Update: What's New for 2007


Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:24 AM
djDaemon's avatar

TTD 120mph said:
...stop attacking me with "You're pissing and moaning about the smoking areas" because I'm not.

Oh. Well, then my mistake, obviously.




Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:26 AM
Walt's avatar

David Sagert said:
I thought that this was a free country and I could do as I please but apparently I was misinformed.

It is a free country, but since when can anyone do what they please? Free, from a Constitutional viewpoint, is not the same as anarchy, or even the absence of so-called victimless crimes. There are restrictions and laws left and right, but that's a good thing and part of being a civilized society.

Even with the current smoking backlash, our society and culture ensures a nationwide ban on tobacco is not going to happen in my lifetime. I think this society can tolerate restrictions, but there wouldn't be much support for outlawing it completely. If passed, however, such a law would not be unconstitutional.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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TTD 120mph

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 12:07 PM
TTD 120mph's avatar

Vince982 said:
Has a simple statatement made by Adam been blown out of proportion? Yes.

Will it end? no....

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut


Chief Wahoo

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 12:14 PM

There are plenty of ways to get at smokers without changing the laws. The best? Don't allow smokers to get company sponsored health insurance. And, I don't think that is an unreasonable request. As someone who pays into a company health insurance plan, I don't like the idea of footing the bill for someone's recklessness.

And, before you go off on a tangent about obesity, etc...I'm all for putting limitations on that too. It is about time American's got healthy.

When I got back from Italy one of the first things we noticed was all the fat people. You would be hard pressed to find an overweight person in Italy. Of course, they smoke worse than Americans so the grass ain't always greener.

Frankly, I think Cedar Point should ban smoking throughout the park. You want to smoke out by your car? Fine.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney



Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:43 PM

I am so sick of hearing people complain about smoking areas.

As for the smell of the smoke... I have always been more offended by the smell of the raw sewage backed up at CP more than the smokers. There is no doubt that the smell of smoke is gross, but that is the least of my worries when I am at CP. The only time it has bothered me was when someone lit up in line(where it was already banned), otherwise it was a non-factor.

As a health care professional I can tell you that everyone should be more worried about the food they are eating at CP than the second hand smoke in an open air environment. Non-smokers use the health risk card way too much. It's not the health risks they are really concerned about, its the smell and more so the fact that the smell might be on them and then someone might think that they are a dirty smoker themselves. More than anything it is about image. Which is exactly what CP is worried about, which is why they have these new designated smoking areas. If they were really concerned about health risks they would stop selling footlong chili cheese dogs at the Round up and they wouldn't be introducing new oversized pizza slices. Maybe they should lose the candy and soda machines that are way overpriced.

And as far as this country becoming smoke free? I hate to say it but that statement is far from true. More than 30% of americans still smoke today.

I think the non-smokers should just be happy with the compromise that is now in place.



Wednesday, April 25, 2007 12:33 AM

You can get Pizza Hut pizza in Breakers Cafe, and they will deliver to the resorts.



Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 12:45 AM
Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Walt said:

Park Operations

- CP & LE Railroad is overhauling Judy K.


- Both TGI Friday’s locations have been remodeled.

What does "Overhauling Judy K" mean?

I know it has something to do with Dick's wife but what does she have to do with the train?

I have looked all over my parkmap and can not find 2 TGI Fridays. I can find the one by the beach but where is the other one located?

Let's Get Weird.



Wednesday, April 25, 2007 12:48 AM

Judy K. is one of the engines. I imagine they are doing routine maintenance of the engine. The other TGI Friday's is located over by Breaker's express.

I'm too sexy for my harness!



Wednesday, April 25, 2007 1:00 AM

I would like to offer my view on smoking. In the past I see people holding lit cigerattes without any concern to other people. The walk the midway and when the park is busy, there is a lot of people. I have came close to bieng hit with a lit cigarette more than once while in the park. At least now they will not be walking around. I am a former smoker and understand smokers rights. This is better for everyone.



