"That Don't Impress Me Much"

Like the Shania Twain song "That Don't Impress Me Much" thats what MF did for me. I anticipated this mind boggling ride, and really got nothing more than a boring ride. The drop really wasn't all that great, I got no "feeling" in my stomach. After that, it was overbanked turns and flat track. The two other hills did not deliver much for me either. I was so looking forward to this, and up the lift I was thinking in my mind "This Is the best day of my life." Down the drop, I felt my heart sink. All that anticipation for nothing. It did not do much at all for me. Magnum still beats it out. Magnum's drop is more gut wrenching, and those bunny hops are second to none. Was not worth that hour I waited at all.
:( Webmaster Jeff, you have ridden quite a bit, did I miss anything? Should I try again?
What about that speed? And leaning out on the turns? And didn't you get major airtime over those hills? What about it's extreme smoothness?

On a side note, did they still have TTR today?

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 2
-SUPPORT THE ANTI-TTR MOVEMENT!- *** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 6/29/2000. ***
This is like the first person ever that didn't like the ride!

Got a couple of questions for you:

Did the ride ops staple you in your seat?

Which seat did you sit in?

Did you get any floater airtime on the 3rd hill, or any airtime at all?

WHAT!?!? Millennium Force in my opinion is the BEST dang rollercoaster I have ever been on! I think it might have been somthing other than the ride itself that didnt please you, mabey your good, greasy french fries didnt agree with you? I say try again and see what happens.

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
Or those greasy good for nothing ticket to ride pieces of....I'll stop myself before I get too riled up.
Oh you dont like it, FINE! Dont ride it, go ride Magnum cuz it "beats it out". It will mean 1 less person in line.
On Tuesday I had my best ever rides on the Millennium Force, I got air on every single hill, and the speed never let up. Lifting your feet while going over the hills really does work, and I love it.

Brett: What time did you ride it? On Sunday I had my worst ride on MF, but it was because it was early and not warmed up. I say you have to try it again.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
The ride was the same for me (as I described in the post "where are the nay sayers now?"). I have been made to sit in the back four times. The back offers little G's and the ride attendants usually push those bars down hard before you even get a chance. Team that up with the new fast pass and I don't really like this ride. Keep in mind that if you are looking for -g's then this probably is not the ride for you as it has only two good points of truly good negative G's. This ride is about speed.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Brett, I must admit that my first experience with the Force last week was less than impressive, but that changed with every ride. My first ride was in the back, and yes, it was incredibly bland. I was definitely second guessing myslef. Throughout the week though, I kept moving up in position: the middle a few times and then for my last ride--the front. Let me just tell you that changing a few variables really changes the feel of the ride. This final ride was at night when the coaster was nicely warmed up, and I had a very cool ride attendant, also...(shhh)

The experience was nothing short of GODLIKE. I felt my self just yelling uncontrollably in sheer excitement. (Yes, as close to sex as you can get...) After this ride, nothing was the same after it. You can't hold a stick to any other coaster including Magnum after you have ridden MF in the front, at night, and with a loose lap-bar. PERIOD.

Although I love Cedar Point, there are still many times when I'm critical of decisions made by the park. This is not one of those instances, though. Cedar Point has a masterpiece on their hands. The ride HAS NO FAULT. This is speaking as objectively as I can in this matter. I hope you will trust my judgment and give MF another try.

