Virus Impact on CP

Just a couple weeks ago this was called a "Hoax". We were told this would all go away as recently as March 10th. On March 3rd the President still wasn't aware the Flu shot has no impact on the virus because go figure it isn't the Flu.

This isn't about Liberal or Conservative. This is incompetence. Medical experts have been sounding the alarm since the end of January and for over a month this nation was lied to by it's leadership and a whole network was devoted to spreading the misinformation.

Weaponized ignorance is incredibly dangerous. These are facts and let me tell ya if Obama was in office and did the same things as Trump I would be ashamed to have voted for him. These facts are much easier to digest when as Jeff said "Put away your sports rivalry tribalism for a moment".

Have a nice day all of you and be safe out there.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Name calling is childish? I agree. So is it OK if we call him Name Caller-in-Chief?

Hey Jeff, does your server have enough room for us to list all the name calling our Name Caller-in-Chief has used?

I still prefer Florida Man.

Last edited by Cargo Shorts,

To all my Cedar Point Friends, I hope you all are staying safe and healthy through these tough times! We all know CP will open at some point just don't know when! Then we can all go blow off some much needed steam at the best damn park on the planet!!

Stay Healthy and Stay Safe everyone!!!

Jeff's avatar

If you're unconvinced...

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

...but there's no way to know how much better or worse this problem would be had the other party been in charge. So leave politics out of it.

It is not "politics" to point out the obvious, disastrous, and completely avoidable failings of this administration. The number of deaths from this will be higher than it would have had this administration acted back in January when the first case in the US popped up.

Instead, the President assured us for SEVEN WEEKS that this thing would "magically" disappear in April, apparently because Jared Kushner told him so (I wish I were joking). Perhaps the President shouldn't have scuttled the pandemic response team. Perhaps the President shouldn't have cut pandemic-fighting funding to other countries. Perhaps the President should have listened to the deafening cacophony from the scientific community that something needed done immediately.

Instead the President tried desperately to downplay this thing for the better part of TWO MONTHS, completely ignored it and didn't do a damn thing until the stock market collapsed. At which point we were already at a point where this will be an unmitigated disaster at least a few orders of magnitude more deadly than 9/11, no matter how we respond to it going forward.

And keep on latching on to that impotent China travel ban that was put in place TEN DAYS after the first confirmed US case. A ban that excluded US citizens who were exposed to COVID-19. A ban that was followed up by ~6 weeks of complete inaction and outright dismissal.

Nobody could have prepared, in the short time that this all happened.

As mentioned above, we were more prepared to handle this before the President cut our pandemic response legs out from underneath us. This is an indisputable fact. Yeah, it still would have been bad, but this administration made it dramatically worse.

This whole thing sucks, it's affecting me personally on a financial level I could have never imagined a week ago, and I don't mean just my 401k. Our family is isolating, and let me tell you, it isn't fun.

Remember that in November.


Jeff's avatar

In fact, we could have been prepared. The entire thing was modeled out as a complete failure last year:

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

djDaemon's avatar

And a timeline of the administration's dismantling of our pandemic response capability:


Cargo Shorts's avatar

Took a break from cleaning and reread the first week of this thread....Good Times

I've seen enough lies and distortions from the NY Times that I won't read it anymore, and certainly not the Opinion piece you posted from them above.

Jeff said:

In fact, we could have been prepared. The entire thing was modeled out as a complete failure last year:

DJ, you also posted false reporting from the WaPo. I'm not going to get into this anymore. You guys believe what you like. Call names, point fingers. Blaming people is not part of the solution. If you believe that the old guy on the other side, who clearly has early stage dementia, is better equipped to lead the nation, I support your right to vote the way you like. As I would hope you would support my right to vote my how I feel.

All the name calling is just childish. I will keep saying that. It is counter-productive and cheapens any argument you may be trying to make. It just sounds like Kindergarten debate team, and when I hear that, I almost immediately tune people out, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Argue on the merits -- if you actually have a strong argument to make, you won't NEED to call names.

