Snake river is staying!

djDaemon's avatar

KHTOExtreme said:

Hereis one for you how about take out the Bathrooms since they do not makeany profit for Cedar Point. All they do is cost them money.

And they don't add much variety...

Last edited by djDaemon,


Kevinj's avatar

Here's a wild thought: what if they build a new flume-ride without tearing anything down?

Promoter of fog.

I would actually miss SRF. It is part of CP to me. It wouldn't feel the same walking back there without it there. The big splash, bridge, and kids running around having a good time make it worth it. I myself haven't ridden it in a few years, but that's because I don't really want to get wet. When I was younger, I couldn't care less and I had a blast going on it and then standing on the bridge getting soaked by the splash. So I would be kind of sad to sea it go.

But if its time is up, then there's nothing we can do about it.

BTW, I don't believe that the new wood means it is staying.

Last edited by pjp593,

It's strange how people can become so sad over a ride that's probably not leaving anyway, but it is old and aging and needs more attention now-a-days.

I'm just saying that I would be sort of sad if it left. I have no clue if it is staying or leaving, neither do you. So I find it strange that some people think they know more about its future than others when they actually don't.

Last edited by pjp593,

Ok, where do I start?

djDaemon -- Your 8:20AM post was a direct attack on Rapids 77-78, and I read it thinking, “Whaaaat? ..not what that person was saying at all!” This person was trying to say that they’d much rather see a water ride replace Snake River that gets you much less wet, and I agree with that. Stretching what this person said to hating seeing happy people was just uncalled for...

Then, surprisingly, Bill2 agreed to this attacking mentality and further made an attack on Mr. Kinzel, who has brought so much to CP. The argument he made was that Snake River Falls brought so much variety to CP, and he didn’t want to see another “one shot wonder” replace it.

I responded to Bill2 that Snake River Falls was a “one shot wonder” itself, so it didn’t make a very valid argument for it to stay, assuming that “one shot wonder” meant a ride with 1 element of thrill, like Dragster, Power Tower, etc. There are many rides like this in the park, and they all have their place – but saying that Snake River should stay on the merit that it’s variety and other rides weren’t was ironic.

Then, what happens? djDaemon @ 7:02AM, Juggalotus @ 9:19AM, and KHTOExtreme @ 1:15AM all completely misinterpret me that I’m saying all rides should be removed because they’re “one shot wonders,” when this was never my mentality in the slightest. I didn’t feel this way about Snake River Falls, nor did I any other ride in the park…I was simply pointing out the irony of Bill2’s argument that other rides were “one shot wonders” and Snake River Falls somehow wasn’t…

So what is my opinion on Snake River Falls again? It’s a ride suffering from maintenance issues that has low ridership (especially during cold months), and a ride like White Water Landing (that barely got you wet) would give much better variety to the park and have better ridership (more steady throughout the season too). But like I said above, I don’t want just a typical log flume like WWL back in the park. Give us something fresh…a modern technological interpretation of the typical log flume ride. Also, a great idea is to have water elements (that get riders wet) that can be turned on or off, depending on the time in the season. Shut the elements off in November, but let people get wet in July…

Where did the information come from about SRF leaving? Screamscape?

Last edited by poiuyt,


djDaemon's avatar

Ffej said:

djDaemon -- Your 8:20AM post was a direct attack on Rapids 77-78, and I read it thinking, “Whaaaat? ..not what that person was saying at all!” This person was trying to say that they’d much rather see a water ride replace Snake River that gets you much less wet, and I agree with that. Stretching what this person said to hating seeing happy people was just uncalled for...

Do you not understand (bad) satire? I wasn't attacking anyone, nor was I deriding Rapids' opinion on the ride - if he prefers one ride over another, that's fine. But again, that's not at all what I was so viciously "attacking". Rather, I was mocking the idea that wet people on the midway somehow detracts from anyone's experience, as was suggested:

Rapids 77-78 said:
I too would not miss SRF.
...the sight of people soaked to their skin from head to toe and walking around in dripping swim suits at an amusement park was unappealing.

