That's funny, I've had the exact opposite effect of pizza and coasters. Back in '99, we got some pizza on the run and made our way over to Magnum for about a 45 minute wait. I got way to much pizza and I felt like you feel after you eat a big Thanksgiving dinner. You know, the over-stuffed feeling.
Anyway, I didn't think it was a good idea to get, but there was no way I eas missing out a ride on Maggy, so I rode any way. After I got off, I felt completely better. I guess it was just the magic of ole Magnum. Some magic that has been lost in the part couple years...:(
My parents, though moreso my dad than my mom, use the dramamine patches that you put behind your ear and you're fine!
On Friday Raptor was paused for a minute when we were on it because someone had thrown up in the station.
Harley..will the dramamine help with my problem of getting them migrains from the spinning or tossin? I can say though that the dramamine didnt help me on a plane..i didnt get sick but my head from all the cabin pressure dropping on the landing killed me!
I can answer that, I believe dramamine is strictly for motion sickness, though you should consult your doctor about your migraine-ride problem and he might be able to prescribe something that you take a half hour to an hour before riding something that will prevent the migraine from happening.
Hot Potato french fries + Lots of ketchup + Raptor 10 minutes later still = no sickey sickey for me!
-John Gilman; Proud Participant of the DT 80!
"Bladder control problems, Happy New Year, and Missi