Thoughts before launching


Gomez's avatar
In the MF forum there's a topic about what your thoughts are a the top of MF. I had this idea. Share your thoughts before launching from 0-120 in 4 sec. and going up that huge 420' tower.

Here's mine:

Oh my god!(staging area) Oh my god!(brakes drop) Oh my god!(christmas tree lights up) OOOOH MY GODDDDDDDD!!!!(Launching very very fast)

CP Coaster Guide Ride Count
TTD: 2; WT: 11; MF: 7; Mantis: 4; Raptor: 7; Mean Streak: 7; Magnum: 4
*** This post was edited by Gomez 11/19/2003 4:19:45 PM ***


Mr. Ninja

I'm usually thinking... please rollback, please rollback please rollback. But who isn't.

fat chris

Well, what goes through my mind, and im sure a lot of other peoples is, "Gosh, lets hope this baby rolls back!!" I always think of what number ride that is on the year also.

EDIT: Mr. Ninja must have been posting while I was.
Final 2003 Stats: Trips: 37 172 days left...
Top Thrill Dragster: 17
Magnum XL-200: 85 (last train of the year in 6-1)
*** This post was edited by fat chris 11/19/2003 5:13:29 PM ***



I remember on my first time I was thinking "god i'm nervous....I wonder how long it'll feel.....will I be able to see MF...."

AKA Cobraroller on Cbuzz



I remember thinking on my first ride... I must be insane! Will I get a rollback?

MF Circuts=556(03=240)
TTD Launches=50
TTD Rollbacks=6


fat chris

Tony after seeing you have 6 rollbacks, when did you usually get them? Or was it just kind of the luck of the draw? Just wondering so I could maybe get a little pointers so that I could try get one. ;)

Final 2003 Stats: Trips: 37
Top Thrill Dragster: 17
Magnum XL-200: 85 (last train of the year in 6-1)



Towards the end of the season I remeber thinking, will I get another rollback to catch Tony? ;)

Steve Sergent
TTD: 121 & 5 Rollbacks



a couple things:

how fast did the train before me go over the top?
hands up as soon as the tree hits yellow
rollbacks are only fun when you get one.....i need one now

Dan Haverlock
Magnum: 2440
TTD Rollbacks 4
TTD Complete Laps 73
"get a job man!"


Brian Short

fat chris said:
Tony after seeing you have 6 rollbacks, when did you usually get them? Or was it just kind of the luck of the draw? Just wondering so I could maybe get a little pointers so that I could try get one. ;)

I would imagine it was just luck of the draw. Ride it enough times and your going to get a rollback.

MANTIS ROCKS 2002 & 2003



Before my first launch:
Why on earth am I sitting in this train? How stupid can I be? Watch the lights, What the lights....

$@#&!!!!! I didn't see the lights! Look Millennium Looks like a Childrens coaster.

- Chris -



Heard on numerous occasions as I sped down the track: "Rollback, rollback, rollback!!!!" all the way up the hill. Despite a few close calls which promted "Come on baby, rollback!", you'd hear "No-o-o-o-o-o!!!!" as I coasted over the top hat and down the other side. I figure that random chance will eventually find me, so I'll just keep riding in marathons. At least until the next coaster comes around...


Awww, bad day? Take a different perspective on things. Try upside down, a barrel roll, a cobra roll or a corkscrew. Life can't be all that bad when your feet are over your head!



fat chris,

I got 5 of mine early in the morning during a Travel Channel shoot for the park and the 6th came during HalloWeekends. Which was also shorty's 100th ride on TTD. Shorty you will catch me next year! :)

MF Circuts=556(03=240)
TTD Launches=50
TTD Rollbacks=6



My kids were behind me in line as I rode TTD for the first time, so they saw me launch. I was praying for a rollback cuz they would actually witness it. There is no way they would believe me if I really got a rollback. Unfortunately, a rollback didn't happen. I was also praying that I don't have a heart attack while I launch.

Loyal Mean Streak fan 4ever:)



My thoughts:

"I hope it is faster than 17 seconds because after 4 1/2 hours of waiting, I really need to go to the men's room!"

Beer and golf Thursday thru Monday, Cedar Point & beer, Tuesday and Wednesday.



That's usually what I'm thinking, browntggrr.

"Gosh, I gotta pee!"



I'm generally waiting for the slight backwards movement when the sled attaches so I can take a deep breath before we launch. Once the train launches, I can't breath until we hit the top.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead


Dan Kilbane

I am thought for the first time when is this thing going to launch. I looked up at the tower and looked down and a yellow lights were on and we were off


Well, aside from all of the various different profanities, I usually didn't think anything. Which is what I love about coasters.

Altho i do sometimes also think about how enourmous this thing is and how insane i am for going on it.

Captured on the webcam.
*** This post was edited by RllrCstrDude187 11/27/2003 2:37:01 PM ***



My thought: This thing better not derail!

I'm the product of a summer romance: My parents met at CP in '75!



"Three, two, one, FLY!" :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.


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