Update: August 26 and August 24

Walt's avatar



Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Great pics Walt, thanks for the update.

Thanks for the pics Walt

Flying high, up in the sky,
We'll keep the blue flag flying high
From Stamford Bridge to Wemb(er)ley
We'll keep the blue flag flying high

Those MidwayVision pics are increadable... Thank you So much!

Cedar Point Lifer, RideOp, Now Park Guest
2008 - Mantis/MF/Skyride
2009 - ATL Raptor
2010 - TL Sweeps
2011 & 2012 - Area 3 Rides Supervisor

Great pics, thanks for the update!

Look how low those inversions are....

or is it just an optical illuision, since the photos are from a slight distance?

Walt, truly an impressive update - thank you!

This ride is certainly going to be long, with many varying elements, which is what you would expect from Intamin and Cedar Point. Psyched.

I have a feeling that we're all going to have a headache on this ride. All of the twisting and turning...

"THE Top Thrill Dragster...THE Millennium Force...THE Wicked Twister...THE Magnum! How do you like those apples?!?!?"

I agree with you Leslie... Nice pics Walt

Im Dont Have Schitzophrenia... I just have alot of imaginary friends...

S.A.R.S.=Severe-Acute-Respritory-Syndrom... how much of an Oxymoron is that?!?!?

bholcomb's avatar

Thanks for the update as always Walt. Your 'Update' threads are about the only thing I look at in the P2007 forum nowadays. :)

yeah walt, your eyes tell the story. That's what i love about you

But you don't love him enough to capilaze his name I guess. :) *** Edited 8/26/2006 11:16:27 PM UTC by Millennium Force***

My bad Millennium. Thanks Walt

Anybody else notice the new footings for a wall right in front of the WWL station?? INTERESTING stuff!! :)

So far this thing is looking great. I also agree with you Leslie about the headache thing but I hope we're wrong about that. I also want to say " Nice pics Walt".

Don't worry about it Force, I'm just messing with you.

Hopefully, the ride will be smooth & it won't jerk around so much. But I'll still get on it.

"THE Top Thrill Dragster...THE Millennium Force...THE Wicked Twister...THE Magnum! How do you like those apples?!?!?"

All the coasters by intamin I have ridden have been smooth. I hope this is the same. That is why I love millennium so much. It was so smooth and had so many negitive G's.

Cedar Point Junkie.
MF - 20, Magnum - 10, TTD - 3

Oh yeah, Millennium is smooth. But it doesn't have quick twists & turns like this new one has so far.

*** Edited 8/27/2006 1:11:35 AM UTC by Little Leslie***

"THE Top Thrill Dragster...THE Millennium Force...THE Wicked Twister...THE Magnum! How do you like those apples?!?!?"

I noticed there are a lot of supports between the track and the train. Especially where the first turn they built is. Seems like they are going to pack a lot of elements in a small space over there. Of course I am not sure if there are enough footings for the supports. I would think those supports are for that area, because if not they will have to move them again, and move them over the track.

I don't know, just wondering.:)


Or at least all of the ones I've Been on ;)

1:MF 2:TTD 3:Raptor 4:WT 5:Mantis

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