I'm not sure what's unclear about that, but whatever. Here's my thought stated clearly: If you have a problem seeing wet people on the midway near a water ride, you're a curmudgeon and need to lighten up, or just stay home.

Better? :)

Then, surprisingly, Bill2 agreed to this attacking mentality and further made an attack on Mr. Kinzel, who has brought so much to CP.

And yeah, Kinzel built Magnum and did some great things for the park and chain, so he's Christ reborn, and totally above scrutiny. Got it. When does the Kinzel Uberfan Club meet again?

Then, what happens? djDaemon @ 7:02AM, Juggalotus @ 9:19AM, and KHTOExtreme @ 1:15AM all completely misinterpret me that I’m saying all rides should be removed because they’re “one shot wonders,” when this was never my mentality in the slightest. I didn't feel this way about Snake River Falls, nor did I any other ride in the park…

Really? Because, to me at least, that's how it came across, probably because that's exactly what you said:

Ffej said:
Snake River Falls IS a 1-shot wonder,and it's clearly a shot that the majority at the park don't want totake. This is why it needs to be replaced by something fun for everyonethat adds variety to the park...

You're very clearly stating that because of SRF's being a one-shot-wonder and lack of popularity, it should be replaced. If that's not what you meant, fine, but no one misinterpreted you.

EDIT: Emphasis in quotes is mine.

Last edited by djDaemon,


Loopy's avatar

I don't mind wet people as long as their wet stays their wet.

It's really annoying standing in line for Skyhawk while the person behind you is wringing out their shirt and getting your legs all wet. That's my only gripe, inconsiderate people. Maybe they should stop letting them in. ;)

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

djDaemon's avatar

I don't disagree, but that's not wet people being inconsiderate - that's inconsiderate people being inconsiderate. :)


JuggaLotus's avatar

Or they could add designated wringing out zones. They could even make a whole ad campaign about being "wringing out free". Of course, this would imply that they actually enforce the policies they already have in place, which is obviously not the case if your legs are getting wet on Skyhawk.

And now that the sarcasm is out of the way.

Ffej said:
Snake River Falls IS a 1-shot wonder, and it's clearly a shot that the majority at the park don't want to take.

You argue that it should be removed because a "majority" of people at the park don't want to ride it. I just listed what would remain if we removed all rides that aren't ridden by a "majority" of the people at the park.

Goodbye MrScott


Rapids 77-78's avatar

Curmudgeon here to say that I enjoy a good water ride as much as the next guy. I think Splash Mountain and Jurassic Park are great ones, and they do get you wet, BUT, not to the point that you are literally drenched and water is running off you and forming a puddle on the walkway. Scale that up to a crowd of people in the same state and then, as Loopy says, simply going off to roam the park and ride other attractions in their drenched state is, as you younger folk say, "not cool man".

BTW, one of the reasons I enjoy amusement/theme parks is the chance to see people dropping their cares and simply having a good time. That aspect of SRF I like.

I really don't enjoy when I get on a roller coaster or other ride behind someone who was soaked to the bone and I have to sit in their wetness they left behind. That's just disgusting.

JuggaLotus's avatar

So don't get on. Let the seat go empty. Waiting the 30 seconds for the next train to come up to the station isn't that big of a deal.

Goodbye MrScott


Or what they could do for the wet people is install one of those Haystack Dryers...Oh wait.

djDaemon's avatar

I could probably count on one hand the number of times I've encountered a soaked seat on a ride, but then again I haven't ridden Wave Swinger since the 80's. I've more frequently come across seats that were wet, but certainly not soaked so bad that it would ruin my day. I'm "normal" like that. :)

And riding in a damp seat is no more disgusting than riding in a perfectly dry seat - they both carry tons of germs. Is it the mere fact that you can see the grossness that turns people off? If so, I guess that proves that ignorance is bliss after all. :)


I like germs.

