Virus Impact on CP

TwistedCircuits's avatar

Henceforth and forthwith shall we declare upon any and all posts within which political goings on of the day, when, not in relationship to the immediate topic at hand, and while, provide negative direction to the communique, in the situation of, that post being a political post and shall not be acknowledged or otherwise recognized within following posts so as to discontinue the unnecessary and irrelevant conversational point beyond the notification that it has been decreed political and unnecessary and as stated above a "pointbuzzkill" ?

All in favor vote with a +1

All in opposers I may see your point and this is why I hate legalese XD

Last edited by TwistedCircuits,

Or what say we just carry on normal, informed conversations about whatever we want whenever we want?

TwistedCircuits's avatar

On a serious note for this topic. I really am curious to see what operations look like for the duration of next year. But even more so I'm curious to see what next year will look like since it's supposed to be this year.

Will anything be cut due to the push back? How much are new ventures/projects (that haven't been started already) delayed? What operational changes from this year will stay?

Kevinj's avatar

Twisted, assuming you aren't someone resurrecting an old account (it happens), one thing you may come to enjoy around here are the discussions that organically evolve into issues well above and beyond topic relegated to "just" Cedar Point. Yes, we come here to talk about CP, but over the years some of the best discussions this forum has produced have been those that venture out of the queue lines and onto the midway...and sometimes out into the lake.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

TwistedCircuits's avatar

No Frankenstein's monsters here to my knowledge. I've read some of those accounts while I was browsing and it does seem like quite the community. I'm really all for as wide and varied a conversation as possible. I know my in person conversations can jump topics faster than the infinite improbability drive. With everything that has been going on and all the negativity in the world coming here and seeing more of the same from the news and all the traditional social media was just a bit of a let down.

I hope my time here is truly as interesting as some of the accounts I've read have been though!

Thanks for the heads up.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

I understand the beach is closed to all except marina and hotel hospitality guests until the park opens. Has anything been said about beach access after the park opens?

As a family we are not ready for a typical day at CP, but would like go to the beach if it remains as sparsely populated as it usually is. However with no facilities on the beach we would likely need to still make a reservation so we have access to the park restrooms. Not sure what the new procedures will mean for the beach gate but assume it will still be open but we may need to go through the health screening at the front gate on arrival. Not sure how all this will work.

TwistedCircuits's avatar

I surprisingly haven't even seen that come across twitter. I'll keep my eyes peeled.

jimmyburke's avatar

I was wondering the same about beach-only access as we used to walk there quite frequently. I believe on one of the Cedar Point site FAQ pages on what to expect when arriving at the park, it stated that at the parking toll booth it will be verified that you have a reservation for that date. So, at the very least you need that. I have not seen if access to the beach is as it was formerly to the right of GateKeeper, or if that area is now restricted. Same for the Boardwalk entrance near the waterpark. Once on the beach there is a restroom facility available. So, my uneducated guess is Reservation and health screen and you are good for the beach.

DSShives's avatar

I’m know we (marina dockholders) has to get a wristband to head over to the beach and boardwalk area the last couple weekends. Resort guests were wearing bands as well. I would only assume the beach would be open for all guests once the park opens.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Jimmy, is there another restroom not up at the hotel? I figured that was for hotel guests only. We usually hang down by the beach gate and rental shack as the boys like to rent kayaks most times.

DSShives's avatar

There’s restrooms at the sand bar for beach goers.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

TwistedCircuits's avatar

Just in for the fireworks preview of main temp screen tents and face coverings will be for sale at least outside the main entrance.

Link to Imgur, still haven't figured out posting photos:

Last edited by TwistedCircuits,
TwistedCircuits's avatar

Hope this isn't an indicator of things to come but their is a line for the main gate restrooms wrapping around the old preferred parking where the temp tents are. And the pet check restrooms look to go to the intersection off the main lot drive and Cedar Point Dr.

DSShives's avatar

Why would this be an indicator of things to come? The park isn’t open and it’s a pretty full parking lot from what I saw from the water. That’s a lot of people for 2 bathrooms.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

TwistedCircuits's avatar

Well I'm trying to extrapolate in my head, figure the number of guests in the park vs available bathrooms and factor in flow control. That math in my head leads to lines on the bathroom. Not that long but definitely some lines on most bathrooms. But I guess we won't know until opening.

DSShives's avatar

You’re overthinking this. With the reduced capacity the park has, bathrooms will not be an issue. My concern is any hope of the bathrooms getting a major remodel are probably dead in the water because of this whole pandemic.

Last edited by DSShives,

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

TwistedCircuits's avatar

I've been told I'm good at overthinking things. I hadn't even thought about that. I definitely can think of a few that could use a serious overhaul.

DSShives's avatar

Like all of them except for the new ones at Lighthouse Point.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

There was a limit of 2,000 cars for the fireworks tonight. Social distancing in the parking lot (every other space) was enforced, at least where we were.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Forgot about the nice new restrooms on the island. :) (but those will be closed this season)

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