Tips To Make The M-Force Fast Pass System Work 4 U


Thursday, July 20, 2000 11:19 AM
The fast pass system on millenium force can make or break your trip to Cedar Point. In
two days I rode Millenium force eight times with a total waiting time of less than two
hours. Here are some tips of how to make the fast pass tickets work for you.
1. Get there early!
When you get to M-force early, you can ride it
once with a maybe 20 minute wait.
2. Get back in line for tickets early!
The ticket line takes about two minutes once
the early morning rush clears out. Tickets
sell out by noon or one! Don't be late,
or you won't get to ride until 8pm when the
line is two hours. The tickets have a one
hour time span in which you can come back to
get on the ride.
3. Stick around and get at least three tickets
for each hour time span.
When you have a ticket and get in the actual
line, you'll only have to wait 10 - 15
minutes. When you have multiple tickets, you
can get back on, and ride up to four times per
4. Be smart with tickets.
You can never have to many tickets. Even if
end up sick of the ride (yeah right) or can't
use the tickets, these things are valuble.
Make someone's day and give them away, and
there are usually even people in the mob by
the gate to the ride offering to buy tickets.

Use my experience to your advantage and get the rides that you paid for on Millenium
Force. Doing this may get you on over ten times in one day! The ticket system is great.
It lets you ride a lot, and it lets you enjoy the rest of the park while you otherwise would
have been waiting in line for M-force.


Thursday, July 20, 2000 11:27 AM
thanks....I thought the wait was longer w/ the tickets recently. Guess it's better now. Rideman waited over an hour with a ticket. Anyway, thanks for the advice, I'm goin August 12 and I can't wait! :)


Thursday, July 20, 2000 1:17 PM
Actually (and I expected to get hit with various rotting fruits and vegetables for saying this) the TTR worked quite well for us when we were there on the 10th.

We spent the morning in the back of the park (a personal strategy that always seems to work for me) then finally made our way to the MF queue around 12 or 12:15...

The TTR line was practically non-existant! We had tickets for 2-3pm in under 3 minutes. Leaving the line we noticed there was literally no one else getting TTR's. So we went through again behind a group of guys who had the same idea. We had our second 2-3pm TTR's in less than a minute. I saw there was no line still and suggested following the group of young guys again but the group I was with questioned the ability to get 3 rides in an hour. I reluctantly agreed.

We came back to the MF queue at 1:45 and were promptly let into the line. It took exactly 25 minutes to step into the station...then it started pouring rain! We eventually got our first ride on MF in the front seat in the rain at 3:30 but had the weather cooperated, the TTR would have easily netted us 2 rides in an hour time span.

TTR worked quite nicely for our group...

your mileage may vary.



Thursday, July 20, 2000 2:11 PM
I didnt use the ttr since we rode MF first thing in the morning.As soon as the gates opened ,there was still a 45 min wait 4 us.Unfortunately we only got to ride it once though.It was still an incredible ride.The lines for a few others were long..1 hour waits so by the time we got back to MF there was a three-four hr wait.



Thursday, July 20, 2000 3:14 PM
Ok, let me get this straight. You use one ticket for one ride. You mean you can't use one ticket for that whole hour.

Majin Heero

Thursday, July 20, 2000 6:20 PM
Feel_The_Force, no, you can only use a ticket for ONE ride. And in response to the first post, I agree with you on a lot of your tips as I also worked it to my advantage, but the line to get on the ride with a TTR is definitely not 10-15 min. The first time, I waited 50 min., the second time I waited 45 min., and the third time I waited 1 HOUR AND A HALF. Without the system, I waited 45 min. each time.

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 7

CP Twister

Thursday, July 20, 2000 8:32 PM
What time does MF start running with passengers. I have heard on prior threads that it is well before 10am. Is it possible to get two rides in prior to 11am. Would you still have time to get one or possibly 2 TTR ticket times? If this is possible it would potentially allow you to ride MF 5 to 6 times in one day easily. 2 pre TTR, 2 TTR, and 2 post TTR. I'am planning on returning in August and I want to have a plan. I didn't have to deal with TTR the last time. I wish I didn't now. Oh well, maybe I will like it.


Thursday, July 20, 2000 9:07 PM
With a ticket i seriously waited 15-20 min. max. What you have to do is get there 15-20 minutes before your hour starts then the line is five minutes and you can ride it 4-5 times in an hour.


Thursday, July 20, 2000 9:46 PM
I was at the park today and got a ticket for the 3-4 time slot(the orange). We got in line at 10 till 3 and waited over an hour and 10 minutes.I have waited less with out the TTR system. I still think its a good idea though. I must say i rode front car at 11 and it was amazing.
there is nothing better in the world.
MF rides:6---VERY BACK CAR:4---Front CAR:1---Middle CAR:1 (talk about some great luck)


Friday, July 21, 2000 9:08 AM
these "tips" will only work on days with very few people in line for TTR or MF in genral...seems to me the waits WITH TTR have been even longer than the waits without, getting more than one ticket is patently, grossly unfair to others who might be hoping for just ONE. CP is expecting that we will use the system responsibly, yet people are still trying to find ways to abuse it. i still plan to avoid TTR at all costs, staying away from MF during the hours of 11 and 4. abusing the system this way is not a "right" or a "duty" is WRONG. how would you feel if the guy in front of you in line got the last ticket of the day(and already had 10 of them in his hand) and you had to leave at 4 pm?? HMMM???
and people SELLING TTRs?? where is the CP security?? shouldn't they be stopping this?? you can't scalp a ticket to a concert or a ball game. shouldn't scalping TTRs INSIDE the park, IN FRONT of the ride count as the same thing?? now i am truly disgusted by my fellow humans''s not like MF is going anywhere any time soon...

ride early, ride often!!!


