Personally I wouldn't change a thing. The two things I can see adding would be some sort of auction and an area where people can set up their own tables and sell their own stuff. I thought it worked great at the Phun Phest and I was able to get a few "rare" Cedar Point items I needed. I think it would be great for all of the Cedar Point collectors to get together for a swap meet.
I know the auction has been done in years past but I think if it was advertised more it might do well.
Finally I think it would be cool if they had an event shirt like all of the other events do. I know they had them in '96 but I think they could get really creative and come up with some cool stuff.
Daniel "PING" Haverlock
'01: 901
Total: 2166
I don't know how well a sales event like at PPP would go over at CP. They're....I dunno, more commercially oriented than Knoebels. An auction on the other hand, I think that's more CP's type of thing. They've got stuff they can auction off, I'm sure of it. :o)
Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01
Just don't do what Holiday World did for the Stark Raven Mad shirts. While the big glow-in-the-dark thing on the back is cool, it's also very hot and doesn't let you breath. The sweat just pools under it.
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"
For ERT-add Gemini to night session. I know it means having more ops working over,but for an event,it would be great to have a racing coaster going.
At least have 3 rides each session. 2 isn't enough for everyone to get rides. Look at Knott's,their event had a total of 7 rides during morning ERT!
Without upstops, airtime would have a whole new meaning!
*** This post was edited by Chaindog on 11/8/2001. ***
E Blitz Entertainment
Bay City, Michigan
A Division of LCA Entertainment
2000 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER!
If it couldnt be the Mets (Piazza ) then glad it was ANYONE but the Yankees!! Diamondbacks RULE!!
Cowboys dig cowgirls in trucks
Cowgirls dig cowboys in Wranglers!
*** This post was edited by LuvRaptor on 11/8/2001. ***
Wonderful ride wasn't it? Like it was 15 years younger.
I think they should start greasing thier tracks like some of the other parks do. Might do ol Mean Streak a world of good. (They might not have to replace track as much as they have been doing).
I know they did some work on theBlue Streak cars to tighten them up, but the wet track made the ride.... :)
I had a ball.
I agree about the food selection. It sucked this year.
Loved the presentation in the conferance area and the Q&A was interesting. Video they showed was a hoot! I want a copy of it. A must do again C.P. But do it in the grand pavillion next time.
All in all, I was very pleased. Was very impressed they ran the rides at full hilt with little or no trim brakes... :)
One of us..
BTW, does your CP season pass get you into Coastermania? Always used ACE membership before.
I was super before Superstew was cool!
jjfang said:
Well shoot, if you're staying onsite and know that you'll be up that early, pack a cooler with some bagels or buy a box of poptarts to eat that morning. Whenever I stay at a hotel, I bring a bag of snacks and morning foods. You never know when you might get hungry.
It just seems to me that the planners droppped the ball last year. Midway was open in '00, and we had no reason to expect it not to be open in '01.
And eating out of a cooler is fine, but at the prices they charge for their "full service hotel", it seems they would actually think of the event at hand and indeed think of what the guest may really want; full service.
Without upstops, airtime would have a whole new meaning!
*** This post was edited by Chaindog on 11/8/2001. ***
And for the person who asked, you must be a member of a coaster-club to attend, and season passes(and Joe Cool) are not considered a coaster club.
Andrew Hyde
*** This post was edited by Andrew on 11/8/2001. ***
Steve Sergent
MF count: 162
Foods Sup. 89-94
2000 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER! :)
Cowboys dig cowgirls in trucks
Cowgirls dig cowboys in Wranglers! ;)
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