-Dave Kochman
If you hold your feet up on each hill, you can get negative g's everywhere, it helps to lean forward too. If you've never held your feet up it may sound hard to do and dumb, but once you do it, you'll see what I mean. I doubted it before, but now I do it everytime, and I get more g's then any other ride at the park. The back I think, does have the least amount of g's, but it's hard to get stuck with the back seat.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
www.angelfire.com/oh4/hurricane6 *** This post was edited by Hurricane_6 on 6/29/2000. ***
Well.....I can see Brett, you hyped yourself up, way too much for this ride. I consider myself to be a coaster enthusiast/casual rider, meaning I love coasters but I dont go expecting a ride to have such and such or whatever. I just wish sometimes people would enjoy coasters for what they are and thats to have fun and hold off in being a critic while on the ride. IMO, it would make the ride experience alot more fun. Thats what Millennium Force did for me. I didnt hype myself up for it, and in the end it totally blew me away... Well, enough rambling. When is my next trip to the point?
Hmmm...Well, Millennium Force is one of a handfull of coasters where I physically cannot lift my feet...my legs are too long and there is just not enough room if the lap bar is down.

But I can certainly understand why Brett would be underwhelmed by Millennium Force, because from a pure physics point of view, the ride really doesn't do much. To put it another way, it compares better to Apollo's Chariot than to Magnum. And some of us prefer Magnum. It doesn't make Millennium Force a bad ride (it isn't; it's an awesome ride), but I'm not so sure it's the greatest ride around.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Well Rideman......Go out to SFNE and ride SupermanROS that comes close to perfection. But, I for one, dont place airtime as a requirement for a coaster. So, I prefer both SupermanROS and Millennium Force. They are both exceptional, IMO.
I have to agree with Rideman on this. I think MF is great fun because of the first hill and speed, but I think it is more or less a one trick ride. It doesn't have many of the other things that usually make great coasters, like amazing positive/negative and lateral G's, or sudden or suprising turns. The fact that it doesn't have these things doesn't make the ride flawed. In fact, I am sure the ride was intentionally designed without them. MF is exactly what it is supposed to be -- a great coaster that is part of a great collection of coasters at a great park. I don't think it is the most astounding accomplishment in coaster design ever.
Bland in the back? Huh? We rode 6 times Mon-Tues, twice in the middle (6-1 & 4-1) and 4 times in the back (9-1 3xs & 8-1 once) and we thought it was MUCH more intense in the back. We both caught air on EVERY hill (not just 115lb me, but my 210lb husband as well). I still got some air when I was fairly well stapled in - hubby, after the 1st trip, was leaving about 2" on his lap bar (and getting NO flack from the ops about it) and was catching MAJOR air. It was to the point where we were yelling, "AIR-TIME!!!" on every hill. Plus, we felt we were getting whipped around the turns more in the back. I really don't understand what's happening with the folks who claim they don't get airtime or excitment in the back. We just missed getting the front on our last ride, so I can't judge the front, but I'll take the back over the middle any day.

PS - when I get time, I'll post in another thread about our TTR experience, plus the near riot on the Frontier Trail Tues night when they wouldn't let us line up early for the after 8 pm open queue when 3/4 of the "cattle gates" were empty -really stupid!!

Mount up & let's ride! *** This post was edited by CheapRock on 6/29/2000. ***
I thind the problem for brett was to much hype! You can build your hopes and dreams up so much that the actuall thing can't reach them. Its kinda sad. I do say try it again and see what happens. Try it after dark or in light rain. (rain make is intersting). Who knows, maybe now with the bad thoughts in your mind now, it will be better.
Actually, Twister in the rain it was VERY interesting. Actually my best ride was in the rain/dark, because my visibility was totally gone. It was very intense!
Whew!! Lots of replies. I rode at about 10:30am in the second seat of the third car on the blue train. I got airtime on the 180foot hill but that is it. I hadn't eaten any fries (lol) but I had just polished off a 12" Sheetz Made To Order Sub at 9:30 in the morning! I will be back at the
PO!NT once more this year, and will try again. Also, I was at the park on Wed. the 21 and the TTR was not in effect yet.
Thats the same reason Woodstock's Express was such a hit when it opened. Everyone was expecting another Jr. Gemini.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Wow! I can't belive osmeone didn't like this ride. I mean all I can say is WOW. I think it's the BEST roller coaster ever, but i guess that's just my opinion.

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