Thoughts before launching

Thoughts...: Damn this things huge! wait... we're rolling the wrong way... oh phew... it stopped... yellow yellow yellow HANDS UP! GREEN! Woah, smooth! release... wow.. felt that... up we go! oh wow, what a beautiful sky... oooh beautiful lake... gosh MF is small... Woah.. I never realized how small Iron Dragon really is... I guess the trees mask that... hmm... woah. that pole came close... brakes... DO IT AGAIN DO IT AGAIN!!!
My random thoughts:

What's are the chances of a rollback?

What's the chance that the guy in front of me has a weak stomach?

What's the chance that the train will actually launch and not breakdown right on the last yellow light?

What are the chances I am going to be exhilerated? (I know thw answer to that even before riding) :)
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."

Chances of a rollback. Depends on the weather and the ride I guess.

speed freaks (hats n such) - 2003
ttd 72 rides (2 nonpaid rollbacks, 5 paid rollbacks)

I just sat there my first time thinking "Will they just shoot this mother F*cker off." Probably because I waited so long to get on the bloke (sp?) I was nervous for some reason, and the anticipating was killing me. Everytime after that, I was thinking "I can't wait to feel that acceleration" and when I reached the top, I thought "Is it possible I won't make it over?" but when I am on it, it seems like I just fly over the top. I never had those slow moments except once or twice which is a really small number compared to how many times I got to ride it this year.

Life has it's ups and downs, might as well make it on a coaster!

As I am going into launch I'm usually thinking OUCH this is really tight on my manhood!

Then at launch I'm usually thinking....yo motha f@#ka WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
*** This post was edited by Ops24 12/7/2003 2:27:39 PM ***

Well, on my first ride, it was probably something like this.

Queue (Opening day): "Will it make it over? Yes! Next!" "3 minute interval? Will we ever get to ride?" "Is that a launch? Nope, it's Power Tower's air."

Station: I don't remember. I just remember I wanted to ride.

Launch: I think my though was something like: "Is this thing still accellerating? WILL IT EVER STOP?"

Top Hat: "What's that tiny blue coaster where the MilF! is supposed to be?"

Spiral: "DUCK!" (yeah, the headchopper seemed that bad!)

Brakes: That's it? I want more!

Unload station: Man, this the the friendliest crew ever!

That is my first ride on TTD to the best of my recolection. After only 10 rides, some of it has become a blur.

-Sam (who is pissed off from reading this thread because I need to get on Dragster again! I need that rush!)

Avalanche Run - My first Roller Coaster.
Magnum XL-200 - The BEST Roller Coaster!

New Profile Photo, now with Magnum Robert!

I'm such a scardy cat at times. The first time I rode it I was praying that we wouldn't roll back. I was shaking so much that I thought if we rolled back i might actually pass out with fear.

The second-fifth times I was praying to rollback

The sixth and last time for the season I was mentally attacking patrick for pushing my lap bar so tight - yeah I want it tight so I'm safe, but I like to breathe!

I'll be back in a few years to ride again

2002 - Guest Services
2003 - Kiddy Kingdom/Mantis and a little on Matterhorn Triangle

Patrick was cool, I talked to him numorous times, especially when I was at the front of the line while it was broke down. Which did not happen to often for me at the end of the year.

Final 2003 Stats: Trips: 37
Top Thrill Dragster: 17
Magnum XL-200: 85 (last train of the year in 6-1)

My thoughts: I'm not's gonna turn green! Hands up...hands up...-----------------------------------------------------------------(Too fast to think)

Millennium Force is MY baby.
Where would we be without CP?:)

Patrick was awsome. He never pushed it down hard. He said this is gonna be tight and it was barely pushed down. It just depended on the person.

'03 speed freaks (hats n such)
ttd 72 rides (2 nonpaid rollbacks, 5 paid rollbacks)

Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I loved patrick. and it was my fault the lap bar was tight, I was riding in the front and kept telling him to push it tighter (I so did not want to fall out). sorry patrick for sounding mean! :-)

2002 - Guest Services
2003 - Kiddy Kingdom/Mantis and a little on Matterhorn Triangle

The first time I rode I thought several things all at once...

1. Get me off of here! Wait, I'll never hear the end of it from all the people I whined to all of the off season!

2. Four and a half hours had better be worth it!

3. How are we going to know when this thing is gonna go...the christmas tree isn't working!!!

4. What on earth just happened?!? Whoa! Yikes! as we went up and over the hill.

5. Again!!!!! As I got off.

Not bad for all of 22 seconds!

Awww, bad day? Take a different perspective on things. Try upside down, a barrel roll, a cobra roll or a corkscrew. Life can't be all that bad when your feet are over your head!

...holy crap...

What else is there really to think before your body endures the 4 most ridiculous seconds of roller coaster perfection?

Well, I can't repeat the exact words that goes through my head (or that I somtimes mutter to myself) while riding Dragster for obvious reasons.

Otherwise it's just pure bliss. ;-)



So I thought I'd kick out the rigormortis from this topic and provide a ride op perspective.

From the Load 2 train perspective (because it involves more guest interaction, and thus is more entertaining): move out to transfer while observing if the locking pins are fully engaged. Chat with guests waiting along the fence. When you hear the catch dog of the Load 1 train drop, watch the back of the Load 1 train. As it launches, continue to watch the lower back of the train and observe that all the acceleration brakes pop up in proper succession and that the return cable maintains a functional tension. Observe if the launching train experiences any significant roll or yaw during the launch. Ensure that only as soon as the previous train clears the hill do you move forward to the launch position. As you move forward, ensure the first 4 pair of acceleration brakes have dropped and that the 3 pair of launch position catch car brakes are fully extended. Observe the catch car as it returns to the launch position. While waiting for the previous train to clear Hold 2, chat some more with the guests waiting against the fence. :) Ensure that the catch dog drops only as soon as the previous train clears Hold 2. As soon as you hear the catch dog of your train drop, look forward. Ensure none of the acceleration brakes except for the first 4 pair have dropped until the train has engaged the catch car. Watch the acceleration brakes drop and look up to ensure the tower and christmas tree lights are coordinated. After the second yellow light look forward and smile.

And that's just the prelaunch test riding protocol. So the next time you watch a test ride, don't give the ride op flack about having fun while you wait. We really are working.
TTD '03 Crew
69 Launches - 65 Complete Circuits
Which of the 4 TL's will be listed in the SOP manual?

I(yellow),Love(yellow),This(yellow), (GREEN) RRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

I went to CP 3 times and rode TTD all 3 times.(but who cares):)
I am usually thinking how can I freak out the person sitting next to me :) (usually someone that has never rode the ride before)

'04 TL Speed Zone
'03 Speed Freaks (Hats n Such)
TTD 72 rides (2 nonpaid rollbacks, 5 paid rollbacks)
TaeKwon-Do First Degree Black Belt. (1st dan)

The thing about Dragster is that it's the kind of ride that "gets you" every time. I've ridden 7 times, but each time I ride it I get the same feeling that I got the first time I rode it, so I'm never thinking, "Well, it's just another Top Thrill Dragster ride".

Usually I'll turn to the person next to me and say something like, "Hey, I'll race you to the sky!"

Also, right before we begin ascending I always think, "Wow, the view from here is a lot better than from the midway."

And then just as we're going over the top I always think, "Wow, the view from here is a lot better than from the midway."

There are various other ones too.


The Point of Cedars
Offseason Fever: Is it May yet?

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