Everytime I hear the "funkytown" song.
4 or so years ago I went and in the back section of the park by Magnum there was a recording that continously played. Must have heard it some 30 to 40 times in our 2 day trip to the park. Therapy started immediately upon returning home.
When I watch a star wars movie everytime the say "May the force be with you" I think of MF.
Whenever I see a blackbird with red wing spots I think of Cedar Point. Tghe famous "attack birds" ;)
Those mushrooms that some places have by pools make me think of Hotel Breakers (which is more pwnsome than it's made out to be)
When I walk into my eight bell class there is this smell and it reminds me of when you wake up at Breakers.
As for songs, anything techno, and Sirius by the Alan Parsons project.
Last of all my Cedar Point stuffed room makes me think of Cedar Point...lots.
Summer was made for a Cedar Point day~
Whenever I see a cluster of sea gulls in a mall parking lot. Also, whenever I see a big city skyline from far off, if I squint I always see the CP coasterscape.
RJason said:
Everytime i hit the NOS it feels like TTD.
Let's just hope the car doesn't get too vertical... ;)
Thought of another one: There's this really awesome offroad bike hill around here. I always try to pop some airtime off of it (and crash on occasion), but it reminds me of pretty much any CP coaster.
...The airtime, not the crashing!
shalyman2 said:
The smell of fresh Asphalt.
Haha. I think the same thing but with WOF. Its weird how it brings flash backs.
My Algebra 2 book had a page about Magnum...I always managed to flip my book open to that page by accident. It made me miss CP even more during the off-season.
During math class last year, my Algebra book had a picture of MF in it. The book always has random things in it. It says Tallest Coaster on Earth ---MF 310ft tall Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio.............. Fastest Coaster on Earth--- MF 93mph, Cedar Point, Sandusky,Ohio
Everyday when I got bored I'd always turn to this page. :)
I was driving home today, and someone was burning something. I swear I was in the train station right then, it was the exact same smell.
There's a construction site right by our school that I just noticed looks a LOT like the P2007 site (with the flags and the stuff sticking out of the ground and just random things that contribute to it).
2008 - Games (Area 3/Scales)
2009 - Games Supervisor
2010 - Season pass holder.
Riding the Magnum with no trim breaks last night now makes me think of the wifes driving. (Yeah! I'm real brave since I know she doesn't post here!).
Working in an engine plant all I have to do is look up to see the hoist tracks and I immediately think of inverted coaster track.
Looking at these robots called AGV's and how they run on a track in all sorts of configurations makes me think of the modern-day dark rides.
The automatic cardboard and garbage crushers at work run on compressed air, so naturally I start thinking of S&S rides, (though they aren't as loud as Skyhawk).
And whenever I drive out in the country around cornfields I think of certain Southern-Indiana theme parks.
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