Turn Support

Yeah, but Magnum hurts. :-\ It hurt me anyway.

What is "TORR"?

kylepark's avatar
Not to get off the subject of MF, but has anyone ever hit anything on DT?


hehe...i got the banner above one of the tunnels one time :)

the one that is in this picture http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/inside_park/rides/thrill/images/dtpix.jpg
it was kinda cool

Races for the sky - 2 Front Seat - 1

If you count the very, very dirty "track", then yes.

What is "TORR"?

yeah lmao on the gemini teh head chopper... thats hilarious, but nope... never hit it, i still clear it with my hands fully raised... its about 8-12 inches away, its just on the dive it gives the illusion its really close, but in reality it isnt very close

TTD: 2 (Rollbacks seen: 1)
MF: 18
WT: 8
Usually at CP: every mon, tuesday, thursday

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