Ensign Smith

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 1:25 AM

Topthrill10 said:

As a health care professional I can tell you that everyone should be more worried about the food they are eating at CP than the second hand smoke in an open air environment. Non-smokers use the health risk card way too much. It's not the health risks they are really concerned about, its the smell and more so the fact that the smell might be on them and then someone might think that they are a dirty smoker themselves. More than anything it is about image.

Yes, you're right. When I stumble out of a restaurant or bar thick with a nicotine haze, eyes watering, lungs on fire, coughing and gagging, the uppermost thought in my mind is, "Gosh! I hope people don't mistake me for a smoker!"

I hate to keep this ridiculous discussion going, but I am disturbed that you are a health care professional if that is, indeed, your informed opinion.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.



Wednesday, April 25, 2007 1:35 AM

Well, health care professionals make more money when people are ill, right? :)



Wednesday, April 25, 2007 2:04 AM

Oh Pointbuzz, I love thee

Cedar Point Lifer, RideOp, Now Park Guest
2008 - Mantis/MF/Skyride
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2011 & 2012 - Area 3 Rides Supervisor


David Sagert

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 2:49 AM

Ensign Smith, my gripe is the fact that it is an open air enviroment. Buildings and other enclosed spaces that dont readily ventilate I understand, but for god sakes were outside and the smoke goes up, up and away.

Walt, I get your point but the fact is it is still not illegal or against anyones constitutional rights for me to smoke in an open air enviroment, and as far as I have been informed in an open air setting the likelyhood of someone getting cancer from my second hand smoke is just about nill.

Also to everyone who says they have been or almost hit by a person carelessly waving a lit smoke all about with their massive 3 ft. arm span, why didnt you move out of the way instead of standing right next to someone who is apparently so careless. I am not saying it is not their fault but you have to pay attention to your surroundings as well.

I plan on playing by the rules but I am tired of all the whining from the non-smoker faction.

And lastly, heath care. So if we are going to drop smokers from health care or boost their rates or whatever the idea is, are we also going to do the same to people who drink alcohol or people who speed or drive recklessly or people who are prone to car accidents. What about people who use drugs or how about people who dont smoke and willingly go into a "smoke infested" bar or bowling alley. Or how about people who do dangerous things such as skydiving or rock climbing or scuba diving. Where does it stop?




Wednesday, April 25, 2007 3:17 AM
Vince982's avatar

sarah1 said:
You can get Pizza Hut pizza in Breakers Cafe, and they will deliver to the resorts.

I don't recommend it. We ordered it and had it delivered to our LHP cabin and it was the worst pizza I've ever had.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete


Ensign Smith

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 3:53 AM

David, I've got no beef with you. Where I get a little hot is when a 'health care professional' tells me that I'm only concerned with my vanity and image, when I'm sucking up and gasping on some other guy's fumes. His third paragraph slid from a point specifically about outdoor second hand smoke to a generalized slur about non-smokers. It's a dirty rhetorical trick and it ticked me off even more.

There, I'm done venting. :)

One thing I will say is, there have been a few times at the parks when people have walked by with a cigarette dangling by their side, and have nearly burned my daughter in the face -- probably would have, in fact, if I hadn't noticed and yanked her out of the way in time. I'd be interested in hearing a defense of that behavior.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.



Wednesday, April 25, 2007 4:03 AM

David Sagert said:...I am tired of all the whining from the non-smoker faction.

We're tired of the smoke. So, I guess we're even. :)

Seriously though. Could I walk around the park with a huge boombox on my shoulder cranking rap music really loud? Uh, no - It would disrupt other guests in the park. You'd be bothered by the noise I was making. Its an open air environment so the sound goes "up up and away", right? So, what's the problem? How about I walk around the park with some aerosol cans of air freshener and just spray it randomly in the air. Surely this wouldn't bother anyone because it smells good and just goes "up up and away" into the open air nature of the park. Right? Yeah, I didn't think so. The same applies to smoking. Just because it's been done for a long long time doesn't mean it should be allowed to continue. You're disrupting other guests in the park, so it shouldn't be allowed - health risks or not.

