The Hiring Process and Processing In

a.jones9's avatar

Hello all,

So I have not been called about a potential job with CP yet, but I already have a few things getting set up. I plan on calling Monday to see what is going on. My question is how long does it take to complete the hiring process and when is the last time you can process in before the park opens?? Also, how do they go about the interviews?? Are they over the phone, or do you meet at CP or somewhere else to discuss the opportunity?? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much!!


well it all depends on the department.. i applied last tuesday interview and got hired on Thursday so my process was very fast. i know some say its taking them alot longer. alot has changed since my first season and it seems alot more organized this year. i process in May 3. but people come all season so there isnt really a deadline as long as u have an app in its active all season.. hope this helps.

a.jones9's avatar

Thanks. It helped a lot. The only reason I am concerned is that I have a friend who has already been hired who wants to room with me and I can't process in until I am hired. I just don't want to make her wait long, ya know?

yea.. what did u apply for? when does she process in if u get the job even if you have diff process dates she can hold the spot for u.

a.jones9's avatar

I don't remember exactly what I applied for, I tried checking but it wouldn't let m see it unless I am just incompetent. Lol. I did however say that I would take any job.

Oh really?? I didn't know they could do that. That makes me feel better. Thanks!

it should let you sign in and check your app status thats odd.. i called as soon as they gave me a managers number so i think that helped my process go so fast.

and my first season i met girls while waiting outside to process at 6am and they had an open bed so i got that but ended up moving to the dorms due to air conditioning.

a.jones9's avatar

I can see the status but all it says is:

Your application is now available for review by our hiring managers.
We expect to fill most positions by May 1st.
If any of our hiring managers need additional information regarding your application, you will be contacted by email or by phone.

I have been waiting a month and was just wondering if I should keep waiting or give up because the park will be opening soon, and I already have a room of three in mind. would just need one more person.

when i applied.. my application was reviewed about a week later, and the same day it was reviewed i received an email asking about interviewing me. my interview took place on skype and i was hired on the spot. you should probably contact them somehow and ask for someone to review your application if you reallyyy want the job.

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