Updates from Winter Chill Out

Walt's avatar

$60,000 raised for A Kid Again

Cleveland Road sign will be replaced with new design

First Street sign will also be updated

Toll Booth Plaza Redesign - Artist rendering shows several toll booths under a covered structure. They will improve flow with lessons learned at Kings Island and Carowinds. Self-scan lanes will be available, but may not be ready by opening day due to manufacturing delays overseas.

Band organ is being added to Midway Carousel

Inside the front entrance will be a giant "150" sign (nearly 9 feet tall) for photo opportunities.

Celebration Plaza stage will get an entirely new design

Forbidden Frontier bridge will be redesigned and elevated to accommodate Snake River Expedition.

No overall daily or Saturday attendance records were set in 2019, but the park did break single day records for Friday and Sunday daily attendance.

Cedar Point has noticed that the number of passengers per car has decreased.

Steel Vengeance will only be part of early entry on the weekends. Additional changes to early entry will be announced at a later date.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Cargo Shorts's avatar

Any idea how they will handle ADA compliance/strollers for Forbidden Frontier?

HOV parking lanes incoming!

Skyhawk06's avatar

Honestly I'm optimistic about that toll both redesign. Because getting in and out of the park was slowest bit of mayhem I've seen in my short 18 years. Also, about that SV being early entry only on the weekends...How long is it going to be there for? Until the popularity of the ride goes down? Probably got well over 5 years until that happens.

Steel Vengeance rides: 217

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

Nothing was asked or answered about ADA, but I’m confident it will addressed.

Something else worth noting is that Jason emphatically answered ‘no’ when Winterfest was mentioned during Q&A. For those waiting in line to get into WCO this morning should have a nice reminder why there won’t be a Winterfest anytime soon. Despite it being a pleasant day, the lake breeze can be pretty brutal. None of the other CF parks have to contend with that.

Another thing to note that April operating dates are still off the table. I wish people would stop asking about both of those things.

Maybe after global warming changes things it’ll be feasible.

Last edited by HeyIsntThatRob?,

I am disappointed about the news regarding Steel Vengeance not being a part of the early entry. After all when I paid the deposit for my reservation of three nights at the breakers the website explicity said that the Steel Vengence was part of the ERT. Now after they've had my money for a couple of months cedar point has decided to change the agreement we had. In fact, if you look at the web site right now it still says the morning ERT includes Steel Vengeance. It doesn't say included only if you stay in our hotel on certain days. I hope cedar fair finds a way to make this up to their hotel guests that were told the price of their stay included ERT that now no longer exists.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

A couple of things I learned on the tour itself.

There will be a new mobile app released very soon (separate from the CP app) that will provide a self guided tour of the parks history. Some geofencing type location will also be used to playback some audio about specific areas of the park. For those interested, it might be a good idea to pack some ear buds.

There will be scheduled tours available where you can ride in a two to six person motorized vehicle that will take you around the park and your tour guide can take your special requests on what you’d like to tour. Due to having the vehicles on midways throughout the park, these will only be available before park hours.

Kevinj's avatar

If you just sit back and reflect on the mammoth amount of changes, upgrades, and additions coming to the park in a single off-season, it's staggering.

The one that almost brought a tear to my eye, though, was reading one line from what Walt just posted:

Band organ is being added to Midway Carousel

Some posters under the age of 40 might not appreciate this as much as I do.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Pointman- I for one got sick of hearing the crying from those that ran to Steel Vengeance for early entry only to find it wasn’t ready to open, and how their precious time was wasted, and how the park owes them something because of it. It’s become clear the ride needs extra time to fire up, for whatever reason. Maybe the park, in the interest of customer satisfaction, decided the best way to go was to pay staff and crew to show up that much earlier on weekends only. You know- when the park is busiest and it’s crucial to get that many more guests through. We’ll see how that turns out.
And rest assured the park will do something for disappointed hotel guests like you, and that will be to direct them to any of the other rides that will be available during that time. Like everything, all day, every day, all season long, ride access is subject to availability. It’s stated. This is not a broken contract and they owe you nothing. Maybe if you complain loudly enough they’ll cancel your reservation, give you 100% of your deposit back, and you can stay in town somewhere.

Looking forward to this as they were very pleasant to ride over to Bay Harbor for dinner. Quick sidenote, they aren't motorized, unless the guy pedalling the cart has been cheating the last couple of years lol.

I'm praying that app works a lot better than the current CP one.

So what counts as the weekend? Is Friday considered the weekend to Cedar Point. Because I have been there where attendance is higher on a Friday than it is on a Sunday, on many occasions. Just curious if anyone who attend knows if the early entry for Steel Vengeance is a Friday thru Sunday thing, or only Saturday and Sunday.

Did anybody ask or was anything said about what’s going where the splash pad was? I know the legacy walk bricks are replacing the pavers that were around it, but what about specifically where the splash pad was. Hope they replace it with some type of water feature. Also, I read somewhere that there will be an elevated bridge from planet snoopy to forbidden frontier. Is there any truth to that or is there still only going to be the one bridge onto the island?

Steel Vengeance Early Entry will be Saturday and Sunday only.

Pointman - nothing changes about the "agreement" you have with Cedar Point. You are staying on site and will have full access to all of the early entry offerings.

It was also hinted that with the changes to Early Entry to accommodate both Platinum and Gold passes the idea of Platinum Exclusive rides during EE is on the table.

kylepark's avatar

Walt said:

Cleveland Road sign will be replaced with new design

It would be cool if the new sign incorporated some characteristics of the old sign that stood there from the 1960s to 1990s, but with an LED screen for messages. I always thought the current sign was very bland and mediocre for one of the best amusement parks in the world.

Skyhawk06's avatar

On the topic of winter chill out...

Did anyone have trouble in the linen area? Like one whiff of the air in that room, and I could already feel my airways try to close up. I had to breathe through my mouth to make it bearable in there. Seriously, I'd rather smell formaldehyde from some dissected animals than go back there again.

Steel Vengeance rides: 217

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

There certainly are changes. They state specifically that Steel Vengeance ERT is included with my reservation. Like I said they even still state that. However, despite what their website says, that's not the case. The fact is that Steel Vengeance ERT is not included with my reservation. That is a change. It's not implied that Steel Vegeance is available, it's stated that Steel Vengeance is available for the ERT.

You are right. There is a change. Per your "agreement" with Cedar Point, you agreed with them that the schedule is subject to change. You knew this when you booked, and you know this even more if you participate and follow here. That you forked over Breakers prices simply for the chance at an early entry Steel Vengeance ride is BS.

All rides are scheduled to open one hour before public park opening time, weather or maintenance permitting. Schedule subject to change.

DRE420's avatar

^^There goes another complaint for the "Make me whole" department.....

What don't you understand about the phrase "Subject to change"? It changed, nothing any of us here can do for you.

Last edited by DRE420,

"Band organ is being added to Midway Carousel"

You don't know how happy this would make me if the organ is being restored. Was there any further information about this, or this announcement the extent of it?

Jeff's avatar

The band organ was always one of the things that I gave Kings Island a lot of credit for. Those things are becoming exceptionally rare.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

jimmyburke's avatar

That explains why Midway Carousel is sealed up so securely with cover from the weather. Last year it was not tarped in this manner.

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