What does CP need to fix up a bit?

Cedar Point just painted Iron Dragon and the Magnum, last year they made a donut shop, what should CP look into building or fixing up in the park?

smooth out mean streak? :)

actually, on last visit, everything looked really nice. the games midway was a big update and probably one of the oldest sections of the park that hadn't been "cleaned up" in a while. now it looks awesome. (all while still remaining retro)

they'll probably invest money into fixing up whatever area a new attraction goes into next year. frontier town is probably the next oldest section! :)

as a side note, i wish they had kept iron dragon the original colors when they repainted it. its too bright and similar in color to dragster and its station. i liked it gray and red better. the loading station clashes with the coaster now too. bad move i think.

The only thing I would complain about for Cedar Point is lower the Price of Food. Everything else at Cedar Point though is just perfect.

I totally agree on the painting of Iron Dragon... the darker color contributed to the "darkness" of the ride.... you don't think of bright colors when you think of dragons!!

The front of the park is looking awesome now; if they could only do away with Disaster Transport!!

I think the area where WWL is needs to be revamped, that ride is just not pleasing to the eye. Maybe even a paint job would do the trick. I love the station, maybe some more theming would be fun too.

Cleaning up DT would be a good idea... also add some more life back in the MS area. Really dead over there in the morning, when the crowd is still at the front of the park.

2008 - Games (Area 3/Scales)
2009 - Games Supervisor
2010 - Season pass holder.

crazy horse's avatar

Do something with the old pirat ride building.....its a sad reminent of its former self. Also, do something with calpso. The ride is looking really dull compared to what it used to look like.

I agree that something has to be done in the rear of the park, its a ghost town back there.

That may(I hope) change next year.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Iron Dragon was the same exact color scheme of the Dragster break run, gray with red track.

The word "was" is rather important in that sentence. RftF said Iron Dragon "was" the color of the Dragster brake run.

Red track with grey supports is the former ID paint scheme.

I'd like to see more opportunites for guests to escape the sun/heat. Cooling stations, shade trees, whatever.

It would also be nice to upgrade the food in the back half of the park. Chuck Wagon and Frontier Inn are okay, but they don't compete with the many better locations in the front half.

*** Edited 7/18/2005 2:12:03 PM UTC by Brian Noble***

They need to finnish painting magnum. They track looks very nice in all its red/orange glory but the supports look worn and weathered.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Is that similar to Swedish painting Magnum?

I think Brian has got a good start. It wouldn't be bad if a few misting fans were added along the midways. I think Dragon needs a new paintjob as well, to return it to the old colors. Other than that, I can't think of a whole lot of things that need to be done. The improvements of the last few years have been great, hopefully they keep the trend going.

Goodbye MrScott


^Speaking of which, did they finish painting the pretzel turn track yet?

halltd said:
smooth out mean streak? :)

that seems to be the only thing that CP needs to do. or make the MF queue go faster. lol.

JuggaLotus's avatar

smooth out mean streak? [comic book guy voice] worst idea EVER [/comic book guy voice]

Goodbye MrScott


I was there last night. They haven't finished painting Magnum's turnaround yet.

Season Pass Holder-2003/2004/2005/2006

Yes, why haven't they done something with the old pirate ride building. I would think they could redo it. That was a good family ride.

I must say the landscaping takes my breath away each year.

"The only thing I would complain about for Cedar Point is lower the Price of Food"

Although I agree, it would not be a good idea seeing how that $5.00 hot dog helps pay for the major attractions that we seem to demand every year. They just don't make enough on gate fees alone.

Get the guests to stop "posting" their chewing gum! (Gross!)


Last time I was there I was looking at the park and noticed that they really should lay new concrete on the Main Midway. All over there are mismatched different kinds of cement. It looks old and kinda cheap especially for the best park in the world. They should also build I ride in the back near the Mean Streak. It always seems so secluded back there.

I always thought the area over by Ocean Motion was a little drab and could use a freshening up..

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