Superman, er, Steel Venom down

It was still down when I was there over the weekend, 08/12-08/13/06. The half a train was still setting in the station. Hopefully, they will get it running again. Although, when I went last year, many of the seats were roped off and unusable. I think that is another issue that should be corrected before it opens again.

Maybe they could give it a new paint job while its down. ;)

Launched coasters don't seem to be having a good year. All of the Premier launched coasters, Volcano: The Blast coaster, now this. Hopefully they can get it back up and running before the season ends (which with their new calendar isn't long from now).

Thrills Around the Corner!

Loopy's avatar

Loopy said:
I can't believe they're going to have this ride closed until next season.

I'd say it's a no as far as working again this year.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Bill Spehn must be getting soft! :) He was always a stickler for having everything running - one of the reasons I was sad to see him leave CP.


It seems that regardless of ownership... GL always has rides dowm. It's kind of like how the Browns always have injured players. Maybe their both cursed.

Or, atleast in GL's case, weren't taken care of.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |

How do you know that they were not taken care of? Parts break, mechanical things fail. It's a fact of life.

*** Edited 8/17/2006 3:29:22 AM UTC by Red Garter Rob***

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.

I don't mean it the way you interpreted it. I understand what you're saying, that's completely normal. My point was, it seemed to me, in the years before Cedar Fair took over, some things were definitely let go, and over time things eventually take their toll. I don't mean it like they didn't replace parts and what not.

*** Edited 8/17/2006 3:24:37 AM UTC by DBCP***

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |

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