The Mysterious Concrete Columns

so thats why i noticed a scarey face or 2 looking down at me in DT line
Stadium Games is still open eh? I haven't seen it open since late May-early June.


I did not say all the props are gone. Anything in the front end of the room is still there as well as the mummies tunnel (those columns on your *left*).

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control! *** This post was edited by Magnum is sinking! on 7/14/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
OK, the mystery is over.

Since the area between the Coliseum and Schwabinchen is, well, ugly to look at, they decided they were going to put a fence in there. They ran out of time before the season started and didn't complete it.

Rare form for Cedar Point to miss opening day like that, but they obviously had bigger things to worry about!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
what drama this was while it lasted, nice one jeff :)

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