Smaller 2010 Improvments

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Tomorrow will be my first night through Starlight. If I like it I will probably agree with Mike, and say expand it.

I'm excited to see what kind of lights STR will have. I hope they have some underwater lights. Those always make the water look creepy with a weird glow. I think some strobes with some sweet theming inside the first tunnel (Only tunnel?) will also be cool to see.

Let's Get Weird.

Make sure to splurge on a $1 pair of glasses at either end of the Experience. It's the best bargain in the entire park, by far. Those glasses really make the difference for the walk-through. They're not ordinary 3D glasses either. I believe Rideman or some other knowledgeable person expounded on the glasses a few months ago, but I don't remember the details and it's too late tonight to try and find the post.

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TTD 120mph's avatar

I'm in total agreement with you on the SC touch up. Along with a new coat for Millennium, most of the Soak City slides could use a new coat.......of color.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Maybe fixing the lights on Power Tower and Millennium Force? Pretty please?

Lower the outrageous food prices, and make it so I can afford something to drink that isn't a free water(which I am very grateful for)?

How about refurbing Jennie K. and Albert on the Cedar Point and Lake Erie Railroad?

Bill Abele

Not sure how practical a consideration that is. Judy and Myron seem to handle the load capably.

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Daniel Smith's avatar

I don't think any new wood can save Mean Streak, it just plan Rough!

Quote from a Corkscrew ride op, "And Dragster is down again"

Solution to the Mean Streak roughness would be the worlds largest bonfire!

I went to the park to day and have to say I noticed a lot of things that could use some work...

First off there seem to be a lot of rides that are in need of some paint. Is it just me, or is the whole Raptor area starting to look pretty bad? And by Raptor "area" I mean the ride, but also the line, station, etc. In my opinion it could use a heavy duty clean-up and spruce up. Millennium Force could definitely use some paint, Blue Streak could use a paint job, Top Thrill Dragster is starting to look rather bland, and maXair even could use some extra paint. Those are all the major rides in need of paint in my opinion... Obviously not all going to happen in one season but they could at least start.

I would love it if the park took the time to refurbish some of the lighting... It's starting to look bad in many areas. I would love to see Millennium Force's lights completely refurbished. They are a bit better this year than they were last, but they still aren't very bright... Even the maXair midway, which had AWESOME lighting when it first opened, is now looking pretty dark with many of the effects off. The Ferris Wheel looks about half and half in terms of working bulbs... so that could be another project. Then they could go around and just change normal bulbs here and there.

I thought the landscaping looked GREAT this year so I'd love to see that again next year.

Last edited by Top Thrill 182,

Thrills Around the Corner!

Ensign Smith said:
Not sure how practical a consideration that is. Judy and Myron seem to handle the load capably.

True, until one needs maintenance. Operating a steam locomotive requires lots and lots of constant maintenance. When one of those engines are in for maintenance, George takes over. However, George is soo big that he actually begins to split the rails. And, Myron will need to be taken off the line soon for refurbishment after nearly 20 years as being the lead engine.

Bill Abele

When put that way, it makes complete sense. More than any other ride, believe it or not, I tend to get leery around those engines. I still remember the steam engine that exploded and killed five people in Medina a few years back.

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I think one thing that should be done for 2010 is maybe minimize the queue of Mean Streak. The queue for Mean Streak is never filled anymore and taking out a couple rows would save them money for the new ride when they need to add queues in there. I mean really when was the last time Mean Streaks entire queue was completely full? Plus also they don't need that DJ box anymore because that will never be used again. Place that in Mavericks line queue.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

How will taking out queue lines that are already there and paid for save money? It would cost money to take them out. There is no reason for it.

After walking through Starlight last night all I can say is wow. It is impressive. If this could spread throughout the park it would be excellent.

Yesterday we walked on the main midway, and it looks horrible. I guess only going to CP for the past 8 years of my life I never notcied. After going to Kings Island and Busch Gardens this year, it makes it look bad. Its just a giant runway of concrete. Sure there are a few flowers under the Skyride cables, but thats it. It is just concrete and carnival games. It looks really ugly and needs spruced up. There is also little shade there too. Trees will do wonders.

Let's Get Weird.

coolkid2345's avatar

^^ It does sorda save money to take out unused quene. If it just sits there it will collect rust.

Coloumbous day last year they were almost all filled up. 90 minutes for mean streak anyone?

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time:

The lights for Shoot the Rapids will hopefully be pretty cool, but, after seeing Diamondback and Maverick, I doubt it will be anything off the chart. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Mean Streaks queue does fill up from time to time, so they should keep it.

Speaking of queues. I would like to see Cedar Point do something with their lines. Some of them are in the most boring spots. For example, had I been in charge of placing the line for Millennium Force, it would be inside turn 1. I'd move Raptor's, Magnums etc.. Some of the lines sit in spots that could make for good real estate with other/future attractions. Cedar Fair just kind of plops the line down wherever and blob it all together. Look at Kings Island's lines. A little more thought seems to have gone into them prior to Cedar Fair taking over. Now look at Firehawk and Diamondback. Enough said.

Other than that, Milly needs a paint job as does Raptor and the front of the park could be spruced up a bit, as someone mentioned above, it looks like a concrete jungle up there. But the park is really in good shape except for a couple of glaring problems.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Mike, I did end up buying the glasses. We got the stars kind. Thanks a lot for telling me about them. Without you I wouldn't have known about them. They were really cool, and I ended up riding Dragster with them on later that night. That was a fun and bizzare ride! ;)

Speaking of Starlight: they could fill out the tops of the trees more. CP seemed to focus more on the tree trunks and buildings than the branches. If there were more lights above it would "swollow" us in light more.

Let's Get Weird.

You're welcome, and I'm glad you enjoyed it too. SE is an incredible, magical way to end a trip to the Point. Although I never thought to try the glasses on Dragster... ;)

I don't know how much higher they can go up the trees with the lights. I'm guessing everything they did this last year was by extension ladder. If they were to go any further up, they might have to bring in a bucket.

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The Air Blades in some of the restrooms are a nice addition. I'd like to see them throughout the park.

Please remain in your seat until the ride comes to a complete and final stop.

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Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

^^The christmas tree lights on TTD were amazing to watch with stars. :)

Let's Get Weird.

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