"That Don't Impress Me Much"

Well all I can say is I havent been among you people YET to ride this monster.When I do Ill report my feelings on it but I have ridden coasters the last 14 years.The BACK is where to ride.I dont understand the hype on the front.The only benefit on the front is you can see whats coming.Isnt it more of a thrill NOT to?Woodies give you more air time in the rear because of the coaster pulling you over the hill and if you notice the wheels totally skip the track.
Corkscrew coasters whip you through their loops in the back which makes the coaster seem a little faster than it does.The same with inverted coasters.You cant see in front of you and you get sucked through every turn,loop and cranny!
mY MOTTO IS RIDE IN THE BACK.I wont settle for less.Im praying I can on MF.We will see.
I was disappointed in my first ride on MF. All winter I watched it being built on the Webcam. I was counting the days until May. There was so much hype and I had so many expectations of this new coaster. It was all I talked about all winter. My first ride was in the middle of the train. Very little airtime anywhere. I was very impressed with the speed and the smoothness, but I also felt that this was a kiddie ride compared to my favorite Magnum. The next time I rode it was in the third seat. It was a much better ride. There was actually airtime and you could see the drop much better. I have also decided the size of the person and how you fit into the seat will decide how much airtime you get.
The front is so hyped for a few reasons. NONE of them (IMO) have anything to do with the view. Actually for me it is just one reason: When you ride this ride in the front you feel your face being forced back. You can't even OPEN your eyes. You feel so much force on your body it is unbeleivable. No other seat, or ride, gives you the EXTREME expierience that the front does.

The front also has the best air on the ride (Although I have yet to ride seat 5...)
Jeff's avatar
I find myself drooling all over while screaming down that hill, much to the disgust of the people behind me!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
For some reason, on MF, the back isn't as good. It seems like it should, but it isn't. Go to 5-1 or 1-1 instead.
Try, try again. If you didn't like your ride on the best dang coaster out there, then give it another try, and then see how it ranks on your fav list.
"Dust yourself off and try again" as in the words of Aaliyah. Just try again, I got car 5 and I thought it was a great ride. Probably the best coaster imho. But still everyone has different views. Just try again

MF Rides-1
Raptor rides-Around 15-20
Why would you ride in the front if your head is being thrown back?Makes for an uncomfortable ride doesnt it?I can see on other coasters but this one if you are traveling at 92 mph it would feel like your head is being ripped off wouldnt it?
I put my head out of my car window at doing 65 and it fekt like my face was being ripped apart.
What do you mean "your head is thrown back"? Obviously you've never ridden MF. It's nothing like that. Before I rode MF, I tried the stick-your-head-out-the-window-of-your-car-method of testing what just 55 mph feels like. Trust me, I feels nothing like the car. It feels awesome because off all the airtime and speed, your adrenaline shifts into overdrive.
You have to ride in the front to understand.

You know that video of the austronauts (i think), where he is sustaining all those g's, and his cheeks are spreading out? That is what it feels like. It isn't uncomfortable, it is just awesome...
gillian0027, normally I would agree with you that the back car is the place to be, but MF is different. My first ride was is the very last seat and I thought it was going to be awesome. The ride was good, but a little disappointing. Then I rode in the second seat and the ride was much more exciting. Lots of air over the last three hills. I think the speed of the lift along with the size of the hill negates the back seat effect. I don’t like riding the Magnum in the front because it feels like you’re half-way down the hill before the ride builds any speed. But on MF, the front feels fast right from the top of the hill.

WEll I guess I will learn when I ride it.I rode Steel Force which is Magnum's sister coaster and you get more air time in the back than in the front.I was extremely disappointed when I rode the front.You saw the hill and you werent really that scared.In the back as the coaster is cresting over the hill,it completely sucks you down.Well with this assigned seating bull,hopefully Ill get to ride MF in the front car.
Yeah, the front seat really does make a difference. I got it for the first time yesterday and it was unbelievable airtime, sweet view down the first drop, and awesome feeling!

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 7
I dunno. I rode in the front, and it was fabulous. I rode elsewhere, and it was also fabulous. Maybe I'm missing the point. ;)
yeah i over-hyped MF for myself as well and was a little disappointed after the first drop... however i have never ridden 'shotgun' on MF, but i hope too... i hated mantis until i stood in the front, and wow what a difference it made, mantis is now actually on my list of favorites... so maybe a front seat on MF would change my personal opinion...
you guys are right about the back. the hump is too large to really get whipped down and the floater hills arent as long. but of course, it is still a perfect ride.
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
I'm astounded with the accolade originally given to Magnum. It's tough for me to comprehend how the rough-in-the-Arrow-tradition Magnum can be seen as that much better a ride. Should you ride MF, then Magnum on the same day, I'm sure you would wonder how the Magnum's hill shrunk. And then there's 60 degrees vs. 80 arguement. Magnum still is a great ride, but c'mon. Eleven years of coaster evolution makes a big difference.

Perhaps the people who don't like it are riding early in the morning before the trains warm up. There is a noticable difference when riding in the heat of the day.

At any rate, I agree with Twister. Psyching yourself up too much is just going to end in disappointment. Just go to the park and have fun.

mmm... glass blowing
It depends on what you like in a coaster. Magnum rides like an old-style woodie. It's got some violent laterals and nice ejector air. It's got a hell of a view and a great out and back.

MF has floater air and far less forces. Beyond the first drop, MF is *far* less intimidating.

MF is a steel in the style of the new steel. Magnum is a steel in the style of the old wood.
I agree that Magnum is better than MF. Even though that first hill literally 'SHOCKS' you. It feels like you're not even alive. It feels like your dropping from an airplane and can't see the bottom, or like falling off a cliff. I TRIED so hard to put my hands up lol but I couldn't. The reason I say Magnum is better, is it seems like it goes much faster through the tunnels. For some reason, I don't know why. Maybe because it's rougher. I dunno. I mean you can tell Mag's better, examine the pics.

I am the guy with the red shirt. CAN'T YOU SEE WHY I SAY MAG IS BETTER!!

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