The future of Coastermania

LuvRaptor's avatar
In '99 there was chicken, hot dogs, potato salad,
pork and beans, chocolate chip cookies and ice cream. Oh yea and the 1 million muffleheads that were there too that got into EVERYTHING! BLECH!
In '00 there was the same menu (dont recall the cookies but I could be wrong) and limited muffleheads was a plus!!
In '01 I am not quite sure what happened, but in essence since Im a season pass holder and the lunch for me was "free" Im certainly not going to complain.
For anyone planning on attending any CMs-it is a LONG day-the lunch is NOT enough to hold you over all day (regardless of what is served) your best bet is to pack your own food to munch on all day/evening. Or bring a gazillion $$s and buy the park food ;)
Hey Anne at lunch do you remember my airborne plate? C&C patrol? Me claiming to Mr Edwards I was the photo winner (even though I couldnt pronounce her name) and to give me my prizes? Him saying "get out of here"??? There goes some more of those '01 memories! :)
Cant wait till '02!! :) :)

2000 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER! :)
Cowboys dig cowgirls in trucks
Cowgirls dig cowboys in Wranglers! ;)
ShiveringTim's avatar
Ah yes, I remember Potato Salad Surprise from '99 :)

If I had the opportunity to run Coastermania, I would certainly charge season pass holders for it.  No wonder the quality of the event has gone down, especially with the numbers they're drawing now.  And ERTs aren't exaclty "E" any more.  I personally wouldn't object to shelling out $10 or so knowing that I would receive a good time in return in the form of a few more rides during ERT and a better spread for lunch. The last two Coastermanias haven't exactly been highlights.  The added cost would a) ensure that the event would have a decent budget to cover the extras b) weed out some people.  But then again, what do you expect for nothing.

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

*** This post was edited by ShiveringTim on 11/14/2001. ***

I didn't think the lines were too bad. Not anything like what I'm used to here in Florida. They seemed to be the longest right at the beginning, but you were able to to reride faster. I was able to ride Magnum about 3or 4 times and Millennium Force 3 times all in the same ERT time period.

Go Full Force

ShiveringTim said:
If I had the opportunity to run Coastermania, I would certainly charge season pass holders for it.  No wonder the quality of the event has gone down, especially with the numbers they're drawing now....The added cost would a) ensure that the event would have a decent budget to cover the extras b) weed out some people.  But then again, what do you expect for nothing.

Exactly what do you have against passholder reciprocity?  'Those people' aren't as deserving as you?

If I pull my kids from school, drive 700 miles each way and book a room at a CP resort like I have to for CoasterMania, the couple hundred bucks I've already plunked on passes had danged well BETTER be all the admission I pay.

But then again...that's why CP will never, ever charge passholders extra.  This is a business--one who knows where its bread is buttered--and you should call me Churn Boy.  Traveling families like mine are far, far more profitable than any of the rest of you.  I'd like to see you pay to feed 'em and drag them from souvenir shops for a day. 

Besides, there' s already an extra-charge ERT event--Millinneum Mania.  That's enough for the family-deprived crowd.


*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 11/14/2001. ***

ShiveringTim's avatar
I expected a reaction like this, so here goes the rebuttal.

I have nothing against reciprocity, especially since I'm a season pass holder.  However, I am against taking a day off of work expecting a good coaster event and essentially getting the world's largest walkback and other group picnics' leftovers.  I am more than willing to pay a little more in order to get a higher quality event.  If that means that fewer people show, so be it.  Think about it, the extra revenue could cover opening more than two rides per ride session and therefore thin out the lines, something everyone likes, and the extra cash could bring a better menu for the dinner.  When I pay nothing, I really shoudn't expect more than hot dogs and baked beans.  The larger Coastermania attendance gets, the more CP has to shell out, and that means things will be cut from the event.  Those without season passes that attend have to pay for the event, but at a reduced rate.  The park can't make any money directly from Coastermania.  I go to Sandusky enough over a season that I get more than my fair share out of my pass.  If and when they ask for a little extra for special events, I'm happy to help out.

And before someone asks it, yes, I am considering not going this year, especially if this year will be anything like 2000's. 

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

Ride of Steel's avatar
I agree with Scott and I am going to say something right now that I know will make a lot of people unhappy with me, due to a couple different reasons.

I went to Six Flags New England's regional ACE event, Supermania, last year, and yes I did pay to get in, although I was a Six Flags season passholder.  Although the park may be inferior (not the rides, I say, but the park), I enjoyed this event very immensely - daresay more than I'd have enjoyed Coastermania 2001 (and I worked for it, I know that it was crowded!). 

In my opinion, if a season passholder goes to an event, that person should expect to pay more to cover the food and other operating expenses involved with ERT and special speakers and such.  Maybe not as much as a non-season passholder, as they don't have to cover admission, but they should expect to pay SOMETHING.  An enthusiast event is a special day, and once again in my opinion, if you don't want to pay the extra money to attend the event, you should just go to the park that day like it's a normal day - it isn't like it's closed to the public.