Friday, July 21, 2000 9:10 AM
besides, i'd rather wait in line with everyone else the old fashioned's the only truly FAIR way to do this...against TTR from the start...
ride early, ride often!!! *** This post was edited by servo on 7/21/2000. ***


Friday, July 21, 2000 11:18 AM
They usually walk the queue about 9:10, and load the first train at 9:15

Charlie Brown's is NOT the only food stand in the park! It is just the only one in Camp Snoopy!


Friday, July 21, 2000 11:19 AM
Hey servo. i was on a freakin' vacation. you need to take your chances. why not maximize your chances to ride? I never said sell them i said give them away or when someone offers to buy them why not make a few extra bucks and make this person happy? This isn't skipping in line for the drinking fountain in kindergarten. this is riding the biggest damn rollercoaster in the world. sounds like you are a momma's boy.
take advanted of these tips. and if you think that this is stealing or whatever. if you aren't going to take my tips then don't. and leave me alone. this just means less rides for you and more rides for me. my family of four rode it eight times each in one and a half days. i agree that this is an unfair sytem, but if you don't come out on top of it, someone else . Then you'll just sit there whining when you could have been riding. *** This post was edited by kmlaser4 on 7/21/2000. ***


Friday, July 21, 2000 11:53 AM
Hey servo it sounds to me like you are a big LOSER!! Grow up and stop your whining!! I bet you are the type of person who sits around in a coffee shop and complains about everything in life instead of actually doing something about it!! You are the type of person that needs to deal with some issues in life!! If you need help I can give you the number of someone who deals with LOSERS like YOU!!!!

CP Twister

Friday, July 21, 2000 12:52 PM
Wow! This has kind of turned nasty. I really don't agree with most of what servo said but everyone has a right to their opinion. Bottom line is if CP does not have rule that says you are only allowed one TTR than there is NOTHING wrong with getting more than one. Anyone who really wants to ride MF will get a TTR. The example of the person having to leave at 4pm and not getting a ride because someone else took more than one TTR is ridiculous. If that person wanted to ride that badly they would have gotten a TTR at 11am for a slot in the afternoon. I haven't heard of them running out of them before 12noon and usaully its much later than that. To say you are disgusted with people getting more than one TTR is a bit extreme. I vehemently oppose selling any TTR's, that IS ridiculous! Bottom line is CP should drop TTR. Then there wouldn't be ANY of these problems!

CP Twister

Friday, July 21, 2000 12:54 PM
Oh, thanks cheeseonastick for answering my question about when they start running MF with passengers. If I get there early enough I should definately be able to get two rides in before 11am!


Friday, July 21, 2000 12:56 PM
Guys, lay off, and if I'm not mistaken, she's not a momma's boy, she's a lady and she's just stating her point of view. Everybody's entitled to their own opinion, so don't bite her head off about it.


Friday, July 21, 2000 1:26 PM
Now I'm really confused, did all of you people who had LONG TTR waits go on a day where MF was broken down RIGHT BEFORE you got in line so the queue was backed up anyway or was it just a day where CP handed out more tickets, which I have a suspision they might on Saturdays. Because regardless of how many people are in the park, the SAME amount of people should have TTR's for any 1 hour time slot unless more are handed out on a particular day. ENLIGHTEN ME!


Friday, July 21, 2000 3:19 PM
Well I feel the need to defend myself on getting more than one TTR in a day too. In fact I really think it's unfair too, just check my posts in the fast pass threads. However, I'm not exaggerating one bit when I say NO ONE was getting in line for them when we were there. I could've easily nabbed 6 or 7 in under 3 minutes. In this case, I see no problem with getting them. People were obviously not interested and I was. If I got in the queue without TTR in effect and waited for the ride, then got off and saw that nobody was waiting in line to ride I wouldn't wait for more people to fill the queue before I entered again. If people don't want to ride and I do, I take the opportunity. Works the same with TTR. NO body was lining up. I can only assume that nobody was interested in getting a TTR or that everybody who wanted one had one. Why not cover myself and get two? NO one else was taking them. With that said If the line for TTR's had be existant, I wouldn't have doubled up on TTR's both because I would feel like I was taking a ride from another and because I wouldn't have the patience to stand in the TTR line over and over.

It's irrelevant, I guess, because the rain stopped us from using more than one anyway...sigh.

Mango Madness

Friday, July 21, 2000 4:55 PM
Good idea kmlaser4 and siva2 - insult someone since they gave an opinion you disagree with. Mighty big of you -

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