The REAL Webcam image

If anybody wants to see the REAL webcam image from 11:26 today, check

If you're curious, it looks like a shot of a ceiling (I assume they're testing it).
Looks more like a table lamp to me.

Oh, this first hill on MF isn't so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddd.......
Nah - it's the corner of a subway car (see the windows?)
It looks like a skylight
looks like the inside of a UFO. Actully it looks like there in a building, and it looks like there is a person to the right of the pic
LET ME OFF HERE!!!!!;) *** This post was edited by NOFXRULZ on 4/25/2000. ***
No - it's the ceiling of the hospital where the guy who broke his nose is recovering (next to the person who's arm got ripped off in the tunnel). I know this for a FACT because my sister's husband's brother's friend knows the uncle of a certain nameless construction worker's sister - WHO by the way is having an affair with her boss, so i'm told by the boss's confidant - but i digress -

Just kidding.

John ;)
I think someone stole the webcame and it took the picture in their car

Millennium Force Ride Count:0
could it possible be the inside of the station? I mean non of us really know what that looks like.. and how did you get that pic? I mean where?

magnum of MF now that is a real question.
I was thinking it was in the station too.
Hopefully! Where could it be moving to if it really is moving?

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
I would say it looked as if they carelessly left the camera on while mounting it on the train, but probly not. oh well.

Can we even be sure that image is truly from the Cedar Point Web Cam? (check out that website, not very convincing.)
Take a look at

This is an image I created that resembles the CP webcam and may prove that Jamie Ray's webcam image is fake. Take a look.
No its the real thing. I made an html file with the code from the webcam and when I open it on my desktop with active desktop it shows the same thing that shows.
go here if you have any doubts:
I agree, it's the real thing. What that 'Thing' is though, I would have to quess flourescent(sp) lights somewhere.
To clear up any confusion, I'm not trying to post bogus UFO photos or anything here. That is the actual image from
which is the address that the webcam posted the live images to. The CP website now has a static image from March (as you all know) with a different address.

(My first thought/hope was a train mounted webcam too!)
It looks to me like the ceiling inside one of the stations. That or inside the mothership.
Naa, couldn't be the mothership. I don't see George Clinton :)
To me it looks like 2 lights, and a smoke detector in between them or something, and then on the right edge, you can see the outline of i think person or something.

I WILL ride that big blue rollercoaster!

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