I'm not trying to belittle anyone's opinions here, just offering mine up for whatever reason, and as a precursor, no matter what you say or what names you call me or whatever you accuse me of being, it will not change, as I've been an ACE member since 1992 and have always held these same views.

Mine Ride '99
Thunder Canyon '00
Millennium Force '01
"When it's all said and done
It's real and it's been fun.
But was it all real fun?"

First of all, let me say that I ain't mad at any one of you.  Okay--your ideas get under my skin, but I'm not mad at anyone personally. 

That having been said, half of what Scott says proves the point I'm already making...despite the fact that keeping some underpaid rideops working a few more hours doesn't cost that much and CP doesn't pay what they charge folks for grub.  CP doesn't make money from the individual coaster enthusiasts who drive over for a day...they make the money from the traveling families.  Scott or Natalie don't firm up CP's bottom line on that day...I DO.  I spent 2 nights at Breakers Express, fed the kiddies in the park (ouch!) and slathered them in T-shirts, hats, keychains and showered them with all sorts of silly trinkets during my last CoasterMania.  I'll bet I spent more on soda alone than the combined total expenditures of you two.

While I'm underwriting the rest of your day, let me add that I don't see why I have to subsidize your free lunch.  Families are far less likely to eat at the handout line..either because they can't all get there on time or somebody wants to eat something else.  I have yet to actually show up at any park's soup line.  If you don't like the chow, help CP's profits for the day and buy something, eh?

I got plenty more bile to spew...but I'll take a breath and let you rebut.  If you wanna.


Ride of Steel's avatar
As I said, I didn't GO to Coastermania this year, in fact I worked it.

And why does your experience have to be limited to Coastermania?  CP makes just as much money off families who come for one weekend a year, or three consecutive weekdays in a year.  If you don't like that you'd have to pay for Coastermania, go to CP another time, it's always there, and less crowded on non-Coastermania days.  I mean, if you've got your kids with you, and are only gonna take advantage of the ERT and nothing else (food, speakers, etc), you might as well just go on a Sunday/Monday beginning or end of the season, you'll get on more rides, even without the ERT, and still stay in the same hotels, buy the same food, etc etc ad nauseum.

Do you think the speakers at Coastermania speak for free?  I doubt it.  I'm willing to bet they're OVERpaid too, but oh well...

CP is also losing money by not having the convention center and Coral Courtyard rented out that day, as they usually are bought out by something else on non-Coastermania days.  Like I said before, if you're going to not want to pay for Coastermania, IMO you should not be able to participate in the ERT events or anything. 

Obviously Cedar Point does not do it this way, but this is my point of view and as I've said before I will defend it.

Mine Ride '99
Thunder Canyon '00
Millennium Force '01
"When it's all said and done
It's real and it's been fun.
But was it all real fun?"

Cedar Point isn't losing any money on anything. They just might not make as much profit on certain things compared with certain years (you know, give or take a million).

I was super before Superstew was cool!

As the Playa's been known to say, let's look at this post again in sloooowwww motion:

And why does your experience have to be limited to Coastermania? CP makes just as much money off families who come for one weekend a year, or three consecutive weekdays in a year. If you don't like that you'd have to pay for Coastermania, go to CP another time...

Hmmm...I don't remember bellyaching about ERT not excluding enough people or whining about my free food.  That was you and Scott.  Let's not get that confused.

it's always there, and less crowded on non-Coastermania days. I mean, if you've got your kids with you, and are only gonna take advantage of the ERT and nothing else (food, speakers, etc), you might as well just go on a Sunday/Monday beginning or end of the season, you'll get on more rides, even without the ERT, and still stay in the same hotels, buy the same food, etc etc ad nauseum.

Again...there was no 'food, speakers, etc.' just food.   BTW, I'm not a CoasterDork who only rides things with hills and loops.  I love spin-and-spues, flumes, even the swan boats.  There's plenty of things for me to do that never have a line at CP.  CoasterMania is not just for certain people who are 'special' only to themselves....get over it.

Do you think the speakers at Coastermania speak for free? I doubt it. I'm willing to bet they're OVERpaid too, but oh well...

It's quite obvious you know nothing about the world of business.  When you're out making sales pitches or trying to close deals as small as $50-$100K...much less $2-25're going to make a lot of business trips, make a lot of sales presentations and press the flesh with a lot of people.  It's just the nature of the beast.  A presentation for an enthusiast group of a company you're pitching anyway is just a courtesy you'd naturally do.  Not much money changing hands there.  The vendor writes most it off as a business expense--because it is.

CP is also losing money by not having the convention center and Coral Courtyard rented out that day, as they usually are bought out by something else on non-Coastermania days.

On a non-peak student day?  Are you sure?

Like I said before, if you're going to not want to pay for Coastermania, IMO you should not be able to participate in the ERT events or anything.

Let me make this perfectly clear to you...neither you or all of the ERT-laden enthusiasts combined are covering the expenses for the day.  It's a courtesy underwritten by the traveling families...both the families traveling together (like mine) and the families who paid for the busloads of kids who occupy the park most of the day. 

