Summer GL trip

We are going to GL this summer too! I haven't been there since the early 80's and I believe Corkscrew and Double Loop were the big coasters then. How do the "new" coasters compare to CP's? Just curious. X-flight looks fun but uncomfortable and Dominator looks like fun, but is it a head banger? Any fun coasters for a 6-year old? I'm looking forward to Big Dipper, my childhood favorite!

Jason Hammond's avatar

The Vekoma "flyers" imo are not as comfortable as the B&M's, but i stll find it to be a very fun ride. They use what i can only describe as "heavy duty back pack straps" to hold you in you seat.

Dominator is a very fun floorless. But, with the complete retracking of the Bobs complete and the spot fixing of Villian's track, I would have to say that they are my favorite.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Thanks Jason! I will definately try them all! It'll be fun to be back at GL after so many years! I don't know if I'm gonna recognize it though, so many changes...

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