I already know I might regret asking this -- the "How crowded will X-day be?" questions irk me as much as the rest of you -- but with the $30 rate for the past three Wednesdays, it seems like slightly different circumstances. So, here goes: For those of you who were at the park on those days, how were the crowds? $30 seems like too good a rate to pass up (and for the people who weren't fortunate enough to get the $25 online rate earlier this week, all the more enticing to visit this coming Wednesday). Mind you, this is mostly to allay the fears of the others joining me that day, but any and all comments are appreciated... yes, even the ones proclaiming "No way to predict crowds, etc."
The first Wednesday was the busiest, but the last couple have been pretty much the least busiest days of the week.. but since the 29th is the last one who knows.
Ryaи.L мsυ '11 || Cedar ρoıиt Adмıssıoиs 07·09 || Disиey 2010-2011
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