Special Parking?

haha thats great..seagulls.

EMT-Acadian Ambulance

Gomez said:
It looks like everyone agrees that you should take your wife's Lexus.

God forbid. It's going to be so horrible for you.

Can I pay a little extra for I don't have to share a parking lot with those other cars of less "value" of mine?

Are you always an ass or only when you're jealous of someone for having something that you only wish you had?

Now ... I know from experience around the East Tennessee area (not sure about drivers in Ohio but I would assume they're about the same) that if you park between 2 cars, a brand new Mercedes to the left and a dented up rusted 1985 Dodge Colt to the right and you get a door dent, it'll be on the right side.

People that have nice things usually tend to respect other peoples nice things.
*** Edited 5/7/2007 2:27:04 AM UTC by TN Coaster Nut***

I could buy a Ferrari 355 f1 off of Ebay for $30,000 too, Does that mean I get VIP parking ;)

Gomez's avatar

^^Jealous? Ha, that's funny, and I'm not being an ass, you are.

You're stereotyping now too.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick


Here's what I do, cause I myself am paranoid of door dings/scratches.

Park on the end of an aisle... and stay over farther than normal from the spot next to you, and then they have the little walkway next to the road which keeps passing cars away from your vehicle.

it seems to work for me everywhere that I go.

Season Pass Holder Since 1998!
Brian Raymond on Coaster Buzz

Ride On Mr. Scott!

Thank you to those that replied with legitimate responses, you've helped make my decision 10 times easier.

To those that replied with sarcasm, thank you for showing me why I don't post here often. Some of you people that have been members for years sure do help make the new people feel welcome.

Not only are dings and scratches inevidable, most of the time the offending party doesnt even notice them! Things happen, if minor dings and scratches are the things you worry about you have some issues. Me, I would be worrying about your wopping car insurance bill you must be paying (27 male with a Ferrari yiekes.)

It seems things are getting a little tense in this forum. lol. First off, there is no special parking. Second off, I do agree with Gomez about you bragging TN. You started off the topic on the wrong foot by bragging about your fancy car. That is all I have to say about this angry thread. lol.

-Scott Wilson
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bholcomb's avatar

Heh, my comment about being a fancy gentleman were totally meant to be funny. I wasn't actually putting you down, I was calling you a fancy gentleman with a fancy car. If I had a fancy car, I wouldn't want the non fancy people nearby.

Anyone that listen to O&A gets the joke. Blah.

Gomez's avatar

Where was the sarcasm?

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

Woo, argument thread!

I don't know if taking a Ferrari to CP would be a good idea. I wouldnt want something I have looked forward to for 15+ years to be damaged. As others have said, the parking lot is seagulville. Also, you never know when some little kid will walk by and want to touch the cool looking car. Or even some teens who want to be funny be setting the fancy car's car alarm off.

Parking in the back of the lot may be a good idea. Less people walking by, and less of a chance to be parked next to.

Hah I have a Geo Metro, and it is dented as hell. None of which are my fault, it's kind of funny actually.

Also, congrats for setting a goal for yourself, and getting it. Some people just can't appreciate that. You picked a good car.

However, I would take the Lexus, the trip once you get north of Cincinnati isn't that fun anyways, and I'm sure the cops would be dying to pull you over.

I agree with Scott. You could've easily just asked about "special parking" without saying you have a Ferrari. Like others have pointed out, people can be just as worried about their Ford or Honda getting dented, scratched or stolen at CP's parking lot. There was really no need to say you had a Ferrari except to brag. I'm always worried about my cars getting scratched, dented or stolen too. But, none of them are exotics. I also know if I take them to a parking lot, things are bound to happen to it. There's really no getting around it. Your Lexus can get dinged up too. Is that ok?

halltd said:
I agree with Scott. You could've easily just asked about "special parking" without saying you have a Ferrari. Like others have pointed out, people can be just as worried about their Ford or Honda getting dented, scratched or stolen at CP's parking lot. There was really no need to say you had a Ferrari except to brag. I'm always worried about my cars getting scratched, dented or stolen too. But, none of them are exotics. I also know if I take them to a parking lot, things are bound to happen to it. There's really no getting around it. Your Lexus can get dinged up too. Is that ok?

I was asked what kind of car it was, I didn't offer it. And no, getting a dent in the Lexus wouldn't be ok. However, I would feel better about a dent in a car I paid $35k compared to a car I paid $160k for.

TN Coaster Nut said:
Just wondering if there is special parking (even at a higher price) on-point for some of the more "expensive" cars? I really want to get the exotic out for its first long trip of the year but would rather not park next to Jim Bob who doesn't care if he dings someones door or not. I can always drive the wife's Lexus, it's comfortable and all but just not the same! :)

Okay heres the orginal post you did, facts gained:

-car is expensive
-you consider a lexus not an expensive car

You did do a little bit of bragging, but some of us (including me) have probably been a little hard on you. My suggestion to you about the car though is to enjoy it, even if it means getting some dings scratches on it. Use the car, otherwise it just becomes a very expensive paper weight. Also I would not park in the back of the lot, an expensive car, all by itself far away from foot traffic and near the exit is just begging to get stolen or stripped. Park it as near to the front as you can and deal with the minor dings.

LOL!! You also said it was an exotic, so you were just hoping to be asked what it was. Plus, when you then tell us all what you paid for each car, you're definitely bragging.

Not bragging so much as trying to prove a point.

I asked a simple question and maybe I worded it wrong, I apologize. However this thread got entirely out of hand and some of the "veterans" on this site should behave as such.

bholcomb's avatar

Fancy Man,

Ignore all these non fancy people and go drive your fancy car around. You deserve it. :) They're just jealous they can't be fancy and sophisticated and have 400 ponies carry them from 0-60 in 3 seconds.

Damn it. I want to drive it. :(

I say drive it proud, you earned it and you should do what you please. Park Close to Security or something :)

Cedar Point Lifer, RideOp, Now Park Guest
2008 - Mantis/MF/Skyride
2009 - ATL Raptor
2010 - TL Sweeps
2011 & 2012 - Area 3 Rides Supervisor

bholcomb said:

They're just jealous they can't be fancy and sophisticated and have 400 ponies carry them from 0-60 in 3 seconds.

I prefer the 0-120+ in 3.8 on TTD though ;)

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