Obviously Cedar Point does not do it this way....

Of course not!  I would guess the ability to count dollars and cents are among the reasons.
And on behalf of all those families who've provided you years of CoasterMania fun, allow me to say--you're welcome.  :P 

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 11/15/2001. ***

ShiveringTim's avatar

CoastaPlaya said:

Scott or Natalie don't firm up CP's bottom line on that day...I DO. I spent 2 nights at Breakers Express, fed the kiddies in the park (ouch!) and slathered them in T-shirts, hats, keychains and showered them with all sorts of silly trinkets during my last CoasterMania. I'll bet I spent more on soda alone than the combined total expenditures of you two.

And I'll bet that drop more coin in the park over the entire season that you do in Coastermania weekend.  In my eyes, what's another $10 or so out of my pocket.

While I'm underwriting the rest of your day, let me add that I don't see why I have to subsidize your free lunch. Families are far less likely to eat at the handout line..either because they can't all get there on time or somebody wants to eat something else. I have yet to actually show up at any park's soup line. If you don't like the chow, help CP's profits for the day and buy something, eh?

My point exactly.  I don't want you to subsidize my day.  I want to help out the profits by paying a little extra for the event.
Isn't civilized debate fun??
Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

*** This post was edited by ShiveringTim on 11/15/2001. ***

LuvRaptor's avatar
Can Raptor Jo let this one go? No way :)

I previousely wrote: "in essense since Im a season pass holer the lunch for me was "free" I'm certainly not going to complain"

Scott previousely wrote "when I pay nothing I really shouldn't expect more than hot dogs and baked beans"

I've never gone to CM for the food, I'm there for the ERT and to hang with my GTTP buds, but in defense of something Nat said. My b/f and I attended to GOCC's "Fall Freak Out" at SFWOA last month. This event was similar to CM less the speakers, we had ERT time and food. However even if you were a Six Flags pass holder (we're not) you had to PAY for this event. We enjoyed the event very much (what about you Scott?) and their food was hot dogs and beans (gasp!) but also had hamburgers, cheese and a cake. Not that much different from CPs CM "menu", but it cost us $60.00 total.
Yes I would be willing to dish out extra $$ if that became a CP CM requirement, base that maybe on my love for the park-forget the food. As with Scott I can also vouch that every year I definitely leave tons of my $$ in Sandusky too, so for someone to say they spend more in one weekend than we do going a trillion times a season may not be so true!
Not a flame here, jmho!

2000 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER! :)
Cowboys dig cowgirls in trucks
Cowgirls dig cowboys in Wranglers! ;)

I don't want you to subsidize my day. I want to help out the profits by paying a little extra for the event.

Nice sentiment...but the fact of the matter remains that you don't, you have not and you never will.  And that 'total expediture' argument is really weak...would you rather I hand you $300 now or a dollar each day for a year?
If enough enthusiasts fork over $20, there might be enough to cover five rides, no food and limited concessions for a short period of time...maybe.  But then again, if Millennium Mania was a real money-maker, they'd have it during peak season...not the slack days at the end.  And you're already free to support that; go right ahead.

It's interesting how many of the more reasonable and thoughtful amongst the enthusiasts agree that my POV (the families subsidize the enthusiast events) is dead-on correct.  Who knows, I might even pull a Lance Hart and start naming names...


*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 11/15/2001. ***

ShiveringTim's avatar
Yes, I was at the Fall Freak Out and yes, I had a great time even though I had to pay $12 (I think that was the fee for season pass holders).  For an hour of ERT and a good meal, I have no complaints and think that $12 was more than worth it and will gladly do it again. 

Here's the bottom line about Coastermania (and hopefully my last comment on the issue):  Almost every other park-sponsored event charges season pass holders enough to cover the catering and ERT, and the non-pass holder cost is usually the total cost of group admission, ERT, and catering.  Cedar Point chooses not to do so by comping pass holders.  By not doing so, I see a trend were the quality of the event itself is sliding because of the amount of people it's drawing and CP's tendancy to be thrifty.  If that quality can be raised, I welcome the change and will gladly pay any fee.  Am I that wrong in saying that I will gladly to pay for something I usually get for free for the sake of improvement?  (Where have I heard that arugment lately?? :) )

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

Well, CF's bottom line is that extra fees for 'special privileges' is a repugnant concept.  If you listen to the quarterly conference call, you can hear Dick Kinzel tell you so himself.  Sorry...what you wish for will never happen.  Ever. 

They'll leave the sell-anything-to-you-for-a-buck idea to the mired-in-debt shucksters formerly known as Premier Parks formerly known as Trieco formerly known as bankrupt southwestern US landholders.

In fact, I look forward to even more family-friendly offerings from CP in the future...especially after PKI's trend-bucking success with a family coaster and flume this year.  Looking after families did a lot more for PKI than an enthusiast-pleasing coaster did for SFWOA.    Ta ta.


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