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CP rush's avatar

^^The lap bars and seatbelts more so

First rollback=opening weekend '09

Chuck Wagon's avatar

Ffej said:

It’s a ride suffering from maintenance issues that has low ridership (especially during cold months),

Heheh, yeah it has pretty low ridership in late September and October. Of course, that is because it's closed. I guess 'months' means just the 2 weeks in May?

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

Ffej said:
Ok, where do I start?

djDaemon -- Your 8:20AM post was a direct attack on Rapids 77-78, and I read it thinking, “Whaaaat? ..not what that person was saying at all!” This person was trying to say that they’d much rather see a water ride replace Snake River that gets you much less wet, and I agree with that. Stretching what this person said to hating seeing happy people was just uncalled for...

Then, surprisingly, Bill2 agreed to this attacking mentality and further made an attack on Mr. Kinzel, who has brought so much to CP. The argument he made was that Snake River Falls brought so much variety to CP, and he didn’t want to see another “one shot wonder” replace it.

I responded to Bill2 that Snake River Falls was a “one shot wonder” itself, so it didn’t make a very valid argument for it to stay, assuming that “one shot wonder” meant a ride with 1 element of thrill, like Dragster, Power Tower, etc. There are many rides like this in the park, and they all have their place – but saying that Snake River should stay on the merit that it’s variety and other rides weren’t was ironic.

Then, what happens? djDaemon @ 7:02AM, Juggalotus @ 9:19AM, and KHTOExtreme @ 1:15AM all completely misinterpret me that I’m saying all rides should be removed because they’re “one shot wonders,” when this was never my mentality in the slightest. I didn’t feel this way about Snake River Falls, nor did I any other ride in the park…I was simply pointing out the irony of Bill2’s argument that other rides were “one shot wonders” and Snake River Falls somehow wasn’t…

It has been another long day at work and working on my pool, so I am just getting back to this.

There are no personal attacks here, just comments based on statements made by others. As other have pointed out, you did make the statements. Whether that is what you meant to say is another story. I write things sometimes and re-read them later to realize I may have not used to the proper words to get my point across. No big deal...

I do not have it in for Kinzel. I do criticize him some. However, I am not one of those conspiracy freaks (such as the folks from what Jugga calls "Tin Foil Hats Our Us" funny by the way Jugga... ). I really like many of the things the man has done. I believe his willingness to take some of the risks he has have resulted in pushing the bar in the amusement industry. Not to mention put Cedar point more on the map prior to his taking over the chain. I also admire him for the fact of how he came up into the company. I have never met him on one of my trips, but would shack his hand if I did.

These are not personal attacks. They are about his position handling of CEO of a publically shared company. A CEO is the public rep for a company and their obligated to stockholders. A CEO is supposed to hire experts on his/her management team that has the ability to make decisions. He micro-manages areas that he is not educated in. Not being compeletly educated on a subject is fine as a CEO, but let those who know the subject manage it.

I also, do admire the fact that I heat about him walking the park to pick up garbage. This is not-micro managing. This is about showing a good example as senior management during your free time to show pride in your job.

I had a CIO in the past few years that manage like Kinzel and my department and team suffered. He was a great guy, but was in the business to long and was no longer open to new ideas and thus the budget on where it should be spent. He is gone now and we have a younger CIO that does not micro manage. We are now getting years beyond the bar...

I dought anything I said should really offend the man. In his position, he should be conditioned to criticism from major stolkholders

Let me difine my definition of "One Shot Wonder" This is not in reference to the rides elements. It references the style of rides built. Son Of Beast when it was built was a one shot wonder in my opinion. No one really tried it after (in reference to the loop). However, it may work with a better designed coaster (And yes, I realize many parks years ago had wood coaster with loops in them). I have seen these in a few of my books and would not ride them if paid cash money...

Last edited by Bill2,

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