Thunder Canyon Crew 2014

Hello, all!

My name is Christian and I'm the supervisor of Thunder Canyon this season! For anyone on here who was hired to work Thunder Canyon this season, join the facebook group!!!

2012: Gemini/Mean Streak
2013: Co-Team Leader of Gemini/Maverick on Halloweekends Fridays
2014: Ride Supervisor of Thunder Canyon/Skyride/GateKeeper on Halloweekends Fridays
2015: Ride Supervisor of Rougarou

I was just hired today and checked online, looks like I am working Thunder Canyon! This is my first year!

Welcome to the crew! Join the facebook page!!! :)

2012: Gemini/Mean Streak
2013: Co-Team Leader of Gemini/Maverick on Halloweekends Fridays
2014: Ride Supervisor of Thunder Canyon/Skyride/GateKeeper on Halloweekends Fridays
2015: Ride Supervisor of Rougarou

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Welcome, Alex! I'm the Team Leader of Thunder Canyon for the season, be sure to join the Facebook Group so we can all get to know each other prior to the season! :)

Last edited by OKSIRYDOC,

Thanks! I will definitely join the Facebook page!

Any more crew members out there?

2012: Gemini/Mean Streak
2013: Co-Team Leader of Gemini/Maverick on Halloweekends Fridays
2014: Ride Supervisor of Thunder Canyon/Skyride/GateKeeper on Halloweekends Fridays
2015: Ride Supervisor of Rougarou

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