on the no-rehire list and I have been not only precluded from working at the point, but also participating in the "Alumni Alley" thing on the official site.

To the newest leaders of Gemini-- you will never be as good as we were this past summer. Not to be cocky or presumptuous, but we epitomized everything notorious about the ride ten-fold these past two summers. I managed to instill bad attitude, dark humor, sardonic wit, laziness, backstabbing, apathy, ass-kissing, glad-handing and schmoozing. We lived like rock stars these past two summers and ran the ride accordingly. The end of me and Amy on the Gemini marks the passing of Kipp's legacy.

It marks the end of what made the Gemini special as we employees know it.

And I give to you my final spiel--

"Welcome back riders, I really don't care how your ride was, nor will I ever. I still love you though, don't get me wrong! It is your money that pays me and thusly, fills my heart with warm joy. Enjoy the rest of your day here at Cedar Point, worker's paradise--concentration camp with rockin' country beats. Please ride again because your glowing faces serve as a constant reminder of the gratifying effects of money, a reminder which keeps me from walking off and pursuing my music career. Kiss off, go to park ops and tell them I sent you. My name is Daniel."

Stylin' all the way.

model/talent-- Pro Model Management Inc.
OU Forensics 2000-01
Gemini ATL 2001

*** This post was edited by Vitaminized on Gemini on 1/25/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar
No wonder they didn't want you back. Nice attitude.

Webmaster/GTTP, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Actually Jeff, I'll have you know exactly why they don't want me back.

I walked off after being yelled at for something that was the fault of maintenance. I have nothing wrong with loud criticism per se, but when upper management starting name-calling and attacking my character for something that wasn't my fault, I felt little need to stick around. I admit opening on time is important, but when the maintenance men take half an hour to arrive after call, I certainly don't undertand how this makes a person "stupid" and "inept." They made it abundantly clear just what they thought of me after I saved their collective asses on innumerable occasions. My attitude WAS nice. I am NOT an acerbic misanthrope but rather, a philomath who thinks logically and dishes it out where it is served.

As for my spiel, what I wrote down was par for the course. We weren't in it to blow sunshine up people's asses; we were there to make people laugh. Our success at this can be traced not only to our consistently high ridership and several guest compliments, but also to my fan club.

I really enjoyed the job and put forth a lot of effort. The memories I have from Cedar Point are mostly lovely, especially knowing that I was able to be a part of a crew that not only did a good job, but also had a lot of fun.

I think enjoying a job is important and I am sure that you would agree, Jeff. I wish that it had not been made intolerable.

Warm regards,


model/talent-- Pro Model Management Inc.
OU Forensics 2000-01
Gemini ATL 2001

Dan, I love you.

Gemini 2001
Live E: Hooray for Hollywood 2002

Witches' Wheel Triangle.
Dan, I loved the spiel. That was classic :)


CP & LE RR Crew '01
ATL Swings and Swans '02

Take a wild stab as to where I'll be again! :)  Make sure all those D.O.R.s are right! ;) Can't wait to see you guys again.
Jon O!! How are ya!! E-mail me!


Disaster Crew 1997-1999

Raptor 2000

OH BOY JON back at Park op office..lol hey jon its kelly from white water lol and ya i will be on Wicked Twister so lol it be a while to u get ours hehehe.  Great to hear that ur back...talk to u when i process in
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
Wicked Twister 2002
"Ahh When Is The Rain Going To Stop"
Erin - gonna need your email address babe, how's things going down there?  Tell Jeremy I said hey! Kelly - so you're gonna be the one sending me 50 complaints a day about that ride breaking down! ;)  Glad you're back!

"Welcome to Park Operations, how may I direct your *****in' and moaning today?"

Just click on INFO by my name
LOL probably  50 a day mabye more i make shure for them to go to you JON hahahahaha....Thanks jon i process in the 15th  of april hahahahah
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
Wicked Twister 2002
"Ahh When Is The Rain Going To Stop"
yeah!!! jon's coming back!

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