What do you think of the employess?

Don't worry, the guests will love you for just operating MF!:)
Timothy---Thanks.........Its just like the old saying you treat people how you want to be treated

Sad Smiles---that's the spirted i'm sure you'll do just fine
I will never forget the time when some lady was yelling a cursing at a Magnum ride op becouse the ride was closed (wind). She was pretty mad and was saying how they were false advertising. Everyone was laughing at her. That of course made her more mad. I felt bad for that ride op though.
Timothy - couldn't have said it any better! Just plain old fashioned "manners" Usually you can tell if a ride op is having a bad day (especially if you are in line is often as we are) and it is amazing what a nice comment or a smile can do to help that employee through a long/difficult day

Sad Smiles - congrats on making the MF crew! Sure you'll be great! See you in line!
"it is amazing what a nice comment or a smile can do to help that employee through a long/difficult day"

I have always tried to treat the people on the other side of the counter the way I would want to be treated. I have been in line behind some real idiots at food stands, or gift shops, and it is gratifying to see the employee perk up and look a little less harried when you smile and speak politely. It makes everyone feel better.

Timothy A. Bretz
"Remember to pillage before you burn"
Thanks everyone for all of your support!!! I look forward to seeing you all this summer!!! :)

2000 Millennium Force Ride Operator!!!
Thought I'd relate my story (since I finally read the thread).

Last year, I stopped a food stand along the Gemini midway to get some eats. Anyhow, this young French woman (assuming part of the exchange program?) was working the register and seemed to be having a really tough time with the register and the language barrier. Needless to say she wasn't having the best of days - but she was putting on her best face and really working hard. She smiled, said "thank you", I said "merci", and that was it.

For whatever reason, this really stuck out to me as one of the reasons why I love the Point so much. It's the employees who make this all happen and I can say I've never had a bad experience with anyone there.

So from me to all employees past and present, thank you!!! :)
Jeff's avatar
Oh my God! I remember her! I too used the only French word I could remember after six years of it (merci). She was very nice. She also was fairly attractive for having to wear those nasty unifroms, I seem to recall!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I remember her as well - i really felt sorry for her, she seemed so unhappy - but it was a miserable 97 degrees outside. And with all that humidity you have out there in the midwest, I don't know how you can STAND it!! Think that's why i'll make my trip in early June instead ;)
Are you guys sure you are talking about the same girl? There were more than one french girl working at cp :)
I've always had good experiences with CP employees. They always give me ice water in the big cups that they're not supposed to give away for free. Yup, I wish I could work at CP sometimes. They all seem so nice. Well...except for the lifeguards. They always seem so scary and condescending. But then again, all lifeguards do. I guess it's because they're focused. :)
Okay, I want to get everyone's opinion on the employee's uniforms. I couldn't tell you if there's a discussion group on this topic or not (frankly, I'm too lazy to look). The uniforms have been around for as long as I can remember and I don't think they are too flattering, with the all blue jumpsuit looking thing and a red-orange tie of some sorts. Looks like a colorblind Brownie uniform. No way can they be comfortable and even tolerable on hot days...

"I've upped my standards, so UP YOURS"
The reason you haven't seen it changed is because its basically a tradition that's been around for a while. It also helps for guest recognition purposes. This way, you know what the rideops, sweeps, etc will be dressed in year after year, so you can ask them what time the ten o'clock laser show begins or how long the rain will last. ;)

-Dave Kochman
Jeff's avatar
The ride ops get new uni's this year.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I agree that the uniforms of the past were not aesthetically pleasing by any means. This year uniforms for the ride ops will consist of red polo's and blue shorts.

2000 Millennium Force Ride Operator!!!

Sweeps have new uniforms this year as well.
Zone 34...BORN again baby!
"not aesthetically pleasing" was the least of it!!

Wearing those things on hot days....ugh.

I did sorta like the sweeps uniforms last year though (I love the color yellow on me heh), I hope this year's ones don't make us look bad lol.

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

Oh come on, I thought the one-piece polyester where awesome uniforms! hehe. But back on subject, after reading some of the topics on the Employee board I have more respect for CP employees then I had before. I thought that the Mantis crew where fine. I rode second row all OP's where very helpful on how to get strapped in. I think that everybody when commenting on how the employees are sometimes rude need to remember three things. The hours suck, the pay sucks (up until this year), the amount of sleep sucks. The employees put up with alot of (bleep) a day. CP has the best employees, hands down.

Homer Simpson: Will you stop your spontaneous cussing?
Bart Simpson: Hell yeah.
The emps at the season pass center on Saturday were sporting new jackets and such- black and yellow.

"Carnies built this country, the carnival part of it, anyway." - Homer

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