Space Spiral could have stayed!

JuggaLotus's avatar

SteveH said:
I am a firm believer that if an attraction is down for a prolonged period the admission price should reflect the reduction in service. If my cable or phone service is interrupted, I expect a credit on my bill for the month - why should a trip to CP be any different?

If a ride is down for a prolonged period you can choose not to go to the park. If you do go to the park, you go with the knowledge that a ride is currently not operating due to a prolonged issue.

Goodbye MrScott


Chuck Wagon's avatar

John Hildebrandt hates old rides. :)

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

Bret's avatar

I also think it would have been very difficult to work around space spiral during construction just judging by what I can see on the webcam. Ultimately though, I agree with Walt and others that the primary reason it is gone is it was just too much $$ to maintain.

Aaronosmer's avatar

I would rather have them remove it now, then wait until gatekeeper was built, and realise it didn't fit right and remove it. We don't need another Wildcat repeat. Additionally it would be much more costly to remove it after Gatekeeper was built, because they couldn't simply "knock" it over.

I have been to Cedar Point 9 times in my life. Space Spiral- 0 rides. I'd rather see the park on top of a roller coaster instead... Just sayin'

Maverick00's avatar

I have never even seen Space Spiral run. I think it was a good idea to bring it down. The ride wouldn't last much longer anyway so why not tear it down while you have the space and resources to do so?

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Super Stew's avatar

I always thought the location of SS was a little peculiar. Even back in the day before CP started growing, I'm not sure it was ever in a good spot to see the entire park. Having said that, I personally like observation towers - whether it be SS, Kissing Tower, Eiffel Tower, whatever. I would like to see some sort of a ride/structure smack dab in the middle. And of course, it should be the tallest thing in the place.

Last edited by Super Stew,

I was super before Super Stew was cool !

I agree about it's location. Unless it was built to see the parking lot and beach, it was very different. With Giant Wheel moving adjacent to it, to me it became an unnecessary ride in regards to it's location. All 3 of the observing type rides area all in Area 1. CP could use a ride like that back in Area 3 or somewhere in the middle of the park.

Last edited by TwistedWicker77,

Jugga said...

"If a ride is down for a prolonged period you can choose not to go to the park. If you do go to the park, you go with the knowledge that a ride is currently not operating due to a prolonged issue."

Sorry, I forgot that we should all learn to over pay and get screwed in life. Why is there no accountability?

djDaemon's avatar

There is accountability. If you don't like the value proposition offered by the park (or any business, for that matter), you don't give them your money.


Which is precisely why almost all the independant movie theaters, amusement parks, and video rental places are now gone.

Rather than be such fanboys of CF, why do you just accept the norm and never stand up for value? Look at the situation at Disney

all of these entertainment companies are gouging us, and we continue to accept whatever they have to offer until the market finally implodes.

A lot of you are saying that you want SS to remain and that it should have stayed at the park. The question is: Would you ride it?

BR coaster psycho said that he has not ridden it whenever he went, but I wonder if anyone who says they miss the ride would ride it all the time if it were still there. When ever I went to CP, it would be down, or only 5 people would be on it. Giant wheel on the other hand, always had a long line. I have never had a walk on for that ride.

I have a feeling people would still ignore SS if it were there. Every time a ride is removed, people say how much they miss it, and want it back. But, if it were still there, people would take it for granted, IMO. Just saying. It was also this way with wildcat.

djDaemon's avatar

SteveH said:
...all of these entertainment companies are gouging us...

Or they're prices are in line with demand, as suggested by attendance trends.



Sorry, I had to.

Last edited by TwistedWicker77,

I will have to give Matt Ouimat another pat on the back. Once again, it was a hard decision to be made. Many feelings were hurt as the ride was removed. But in the long term plan of the future of the park I feel as well that is was the time to do it. Could SOB stayed up at KI? Sure. It stood for how many years and not operated with no real plan of ever revitalizing the ride. It cost a ton of money to remove. Money I am sure the stockholders would have loved to share. (NYSE: FUN) The same with Disaster Transport, and what about the future of the Arrow loopers company wide? But, profits rule decisions. The park will benefit more with a new attraction than it will with many older ones. That is the gamble that has been taken! Buy a few thousand dollars in stock and do what it takes to make money from Cedar Fair. I feel the decision was for the betterment of the park goers as a whole!

Sorry for the mess. Signature under construction.

Kevinj's avatar

Let's start from the very beginning. A very good place to start.

Upon viewing the recent photos of the Gatekeeper construction, it is very obvious that the Space Spiral could have been kept.

Upon my viewing of the recent photos, I conclude that it is now very clear that Kinzel was forced out of office due to internal accusations of embezzlement, and his retirement is merely a ruse to save face for him in the public arena.

Promoter of fog.

kylepark's avatar

That's ridiculous. Leave Kinzel alone, he's part of the past.

Kevinj's avatar

That's not what I see when I look at the pictures.

Promoter of fog.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Kevin - your statement is just as ridic....oh, I see what you did there. Well played.

SteveH - if it feels like it's "gouging" you, then stop giving them your money. It really is that simple. There's no one forcing you to give money to a company that you feel is overpricing their product.

Goodbye MrScott


Kevinj's avatar

At least someone got it. :)

Promoter of fog.

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