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,
Jeff's avatar

Please list the lies and distortions of the New York Times. Then explain why those lies you can't fine are worse than those coming from the leader of the free world.

You can vote for whomever you want, but if you don't like your boy being called out as a liar (and he is, objectively, a liar, and you can't deny that), maybe support a different boy.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Cargo Shorts's avatar

“I told [Vice President Mike Pence] not to be complimentary of that governor because that governor is a snake,”

Tunning out, no problem.

Jeff said:

Please list the lies and distortions of the New York Times. Then explain why those lies you can't fine are worse than those coming from the leader of the free world.

You can vote for whomever you want, but if you don't like your boy being called out as a liar (and he is, objectively, a liar, and you can't deny that), maybe support a different boy.

Name a politician in recent memory who has not lied. And I don't mean white lies, I mean big, policy lies.

Health care costs will go down under Obamacare. Umm, okay. "Read my lips, no new taxes". Yeah, right. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinksy"... and that one was under oath!

I'll also add I do believe that for me, there is a difference between lies of omission, or statements that are deceptive, compared to outright blatant lies, like the Clinton one above.

Trump is not "my boy". He was just way, way better than the wife of the liar who had already been in the white house, and who had failed so miserably as SOS. And he's gotta be better than the guy who literally cannot make it through a sentence, mixes up literally everything, and sometimes I wonder if he even knows what day it is.

These are the choices the voters of the primary have given us.

djDaemon's avatar

So you cannot refute that the administration failed miserably in their response.

I'm of course not surprised, but maybe lead with that instead of bringing up Clinton for crying out loud. What year is it again?


Thabto's avatar

If you don't want those checks the administration will be sending out, send them to me and I'll be happy to dispose of them for you.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Thabto said:

If you don't want those checks the administration will be sending out, send them to me and I'll be happy to dispose of them for you.

I will not qualify for them, and though they would be helpful because we too are affected, I can live with that. They should go to those who need them most.

djDaemon said:

So you cannot refute that the administration failed miserably in their response.

You really are a miserable person to debate, you know that right? And it's not because you debate well. You often put words in people's mouth, just like you've done here. Couple that with all your straw man arguments and ad hominem attacks... it's just no fun.

If you scroll up a bit you'll see that I mentioned I didn't think it was handled perfectly. But that does not mean someone else would have done better. The way it's been handled recently is some of the best government response to a crisis I've seen in my lifetime.

Let's not forget this is all happening due to the lies and cover-up of China. THAT also is not in dispute. Let's place the blame where it belongs. If they had been honest about it and not lied, and allowed our CDC to help (which was offered constantly) we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

Thabto's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

Thabto said:

If you don't want those checks the administration will be sending out, send them to me and I'll be happy to dispose of them for you.

I will not qualify for them, and though they would be helpful because we too are affected, I can live with that. They should go to those who need them most.

I haven't been reading up on it and I don't think it's even approved yet, but what is the qualifications? Does it only cover those who made up to a certain amount?

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Thabto said:

I haven't been reading up on it and I don't think it's even approved yet, but what is the qualifications? Does it only cover those who made up to a certain amount?

It's not been officially announced, but I've read multiple reports stating it starts to phase out at 75k/year individual and 150k/year per couple, AGI. Which is really not all that much these days, a lot of those folks still live paycheck to paycheck. It is phased out at $5 per $100 of AGI after that.

djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

The way it's been handled recently is some of the best government response to a crisis I've seen in my lifetime.

Pandemic response requires quick action. What they're doing now after almost 2 months of action is not the point. Acting sooner would have saved lives, full stop. And previous administrations, including the two previous administrations, acted far more swiftly than this one. Because they were competent.

Last edited by djDaemon,


Uncle Steve's avatar

Working from home and scoring some government cheese.
#Living large in the apocalypse

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