Superman, er, Steel Venom down

Jeff's avatar

Stopped by the park today, and was surprised to see that half of the train was missing on Steel Venom. Bummer. Must be fairly serious to rip off half the train mid-season.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I was there on Tuesday and it was closed when I was over in that area of the park. Didn't stay there long though, it was a water-park day.

I've heard it's closed until further notice.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |

First the monorail, and now Steel Venom! That part of the park really does live up to its unofficial name. Zone 1 really is Crap Corner, even without the freefall!


John McCain: The Ride

Being Mavericky since 2007!

Launched coasters don't seem to be having a good year. Volcano The Blast, Premier launched coasters shut down at SF, now this! Hopefully this can be fixed before the end of the season.

Thrills Around the Corner!

Wow they removed half the train already? I was there on the 27th, it operated in the morning then it was down the rest of the day. Must be real serious as you said if they removed it overnight. Wonder what happened?

From what I was told, believe if you wish, the ride was shutdown because the crew heard akward noise. Maintance arrived, tested the ride, and a fin that is set between the LIM's and brakes turned sideways just enough to catch the LIM. It snagged up and caused some damage on the train and the LIM's/Brakes.

I cannot confirm first-hand, but that's what I was told.

*** Edited 7/31/2006 9:30:48 PM UTC by Invertalon***


Gomez's avatar

Top Thrill 182 said:
Launched coasters don't seem to be having a good year. Volcano The Blast, Premier launched coasters shut down at SF, now this! Hopefully this can be fixed before the end of the season.

I can think of two that are having a very good year. :)

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

I was at the park on the 24th and they had a few (maybe 3 or 4 I didn't get a good look) seats off the ride sitting on the platform. It's too bad, I was looking forward to riding it.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

We were at Geauga Lake on July 23. Steel Venom was running at 1pm. We came back at about 4pm and it was closed. It didn't look like it was going to reopen anytime soon. I seem to remember there was a curtain hanging in front of the station.

OOoooh, a curtain. So mysterious. Very Wizard of Oz-ish! haha

2009--Dragster Photo

I went to the park yesterday and that side of the park was extremely dead because steel venom is closed, x-flight was closed, and the monorail and sky scraper were also closed.

wow. That would be really weird. Especially now without the rolling thunder of Mr. Hyde's Nasty Fall.

2009--Dragster Photo

As I said, that section of the park is called Crap Corner. We even had Crap Corner shirts made last year with a list of rides in that zone on the back.


John McCain: The Ride

Being Mavericky since 2007!

I was there the 28th and they said it would be open the next day but it is still closed over a week later

I was at the park Wed. and it was still closed. Mostly everything was a walk on except for Thunderhawk which had a 30 minute wait. Well then there was Wild Water Kingdom which seemed to be the main money maker for the park. It sure seemed there were alot of things aside from Steel Venom down.

Is this still closed?

Loopy's avatar

Yes, and per a GL employee it will be until next season.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Loopy's avatar

I can't believe they're going to have this ride closed until next season. Seems like they're not too worried about that end of the park to me.

Hell, seems like they're not too worried about that SIDE of the park actually. Definitely worries me.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Wow I'm glad I went when I did. I believe it was July 31st, it ran for most of the day and when I came back over there around 6 or 7 it had a blue Tarp over top of it. We weren't going to ride it again for the day, but still it made me wonder what happend. This worries me too, makes me worry will this coaster be there next year with the problems it's been having?

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