I'd just like this cleared up so I'll post it again....
Now I'm really confused, did all of you people who had LONG TTR waits go on a day where MF was broken down RIGHT BEFORE you got in line so the queue was backed up anyway or was it just a day where CP handed out more tickets, which I have a suspision they might on Saturdays. Because regardless of how many people are in the park, the SAME amount of people should have TTR's for any 1 hour time slot unless more are handed out on a particular day. ENLIGHTEN ME!
I went on Sat. June 24th and it was a blooming nightmare mess. I have had a sour taste in my mouth about CP since then, and havn't felt like going back. I'm going tomorrow 7/22 for my 8th time this year. If it's as big of a mess for TTR then I probably will still not renew my families season pass for next year. Down with TTR and make everyone wait in line!!!!!
P.S. Servo is not a mama's boy. She's a real live woman with common sense. I perceive that it's the ones cracking on her that are the real whiners ,abusers, and spoiled brats. At least that's what I think by reading your posts. But if we met in person then maybe I might have a different opinion.
You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Just tryin to liven up the message board, you know start a little controversy!!! And as I can see many of you took the bait!!! I LOVE THIS!!!
Sorry people chill I am just joking!! But you probably hate me anyway. So now I go off and cry myself to sleep!!!!
This is quickly going nowhere...
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