The same applies to everything in a park basically. Line jumping, smoking, unruly behavior, the use of frequent profanity, etc... Everyone is there to have a good time. So, why disrupt the enjoyment of others just for your own nicotine fix?



Wednesday, April 25, 2007 4:32 AM
Gomez's avatar

^Well said.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick



Wednesday, April 25, 2007 5:08 AM

^^ ditto ^^



Wednesday, April 25, 2007 5:54 AM

First the response to the posts that really got my attention:

The Cheif has the insight award for this one:
"It is interesting to see the "rollercoaster" that is food services. It sure goes back and forth through the decades. And, not just at the Point...but all over. "We'll do it inhouse b/c we can do it just as well and make more money." "We better bring in outside vendors b/c we can't handle it and we are losing money.""

So true. But the only way they can lose money doing it 'in-house' is from innept management. Which takes me back to what Jeff said a little earlier:

"I'm not thrilled with all of the in-park franchise joints, but at the same time, the quality of the home grown food has been almost universally poor to mediocre for years. "

That is the sad truth, and was what i was alluding to earlier. Why can't they bring back that BBQ like they had before? Or just as good, the Chicken Patio concept/product. It's not that hard and i always wonder why the park doesn't go out and find the people who can do it.

On to the smoke (since i can never contain myself)...

David Sagert had it perfectly right with this statement here:

"The fact is that the people that were so worried about smokers and second hand smoke got something in their favor and are still bitching about it and it is really starting to piss me off."

Well i wouldn't say that it's pissing me off. But get off of it already. You've got the nasty smokers on the run, let it rest for a bit.

And sorry TTD 120, it sounded like you were complaining about the smokers. You may not have meant that, but that's what I got from it when i read it cold.

Topthrill10 had some really good points that might have been missed. So to take the liberty to recap:
1)the case for health risks associated with second hand smoke are far overstated.
2)the health risks from consuming average park fare is far more dangerous than second hand smoke in an open air environment
3)(this one is more of an interpretation of a point made)CP is just following along with the corporate train to contain smoking. It is the fashionable thing to do now. Don't think for a moment that they're doing it for your health. If any company could find a way to profit from allowing people to smoke they will do it. Don't believe me? You ever wonder why the park doesn't stop the sale of beer in the park? That causes far more headaces for the park than people smoking.

Anyway a far better post than you're giving him/her credit for. Even the 'image' comment has a bit of truth to it, if it was a bit overstated.

halltd, there may be some things that are controlled for the good of all, but others are not controlled even if we don't like it. Should we force the terminally stinky to shower before they get in line for a ride? Or should we kick out those annoying people who just talk too loud? When you take away the non-existant threat that second hand smoke is for others at CP then it becomes an issue of banning it simply because it annoys you.

Sorry for the odd post, but i had been away from it for a while. And i love to talk food service :)

smoke 'em if you got 'em


Chief Wahoo

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 12:14 PM

David said, "And lastly, heath care. So if we are going to drop smokers from health care or boost their rates or whatever the idea is, are we also going to do the same to people who drink alcohol or people who speed or drive recklessly or people who are prone to car accidents. What about people who use drugs or how about people who dont smoke and willingly go into a "smoke infested" bar or bowling alley. Or how about people who do dangerous things such as skydiving or rock climbing or scuba diving. Where does it stop?"

When people get tickets or get into accidents yes, their insurance usually gets more expensive. The premiums certainly go up. If you want to buy life insurance and you do dangerous things like skydiving, rock climbing, etc, yes...your insurance is going to cost you more than the guy who doesn't do those things.

I've never willingly gone into a smoke infested bar or bowling alley. And, fortunately, I don't have to now since I live in Florida and we have the clean indoor air act.

Health insurance is out of control and costs are rising. So yes, I think people who abuse their bodies in any way (smoking, drinking, eating poorly) should have to pay more than I do. I think that is perfectly fair.

So, if I see you with gobs of $.25 cent cotton candy this year...look out!

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney


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