Tony seemed to be speechless in front of the camera. Hopefully it’s just that good.
First ride; Magnum 1994
I'm highly confident there will be lots of complaining about the initial launch being weak and prolonged, but I like the "build up" aspect to the ride from the looks of it, and starting with the backward launch this thing looks really fun.
384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot
Launch won't be as intense. 0-120 in 4 seconds was a lot of fun. But the rollback after the first launch, the backwards launch, climb straight up the spike, moment of weightlessness before falling back down the spike and forward launch up and over the top hat should be a lot of fun as well. Different experience. But still looks to be fun.
That train looked like it flew over the top at a high speed. I wonder if that will always be the case. If so, it’ll definitely have more airtime, but it was nice coming to an almost standstill on TTD to look around the peninsula.
Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!
I'm highly confident there will be lots of complaining about the initial launch being weak
Only on the internet, and by the same 389 people.
We all agree nothing will match the coaster-launch-orgasm that TTD offered, but 70+ right out of the gate is nothing to sneeze at either. If you have ever gotten a cold launch on Maverick from a standstill inside the tunnel (after getting stuck), you know how much more intense that feels compared to the typical mid-ride launch.
As GoBucks89 said, it's just different.
Promoter of fog.
Dang does that look freaking awesome.....that 101 mph launch backwards is going to be sweet....
That there Clark is an RV.....
This looks incredible. But, while I hate to be "that guy", but does that not look to have a pretty substantial side-to-side shimmy going on? And it doesn't look like a weird video artifact or whatever, as you can see both riders shaking quite a bit, even well before the third launch.
Of course, maybe this is the case with any ~100+MPH ride, but I don't know of any reverse POV videos of the OG Dragster to compare it to.
I had a similar thought about rides that move that fast - maybe some shaking and shimmy is just inherent with that level of speed.
We don’t have a lot of examples to really get a good baseline, but Dragster 1.0 definitely had its share of the speed wobbles, as can Millennium Force, so one would assume that’s the nature of the beast, so to speak.
djDaemon:Of course, maybe this is the case with any ~100+MPH ride, but I don't know of any reverse POV videos of the OG Dragster to compare it to.
I was curious as well and looked at some reverse povs. From what I noticed, there was a shimmy for quite a while. Perhaps it's just more pronounced with the new trains and how they're designed.
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
At that high of a speed, anything not a maglev system or vehicle with an active suspension is gonna show some vibration. I don't think there's any way around that.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Along with G forces, I wonder if the designers have vibration targets they try to hit, or if it's just a side effect they try to avoid. Intensity, direction, frequency all make a difference in a ride being painful, headache inducing, or feeling more intense in a good way.
The next time I need one of my old fillings out, i'll just ride TT2 instead of paying my dentist to do the job. That should be enough vibration to rattle the silver out of my molars. A Gold Pass is cheaper than funding my dentist's country club membership. I'm a rabid anti-dentite!
Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.
Looks like something flew off during a Test Drive:
Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!
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