Skyscraper Prices??

I smelled sarcasm all over his post.

What are you flipping out for anyway?

101 on Magnum and counting...

Maverick_Millennium_Cp 4 lyfe said:

Dan Fielding said:
The voices in my head tell me it's going to be $50.

Well the voices in my head tell me that your an airhead like seriously 50 dollars are you serious funday admission is 43 dollars what the heck are you thinking?!..what are the voices saying to you?!?


50 dollars a ride isn't that unbelievable at all. Ripcord is 45 for 3 people, 44 for 2, and 30 for 1. Thats just as expensive as 50 dollars for 2 people on the skyscraper. I already said this once and it was deleted for some reason...

I'm pretty sure it was $20 at Valleyfair, but it might have been $25. The price was routinely discounted though and you could bundle it with Ripcord for only $5 more. There were regular coupons for $10 or $15 rides during the season and I'm pretty sure they gave an automatic discount for 2 people riding together (no coupon necessary.) There was a coaster enthusiast event (don't remember which one) and rides were only $5 each. I hope Cedar Point does something similar at Coastermania. I'd ride again for $5, but probably wouldn't pay any more than that.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

djDaemon's avatar

A helpful hint:
Seeing as how the post you quoted is on the same page, you don't need to quote it. Or, at the very least, you don't need to quote the entire thing.

Looky looky.

Maverick_Millennium_Cp 4 lyfe said:

Hey its a 20 dollar difference thats a lot of money in my case.. Ripcord is also probably a better experience...and shorter than skyscraper.

Its not 20 dollars. 50 dollars for 2 people is 25 a person. If you go 2 people on ripcord its a 3 dollar difference and 10 if you have 3 people. Skyscraper is brand new* so its going to be more expensive. Its only 8 feet taller than ripcord.

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

And that fact it's at CP, makes it higher.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

JuggaLotus's avatar

^^ & ^^^^ - here's some tips. If the person you are quoting posted only one or two spots above you (or heck, 5 or 6 spots above you), use carets. It is cleaner than quoting the post that everyone just read.
lladnar, I realize you pared down the quote (so it didn't include the 3 other people, which is good) but still its right there barely above yours. The caret system works pretty well.

Use quotes if:
The person you are responding to was on a page or two before.
The person you are responding to is at the top and your post is at the bottom of the page.
You want to single out a particular comment from someone that are amongst a bunch of comments made in their post. Quote them, and then pare it down to just that sentence(s) you are commenting on.

And yes, sometimes with carets (shift+6) you will have to go back and edit your post to fix them.

Goodbye MrScott


^..Oh ok im a newbie here :)..give me some timee.

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

It really doesn't matter.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

^..Yes it does..obviously if there is someone here that has been a member since 2004 and has over 6000 posts is helping me out with PB im going to take his advice on what to do with my post quotas ECT. just trying to get the hang of things

You'll get the hang of things. Trust Jugga, he's just trying to help you. :)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Omgz duedz.

Who am I referring to?

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

Maverick_Millennium_Cp 4 lyfe said:
^..Yes it does..obviously if there is someone here that has been a member since 2004 and has over 6000 posts is helping me out with PB im going to take his advice on what to do with my post quotas ECT. just trying to get the hang of things

I've also been here since 04, just a different name. And it really doesn't matter.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

Michigan's Adventure Freak's avatar

You are supposed to read the thread "Read this First" before you post anything. That is why those threads are sticky.

Michigan's Adventure Season Pass/ Maxx Pass/ Platinum Pass Holder Since 2002
John McCain for President
Maverick Rides: 16

^^..Well i think it does..someone whos been here since 04 has more props/experience on PB then a newbie wouldnt you say.

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

And I'm from 04 and I'm saying it really doesn't matter how you post. Moving on.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

Well im just trying to follow the posting guidlines. but i suppose it does not matter then.

Vince982's avatar

Sometimes I wonder why I still come around here.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

What, you don't like crazy Cedar Point fanboys and girls who take this site WAY too seriously?

Yeah, I mean, come on! There the reason I still ever visit this darned place! ;)

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