Strangest Items You have Found In The Park?

I think the most interesting thing we found was wet underwear after a thunderstorm. I guess my location must be boring or something.

Official Cedar Point Alumni
Ride Photo 2005-2006

I saw magnum op once found a illegal alternative to tobacco cigarettes on a track walk one night.

-Evan Hendrick

One time I got a call to look for somebody's ear (fake of course). I thought that was weird but I didn't find it. I forget what year that was though.

Gemini TL/EMT-First Aid 05
Corkscrew ATL/EMT-First Aid 04
Corkscrew Crew 02-03

Hair weaves and tampons on track walks on Gemini!!!! LOL Oh yeah and a tooth!!!

Gemini Crew '02
Camp Snoopy ATL '03
Gemini TL '04,Lifeguard and admissions @ castaway bay'04&'05
Lifeguard ATL '05

I'm not a worker nor is this very weird, but one time when I was inline for WWL, we looked in the water and saw a video camera, a regular camera, AND a cell phone!! lol. 3 very nice things soaking in the water! lol. I bet someone was upset they lost those. ;)

2009--Dragster Photo

I watched a ride host nearly get hit in the head with a cell phone on Power Tower. He was a complete dick about loose articles from then on.

liebevision's avatar

Not really an item, but I found people doing some nasty things in the queues of disaster transport, there is one side hallway that's dark... use your imagination, lets just say there was 2 guys, one girl and no clothes. Oh and someone getting road head on cad cars.

As for articles, crack pipes, knives, we usually kept those, a money clip with 800 bucks in it, didn't keep that. A weave.

OH best one, we had a jacket get stuck halfway up the tower on a cross-beam for the track! That was funny as hell, aparently mr. DEE DEE DEE decided to put it under his seat as it went up the tower, and it fell out the back and got stuck on the tower. That was great.

Demon Drop 2004
Castaway Bay Lifeguard 04-05

i did get hit by a falling cell phone. people should learn to secure all loose articles. really. i don't want to get injured waiting in line. i didn't get injured but still i wouldn't want to.

dragster rules

I have been hit by cell phones, cameras, and a wallet while working under the Magnum.
Not a fun experience. I always thought it was funny that they give the ride crew hard hats, when they go under the ride to pick up lost articles, but for the Go-Kart workers (who are right under the ride also) we have to stand there in the open, with only our hats as protection.
Oh well.

We always found lots of fun things...

I'll always remember being asked "Did you buttpick the weave?"

I loved playing in the sand in the lowzones looking for peoples cell phones and such. Which were usually absolutely demolished.

The best thing that i ever found was on a trackwalk at magnum...I found three helium balloons in the pretzel. I brought them back and gave them to people on my crew hehe. I also found some wine in a aquafina bottle on our platform...they could have at least put it in something other than a clear bottle haha

Wine in a clear plastic bottle. What will they think of next?

~the clean up crew~

I will now return to my duties as a garbage man.
MF:25 TTD:19 WT:1 MXA:4 Raptor:15 DD:10 MS:10

When I worked at Coasters restaurant I found an odd thing...someone managed to stuff a whole cheeseburger inside one of the jukeboxes on the table. Still to this day I have not a clue how they got it in there, unless they worked somewhere else that has jukeboxes and had a key! Carol sure loved coming over to clean that one out! haha

In 2003 we came up with a new Radio code. Signal 69. 2 employees having some *fun* in the restrooms back in Frontier town!
*** Edited 1/10/2006 5:46:21 AM UTC by cedarpointalltheway***

at corkscrew i found alot of old tampons (blah) once we found a cell phone and we were looking thru the pics and the girl who owned the phone REALLLLY loved her dog if ya know what i mean...i found a plastic spiderman ring and i kept that WOOOO finding treasure while buttpicking makes it all worth while (sarcasm)

-Vina (Corkscrew crew '05:we screwed so hard...yada yada yada)

Haha Vina how about when you had to do the trackwalk for that weird guy who worked on commision and lost his dog tags? That was the tackiest bling EVER!

2005- Corkscrew
2006- ATL Corkscrew/Top Thrill Dragster

Lemme think...a condom put over the handle of the forklift at Disaster....we had a shoe hit the side of the building from maXair...and one of my fav's was a video cell phone with this guys gf giving him a it was hard to keep a straight face when they came back for it...oh and not to mention the feces in one of the little alcoves...and then at Demon Drop this time we found a wallet with a Emp ID in it...and when you pulled the ID out a joint came with it...damn hilarious

2001: Demon Drop/Disaster Transport
2002: Demon Drop/Disaster Transport
2003: Cad's/Peanuts/Disaster Transport
2004: TL Disaster Transport
2005: TL Disaster Transport
2006-????: Supervisor, Park Services Third Shift

ok stuff that i have found in the park, RIDE raptor= cell phones about 6 a day, hats, shirts, lighters, Id's, pop cans, sun glasses, bling bling dog tags, car keys, cigarettes, flip flops, shoes, wallets, money, rings, watches, ear rings, condoms, pens, stuff animals, dead birds, tampon's, bag of weed, some roll your own cigs, camera's, pills, epinefrin pen for people that are allergic to bee stings, and there are stuff i dont even know what it is.

and to all the raptor crew basket balls that was left at or by the ride so many to count.

raptor crew 05/06

Disaster_Rich said:...and one of my fav's was a video cell phone with this guys gf giving him a it was hard to keep a straight face when they came back for it...

Did you people just go looking through everything on people's phones when you find them? I've heard of bad pictures before too. Personally I never had a phone turned in, but we did get a few digital cameras. I never even turned them on, just call lost & found for a valuable item pickup. I don't like to stick my nose into other people's business.

Official Cedar Point Alumni
Ride Photo 2005-2006

If you find dig cameras or video cell phones you need to turn them on because it makes it easy to return to the right owner I know at raptor we would ask people to descripe the pic on the inside of the phone because you would get alot of phones that are the same and if people see that a camera was droped whats to stop them from saying that's not there camera but friends or family on the camera makes it easy.

raptor crew 05/06

Guest on Magnum's exit platform: "Hi, I lost my cell phone. The background is a picture of my penis."

It was his...(and no, we did not make him prove it) *** Edited 1/20/2006 4:14:20 AM UTC by astrosgp***

Screw Crew 2003-2004
Magnum Crew 2005

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