What are they thinking ?!

^Yea, but we sign contracts very soon. Disputing it now and getting it changed now will sway a lot of decisions. Especially those who are now considering not returning.

99er's avatar

Well then one would be an idiot to sign a contract then until they received conformation on how much they will make, if it is a problem for that person. Furthermore, if one is going to complain enough about the pay, go somewhere else! Not to mention you don't actually have to sign your contract and send it back right away. In the 8 years I worked there, I never signed my contract until the day I processed in. It was never a problem.

99er said:
Furthermore, if one is going to complain enough about the pay, go somewhere else!

And that's the attitude that gets nothing changed. (And that Cedar Fair wishes more employees had, I'm sure.)

2007 - Wicked Twister
2008 - Wicked Twister
2009 - (Walt Disney World) Space Mountain/Tomorrowland Speedway

99er's avatar

That's just dumb. Why stay at a job that is paying crap, hoping that the pay might someday go up, when you could be doing the same thing at another park making more? Is this the first year we have heard people complain about the pay at CP? No it is not. If you can believe it, there were a lot of people that complained back when I started and have been ever since then. I am going to guess that before I came along, there were still people complaining. Cedar Point knows that it will always get people to work at the park. They might not get the best but they will get them.

Last edited by 99er,

Their employee moral is going to be so low this year. How can you appreciate making under minimum wage? Like I said before... you get what you pay for! Good luck Cedar Fair.

99er said:
Cedar Point knows that it will always get people to work at the park. They might not get the best but they will get them.

You are right .. and its little things like the employees that can make or break a company.

I agree that government should not tell businesses how much to pay their employees. They also shouldn't be stealing my money to bailout crappy businesses, but that's a different topic.

The fact that it's been more and more difficult to get and retain employees for many years should tell Cedar Fair that they need to either a) pay more or b) provide a better working experience/environment or c) both.

If they have one thing going for them, it's the fact that plenty of people in Michigan, Ohio, and PA will be out of jobs this summer. Maybe they can get away with it this year.

Sad part is they don't treat their full timers much better, so most of the good ones leave eventually and they're left with either noobs with no experience or bottom of the barrel pond scum.


First the OSHA citings, now this (still unresolved) scenario, and now I hear that the 1400 building in Commons was recently cited by the Health Board. Seems like an unnerving set of events to me. Not what I would want to hear if I was a unit holder.

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

Wow... That decision is not a good one.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

If you've been in the 1400's anytime in the last few years, it's not hard to see why they were cited. From what I've heard, the building is actually condemned until they fix the problems. I'm only shocked that it took this long for anything to happen. Lots of black mold in the showers, toilets that leaked "stuff" all over the floors, and just general sub-standard conditions are not hard to spot.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

lladnar's avatar

Last year, employees tried to organize a walkout when they had to work 2 hours more than normal. What do you think will happen this year if CP manages to pay their employees less than minimum wage? It might actually succeed. Worst case scenario you get fired, get a job somewhere where you'll certainly make more money. At least you got to air your grievances.

2007,2008 Ripcord

99er said:
That's just dumb. Why stay at a job that is paying crap, hoping that the pay might someday go up, when you could be doing the same thing at another park making more? Is this the first year we have heard people complain about the pay at CP? No it is not.

So by your logic, those who don't agree with the rate should just leave and those who either don't care or won't speak up will just ride it out and take it how CP gives it. Is it really so much to expect a company, any company, treats its employees with at least a shred of respect? Your point about Cedar Point always being able to find employees, not matter the rate of pay, is also pretty flawed. I'm not sure if you've seen the park in recent years, but other than the peak season in July and early August, the park is pretty hard-up for staffing. Eventually, with the way CP is treating employees, that lack of staffing will carry through the whole season. Yes, they'll always be able to find SOME staff, but I have a feeling they probably won't always be able to fully staff the park with the current operating calendar in the future if this trend continues.
Why, exactly, are you so gung-ho about sticking up for Cedar Fair's poor decisions, anyway? Did somebody drink the Kool-Aid?

Last edited by kirk06,

2007 - Wicked Twister
2008 - Wicked Twister
2009 - (Walt Disney World) Space Mountain/Tomorrowland Speedway

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

I'm pretty sure 99er knows all about the staffing problems. At least Ripcord always had enough people, right? ;)

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

lladnar's avatar

^and none of them were foreign.

2007,2008 Ripcord

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

Well that's just because our supervisor kicked butt and made sure we got the best people in the park. :)

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Yes, they'll always be able to find SOME staff, b

.. Ya ... and wait till you see the quality of that staff !

