Virus Impact on CP

My son is working at CP this year and he talked with the housing supervisor today and everything is still scheduled to open on time and he is scheduled to start on Apirl 13th. So to answer your question, no layoffs at the park.

Last edited by Buckeye76 ,
kylepark's avatar

I’d imagine the housing supervisor was instructed to stay on the original planned schedule until something changes from upper management.

All overtime for the ride mechanics, carpenters, electricians, etc was cancelled Monday.

Thabto's avatar

But were they being paid overtime?

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Jeff's avatar

I'm pretty sure they typically do get it in the spring leading up to opening. I don't see any world where the park opens on time.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

operative_me's avatar

Well they better be ready for the preview day I signed up for on May 6 or I'm really going to have an angry Facebook post to write. And I won't be afraid to tag Cedar Point in it!

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

Agreed. But I am optimistic that we'll get a June opening.

kylepark's avatar

With events of Boston Marathon and Kentucky Derby being rescheduled for later in the year, I’d expect a later opening day for CP. Beginning of June, maybe.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Don’t worry operative_me, I am sure they will at least open the beach just for you.

operative_me said:

Well they better be ready for the preview day I signed up for on May 6 or I'm really going to have an angry Facebook post to write. And I won't be afraid to tag Cedar Point in it!


I truly hope you're being sarcastic.

With everything going on, you're going to worry about a free preview day?! Let me guess, you're also one who will DEMAND a 2021 pass, or a full refund on your 2020 pass since you may not get a full year that the 2020 pass promised.

We are all in this together, CP isn't going to do anything that will put the public at risk.

operative_me's avatar

I really need my sarcasm to come across better on teh internets.

And yes I want a refund on my 2020 pass. In fact, I DEMAND it.

Last edited by operative_me,

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

Thabto's avatar

Hershey announced they pushed back their opening day to May 1. With some optimism, as long as the current measures being taken are effective, I hope opening day goes from anywhere to on schedule to Memorial Day weekend. I have a room booked for KI opening weekend, but I'm pretty sure I'll be cancelling or rescheduling that reservation.

Last edited by Thabto,

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Internal happenings at the park strongly suggest that opening day is not going to be May 9 it seems. I would expect an announcement also from Kings Island in the next week or two as well based on how this virus is spreading and getting worse. It is what it is and we will all look back on this one day and know that the right actions were taken. If anything, this buys more time for any last minute polishing to have even more..polishing.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Operative_me, you failed to say the magic words.

mgou58 said:

Internal happenings at the park strongly suggest that opening day is not going to be May 9

It will give them more time to put the Steel Vengeance wheels on properly this time.

Cargo Shorts said:

Operative_me, you failed to say the magic words.

Make me whole?


Last night Kansas just cancelled all public schools for the remainder of the school year. With the hard line Ohio is taking, I wouldn't be surprised to see them follow. If schools are closed, I cannot see CP opening during the school year from an optics perspective alone, let alone a safety one. Early to Mid-June opening is my guess.

Cargo Shorts said:

Trump just told the Governors they are all on their own to obtain more respirators. Great, just great now we have 50 governors all stabbing each other in the back, outbidding each other and forced to offer bribes to obtain respirators for their citizens in the middle of a national emergency. This is going to end well. It is a diabolical strategy worthy of a Bond Villain.

Who is the Mar-a-Lago member that owns the medical manufacturing company?


Thabto said:

Hershey announced they pushed back their opening day to May 1. With some optimism, as long as the current measures being taken are effective, I hope opening day goes from anywhere to on schedule to Memorial Day weekend. I have a room booked for KI opening weekend, but I'm pretty sure I'll be cancelling or rescheduling that reservation.


djDaemon's avatar

I think at this point it's worth considering the possibility that the park will not open this year at all.

Reading a summary of the Imperial College study paints a starkly grim picture of what's ahead of us. They looked at 3 scenarios:

  1. We do nothing and let the virus go nuts, and 4 million Americans die.
  2. We employ some suppression and isolation tactics, and 2 million Americans die.
  3. We do what we're doing now along with testing and isolation.

Basically, the best case scenario is that we employ scenarios #3 (extreme social distancing, isolation of infected, shutting down all social events and most workplaces, etc.) for basically the entire time between now and when the entire population has been vaccinated. If we relax our strategies for more than like a month we end up in one of the other scenarios.

So in scenario #3 we minimize the number of deaths, but this requires that we employ these tactics until sometime next year at the earliest, because best case scenario a vaccine won't be ready until then. I don't see how CF opens any parks this year if this study is accurate.

Obviously studies like this contain a number of variables, many of which have exponential impact on the result, so things could change obviously. But I am not counting on it.

Last edited by djDaemon,


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