Virus Impact on CP

For all of the absolutely amazing things and work cedar point has done over the years, I am continuously amazed at how absolutely awful the bathrooms are. they are truly, fundamental awful.

They are poorly lit, poorly ventilated, poorly designed, cause traffic jams, have poor capacity, poor sinks and poor, far too loud hand dryers.

If the park can install such amazing coaster and ride displays, they surely can design a bathroom with a one-way entrance and a one-way exit that has strong, quiet ventilation and a high capacity, with solid stall doors, touchless sinks and soap dispensers, bright, daylight-matching interior lighting, etc.

Having to go to the bathrooms while working last summer was never enjoyable. they just have to bring that cedar point touch to the restrooms.

Sollybeast's avatar

Don't forget nice, easy to clean floors. I've always thought that CP couldn't go wrong with hiring NatureStone to do their restroom floors- it's water resistant, looks great, and it'd be supporting an Ohio business. They can even do logos and designs, which would really look sharp and unique.

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

Kevinj's avatar

TwistedCircuits said:

I've been told I'm good at overthinking things. I hadn't even thought about that.

Promoter of fog.

Did someone mention Bathrooms?

XS and I will send out a Bathroom Committee membership card if you'd like :)

(It was my New Years resolution here on Pointbuzz not to talk about bathrooms anymore but I wholeheartedly agree with you!)


TwistedCircuits's avatar

So is there a set story behind how the bathrooms became to be what they are today or just grandfarthing in the old bathrooms till it became the train wreck it is?

Reason I'm asking is was this something that could have been Forseen and taken care of easily or is there more going on? And whatever that answer is could anything else be due for that type of PM/eval to prevent it getting to this point?

Kevin I make a habit of only overthinking the little things. If it gets meta I become aware of it and normally self correct XD you make a strong point though.

cpblue said:.. with a one-way entrance and a one-way exit

And there lies the fatal flaw in your plan. How many don't even follow the entrance and exit signs at a place like Walmart? You expect them to follow them when their crumb cruncher is doing the pee pee dance?

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.

yeah, I don't see one way in and out not working to well. This is how they have the restrooms at Cleveland Browns stadium. No door handle on the exterior of the 'out' door. Once that 'out' door is open it now becomes an 'in' door. It happens ever game.

I’ve seen grown men urinate in sinks and on the floor at Browns Stadium. Give me the Magnum or Gemini men’s room any day.

TwistedCircuits's avatar

Ok here's an off the wall idea, so Disney and universal have those moving platform stations where the ride never comes to a full stop right? What if cedar point introduced (this would only work in the men's room though) the same concept but for urinals.

You'd have one bathroom building with two sides, the center of the building would be divided and there would be a loop of urinals, each end of the building would be an entrance on the right and an exit on the left. You walk in the entrance, step to the first available urinal (maintaining proper mancard urinal spacing) which also means you are on the "moving sidewalk" do you business. Then you step off the moving sidewalk at the other end of the bathroom (or whenever your done, I'd run them at about 45-60 seconds to traverse one side of the bathroom) and the sinks are right there to use and you can exit. Now the urinals would enter a sort of service area where they would auto flush and maybe get a quick hose down with disenfectant before they come out on the other side of the wall for a trip in the opposite direction. For calls on line two you place your standard toilet stalls out the outer walls.

This would be beneficial not only from a cleaning and availability standpoint (empty urinal always becoming available at the entrance to the bathroom, and they get sprayed down and flushed automatically) but they would also induce a general traffic direction in either side of the building and sinks being at the exit side would be the logical end to the process.

Any thoughts?

99er's avatar

The key to one way operation is to not have the entrance/exit doors near each other or visible for the opposite action. A concert venue I go to has the best example for this to be efficient. The entrance door leads you to a long hallway where at the end you turn a corner, this opens up into the restroom area. Once you are done the sinks are at the opposite end from where you came in and next to the exit. If you try to look around for a way out, you only see large exit signs leading you to another hallway. From outside the building the exit door is around the corner from the entrance, down a path covered by bushes and very hidden so it isn't obvious for you to use as an entrance. I have seen similar at theme parks so if done right this setup can be very efficient.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Twisted you are showing your age. :) Just erase any idea you have of moving restrooms from your brain, lock it away and never speak of it again.

I can’t speak for all men but many of us have a difficult time with airplane, train and bus restrooms. Maybe it is just an acclimation issue but I would rather stand in a 2 hour ride line than use the facilities while moving.

I had to cancel our Hotel Breakers reservation for later this month :(

I told the reservation host that we're hoping to come back this fall, and she told me there would be no fall. Haven't kept up with 91 pages, so I am sure this has already been discussed. So park will essentially be open July and August and close Labor Day for the year. How sad.

TwistedCircuits's avatar

I hadn't heard that anywhere? From what I had read they are planning on opening more dates afterwards? Maybe that's new and or they are waiting on developments to come?

You read this where?

jimmyburke's avatar

Back to the restrooms. Again. He says moving platform timed at 45-60 seconds. Will I have to pay extra to take a couple extra laps? I pity the guy at Browns Stadium that gets in line behind me thinking it's the fast line....sorry tmi.

Thabto's avatar

This is the first I had heard of no fall season. Maybe they just haven't thought that far ahead yet and have nothing definitive set yet? Or maybe they specifically were talking about the resorts. It could be possible they won't have the resorts open due to staffing constraints. Sometimes when you call the park, you may get inconsistent responses.

Edit: I just looked on the site and wasn't able to book any resort past Labor Day. Got a nothing available message.

Last edited by Thabto,

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

I'm able to book at breakers up till end of October and even says halloweekends on the hotel verification

Thabto's avatar

I goofed when I was checking. I accidentally had a Thursday check-in

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Could be the crowd, but I was at Ki for about an hour today just to ride Orion and I saw none of these issues at all. The crowd was super light, only people I saw not actively wearing a mask were either eating, drinking or sitting at tables away from others. The line was doing a good job with distancing. I did see a few tweens and under with masks below noses, but for the most part I was encouraged with out well people were following rules in the 90 degree heat.

TwistedCircuits's avatar

So I guess my idea about high capacity restrooms with elevator stalls is a no-go as well?

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