Alot of people would look at millennium force and say " i would never ride that, i would puke my brains out" but i dont think MF is a "puking ride" i think its just a ride of speed and thrill and doesn't make you sick, just a little cotton mouthed and takes your breath away. i try and convince some of my friends to ride, but they said they would never. What do you guys think ?
Roller coasters in general are not the kind of rides that make you sick (there have been some instances of throwing up, however). The rides that get you sick are usually flat rides. The reason being because they will get you dizzy doing the same thing over and over again. I myself have had trouble on flat rides like this (although I have never thrown up), while I have absolutely no problems on coasters. Coasters are different in that they aren't just one repetitive motion, but instead a bunch of different ones.
lol, i feel like throwing up just watching chaos
Yes there has been some times where people got sick after riding coaster. Magnum comes to mind. But usually it is flat rides.
MF Count: 14
First CP Rollercoaster: Corkscrew
I think it's dumb that people act like they're freaked out of coasters and think they'll get sick on it. Just 2 min of going on hills and dropping shouldn't get you sick all the time.
Crady Crady!! CRADY CRADY!!
AHHH Force,, I know it is hard to immagine, but it is true that there are some folks that just cant handle rollercoasters physically,,,the body rejects them,,it is sad but true.
Wait till you get a little older,,,over the years I have lost the ability to do alot of different flat rides that spin...I get sick. This is not uncommon with age! It saddens me.
My sister cant handle any of them...flat high, coasters,,nuttin! Her body says NO! It always has ever since she was little and it saddend her, she wanted to enjoy rides.
Feeling kruggie cause I'm not at the Point.
We had quite a few people get sick, especially after eating at Midway Market and then riding. I sure miss cleaning up after all those people.
2000 Raptor Crew
I have seen two people get sick on Mantis.
Live for FUN!
Don't let life fly by.
lol, i feel like throwing up just watching chaos
That ride is pretty cool actually, Makes you dizzy , and is real hard to flip your car around in a 360 Dagree Circle, You should try it.
Just a little side note ( jeff, you need to get the Quote option like on Coasterbuzz It's a pain writing in what they say )
Not all my Posts have anger CP_bound
Blue Streak Laps: 63~~45 in 1 day
I dont get sick from coasters..but if a coaster has alot of upside down action to Shockwave...i do get a huge migrain. And as much as I did like chaos..I cant ride it...I get such a huge migrain that I almost feel sick. Never use to be that way when I was younger..but the older I get..the more the spinning and flippin, the more my headaches get. It might have something to do with my Virtigo..
The more you ride it, the more you want it!
If I eat something right before I go on Force then my stomach hurts but not to the point of blowing chunks. I just need to sit down for 10 mins or so then I'm read to go again.
2001 MF Count: 0
1. Iron Dragon
2. Raptor
3. Magnum
4. Demon Drop
Heh Heh,, I rode magnum first thing in the morning on an empty stomach......that wasn't very smart,, but I was able to retain what ever contents were left in my stomach from the night before (which was that crappy pizza from breakers, so you know by all laws of nature I should have hurled).
Feeling kruggie cause I'm not at the Point.
Yeah I had that and took one bit and decided to go to Pizza Hut. Just didn't like that breakers pizza.
2001 MF Count: 0
1. Iron Dragon
2. Raptor
3. Magnum
4. Demon Drop
Not funny. My sister got thrown up on while walking under Corkscrew.
Now that I think of it it is pretty funny. It wasn't when we had to ride home with her though!
2001 park line up:
Cedar Point: June 11th, July 3-4
Soak City: July 5th
(other parks N/A a
Ya shoulda found the nearest hose and hosed her off before ya got in the car! Or had her scrub up in good ole lake Erie!
Feeling kruggie cause I'm not at the Point.
Should Jmstuckman eat a bunch of ice cream then ride Demon Drop 5 minutes later? (hint: no)
A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
eeewwwwwwwwwwww......I am feeling for ya ]mstuckman
Feeling kruggie cause I'm not at the Point.
One word for you all: Dramamine.
Now I can ride Calypso again!
-- Harley
CP fan since 68.
Don't worry, I managed to not get sick; didn't feel too good though :)
A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
now I have to chime in on this one I am a huge fan of roller coasters and have never gotten sick on one, but stick me on any flat spinning ride and look out cause when i get off things are going to fly, Coasters are designed to thrill you not make you sick, although some people just cant handle them.
CPfan stuck in Utah!