Its a shame that they decided to just let the building (1400s) deteriorate to the point where the Health Board had to be the one to close it and tell them to get their act together. I lived there in 2007, and it was bad. I don't know how many times in the Behind the Lines memos we were told it would be looked at or fixed, and it never happened. That should send a blatant message of disregard for the health of employees to unit holders and potential employees just how much care is taken.

Like I said, all three things I mentioned earlier paint a very dark picture at the Point for unit holders and interested people.

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

JuggaLotus's avatar

kirk06 said:

So by your logic, those who don't agree with the rate should just leave and those who either don't care or won't speak up will just ride it out and take it how CP gives it.

Well, there if there is anyone making this rate and working for the park right now, it is a handful. The rest of you don't work there, so there is no leaving. Here is how real business works (for those of you who haven't figured it out yet).
You apply for a job.
Employer tells you what your compensation will be.
You determine if that is adequate.
If Yes,
Accept the job.
If No, you have 2 options.
Look for a different job

That is how the real world works. You are free to look for employment elsewhere. You are not entitled to a job at Cedar Point.

2 - The park is not in violation of anything right now. Until they cut a paycheck for an hourly worker that pays less than 7.00 an hour, they are still in full compliance with labor laws.

I agree with Chief, this is a pretty bad trend that DK has going, of reducing compensation year after year. But, it seems, that the rides always have workers so apparently they don't see a problem.

Goodbye MrScott


99er's avatar

Well first of all I had started speaking on how I don’t see why we need to go as far to say the park are clearly doing illegal practices for its pay. Until I read/hear a story in the news where the State of Ohio has intervened confirming its illegal actions, I will think that what they are “getting away with” is legal. And as for that, here is a quote from John's post just above mine.

2 - The park is not in violation of anything right now. Until they cut a paycheck for an hourly worker that pays less than 7.00 an hour, they are still in full compliance with labor laws.

kirk06 said:So by your logic, those who don't agree with the rate should just leave and those who either don't care or won't speak up will just ride it out and take it how CP gives it.

Well basically that is how its been happening. Kids get on here to complain about the pay but yet still apply and go back summer after summer. Those who are truly fed up with the pay get out and get a job that pays more. Like myself and others I know.

My logic is that if you need a job for the summer to save money for college, spending, etc. go get one that pays good. Don’t apply to Cedar Point and/or bitch how the company you want to work for is not paying what you think they should pay. Do I agree that Cedar Point SHOULD pay more, hell yes I do! Do I think they will do it anytime soon? Hell no.

Staffing obviously is not as good as its been in years past, that’s a give in. But I believe staffing is still not bad enough yet to get people higher up to say, “Crap, we need to raise the wage”. This past summer was my last season at the park after 8 years. Why did I leave?..another park offered me almost twice what I made at Cedar Point. Our staffing was pretty damn good except the obvious times where every department lacks: i.e. May, September, October because of school. Other then that, the 350 or so employees that were below me were pretty good workers and my areas were always staffed good. I also think that next summer it will be no different. As Matt said, people in Ohio, PA, and MI need jobs. There will always be college kids wanting a fun summer job.

You also have to think that any struggle to staff the park now is because we pride in the fact that every ride, attraction, etc is open. In slow times of the year, close a thing or two. Does the park really need Matterhorn and Super Himalaya open? Do all three car rides need to be open? Is anyone going to care if Ocean Motion is closed?

kirk06 said:Eventually, with the way CP is treating employees, that lack of staffing will carry through the whole season

What is this treatment? Is it the housing, pay, hours? Because 8 years ago when I started, those were all topics of discussions. Eight years later they still are and the park is still getting employees that don’t know about those things. About the only people that I would say have a right to complain are the full timers. They actually are treated like crap at times and work for very low pay compared to the industry. But I also know of managers that have gotten out and went to another park to make more.

As for the housing thing, where did this rumor of Erie County health come from. I am not saying I don’t believe any of you but I would think that would make the news in Sandusky if it were true. If it is true, why now? Why did it take this long for Erie County to come in and issue citations. The housing has been sub-par for years. You telling me that a few extra moldy ceiling tiles made the difference from last year? …give me a break. Something is up there.

I am not sticking up for the company, although I should because they never treated me that bad. I was fine with my wage even though I knew I could make more somewhere else. I enjoyed work and my bosses. I am actually going to miss the place. I only got out because of my new title, pay, benefits, and the fact that my new park will never have snow:)

Last edited by 99er,

Jugga, let me post what I posted in a thread over in the employee forum.

"In cases where state rates differ with the federal rate, the higher wage rate always applies."

Now as far as I've read so far on the matter, this would hold true in this instance, as Cedar Point IS NOT exempt from paying Ohio's minimum wage. The higher wage rate is, and will still be after July 24, the Ohio minimum wage.

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

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