should smoking be allowed at the point?

Amen Winston 306!  UCSIGEP... Im sorry but I dont understand your can tolerate smoke in an ENCLOSED bar...where over half the people are smoking..and your allergic to it..but someone OUTSIDE smoking who happens to be standing near you...bothers your allergies?  I just dont get that.  I follow the rules about not smoking in line, and respect others around me, for example if I am driving MY car and someone I'm with dont smoke..I won't.  But if someone is going to complain about smoke outside yet goes to a smoke filled bar and can tolerate it, then why would it bother you outside? 
tohot2se, what does it matter where it effects him and doesnt?  That's not the point.
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A dream or some substance?
A Beamer, a necklace, or freedom?
-Dead Pres
"But I do think SOME people claim it makes them ill just to get their way when really they just don't like the smell." - Winston306

So, what if I don't like the smell? That's just another reason for smokers who deliberately disobey and dishonor the rules set forth by Cedar Point to leave.

Am I wrong? Please correct me if I am.

If Cedar Poiny banned smoking.......they would be turning away potentially thousands,perhaps millions of people.Alot of people smoke so they have to accomodate everyone,not just the non smoking.
At the turn of the Millenium......there were signs...
No, your not wrong at all.  I don't think smoking should be permitted at all in any of the lines.  I just don't think a ban for the entire park is needed or justified.  I guess I was getting a bit off topic as to the people making things up comment.  I guess I have to keep in mind this is about a complete smoking ban at CP. 
Did California ever pass a law banning smoking in its restaurants?


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B/M Flyer For 2004....

Jeff's avatar
Comparing a moment of smoke from a coal burning train, where the wind is generally blowing to the south or east, to someone standing next to you for an hour or more smoking. That's the second stupidest thing I've heard today.

Funny story... at Busch Williamsburg last summer we're standing in line for Alpengeist when this junior stonerette lights up in line. It takes me about a dozen seconds to start getting to me. I sneeze in a manner that got the attention of everyone in line (a nice snotty, high velocity sneeze, glad I had a napkin from my ice cream). The girl nearly crapped her pants, and I saw some other people jump as well. I get in her face, and to make sure everyone hears it, yell at the top of my lungs the text from the sign hanging above her...

"Thank you for not smoking!"

It gets better. This scrawny little kid in front of me, 16 at the most, turns to me and speaks in a manner to draw more attention, "Is that smoke bothering you?" He then proceeds to illustrate the meaning of the sign and health risks involved with smoking in perfect 50's morality film style. Would've never picked this kid out of a crowd to give a performance like this.

The girl was embarassed as hell. It really made my day.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I never said a complete smoking ban at the original suggestion was to have designated smoking areas...

1. so that the people who wish to smoke can do so.

2. So that people who do not want to breath in smoke or smell like it, or cannot breath it because it will make them sick will not have to.

Disney has done this and it is great. I never said that CP should 100% completely ban smoking in the park.

And once again..I am sorry for my other posts. I will stay on this one with the smoking subject.


Winston306 said:
Your right not to be subjected to smoke while standing in line at CP?  Show me where this is in the Bill of Rights. 

Well it's not in the bill of rights, but Ohio revised code 3791.031 bans smoking in places of public assembly. I think a place like CP would be in a class similar to a sporting venue.

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MF-344 Magnum-510

Jeff's avatar
You've managed to post your agenda in at least a dozen threads, and it's so irrational and unnecessary that the more logical action most of us look for, namely better enforcement of existing policy, gets lost in your rants.

Please, find a new cause... we're growing tired of yours.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Well it's not in the bill of rights, but....

Need I say more.  I would have to see this law you speak of to tell if it would apply.  But really I don't care to.  I am tired of this topic.  Smoking doesn't bother me so it doesn't matter to me what happens.
Don't ya just love the off-season? ;)
Idea for "Cedar Point Survivor III":

Listed below are 16 brands of cigarettes that you can smoke at Cedar Point.  Each week, you will vote off two until we get to the CP Cigarette champion.

Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)

Ohio Revised Code: 3791.03.1

However, this would not apply to CP, this is for enclosed buildings.

Mr. Skyward is my hero.
"Why don't you change your name to Mike?" "No way, why should I change my name, he's the one who sucks."

I would like to first apologize for offending anyone with the thread that I started about the asthma inhalers.  Unfortunatly the point, out of frustration, that I was trying to make was that all that is going on here is beating a dead horse.  I honestly think that those that are non-smokers do have rights, and Cedar Point has done what they needed to do to accomodate all people.  The issue about seperate smoking areas in an open-air environment, where if you are walking by another who happens to be smoking, and you become deathly ill, as it sounds from most whom are anti-smoking, is honestly foolish (about the areas).  I understand that they have them in some of these seperate areas in airports, but airports are not open air.  If you can get THAT sick, just from walking by someone, or vise-versa, that happens to be smoking, you have much bigger fish to fry that the smokers at Cedar Point.  Also realize, where do you suggest that they put these areas?  I would rather have more rides than a "smoking area".

About smoking in line, all CP would have to do is make a new rule that is if you are caught smoking in line, you are ejected from the park, just like line jumping.  But everyone has to realize that all these people are not going to be caught, just like everyday criminals are not caught.  CP security are there for the most obvious reasons, our protection.  Sure if CP became non-smoking, there would be less cigarette butts, and in turn, less sweepers, but they would need more security, so basically it is 6 of one and half dozen of another.  CP cannot make everyone happy, but they have tried, give them credit for that. 

*** This post was edited by Browntggrr on 1/10/2002. ***

1. Citizens of the USA are granted the right of the Pursuit of happiness. There is no guarantee that one will ever obtain such a thing as "Happiness". (Though, if you dont believe in a 'Creator' perhaps you dont even have that...sorry, that's for another board :)

2. I dont know too many people that smoke for an hour straight. The average cigarette lasts what, three minutes? Does not the train stay in the station about that long loading and unloading? (strollers and whatnot)

3. Who said that air free of cigarette smoke was clean anyway? I'd rather more of the people on the interstate fix their catalytic convertors. And I wont get into the diesel engine vehicles.

4. If you wouldn't do something around kids, you probably shouldn't do it at all. (and y'all wonder why our kids are so screwed up).

5. Once again, these "passive agressive" techniques are 'risky' at best. I've had the most effectiveness simply speaking calmly and rationally. Admittedly, if *I* were the smoker and someone went off on a rant of sneezing and preaching, in some vain attempt to embarras me. I'd be likely to counter-attack a light up *another* cigarette and perhaps offer one to the harrassers. Would that increase my chances of being removed from line? Perhaps, but seeing as though I was *wrong* to begin with, no point in me aquiesing to something I would consider the behaivor of a self-centered, pontificating bastard.

I agree that smoking is bad for everyone. I quit, and I encourage all I know to quit. But one thing I cannot stand is "Millitant Nonsmokers". Most that I've run into are all about me, me, me; which is the same attitude they lambast smokers for having. A simple "Excuse Me" works more often than not.

Oh and one other thing, many here have complained that the people arent following the rules. Perhaps they are oblivious to them. Yes, they may be printed, they may even be verbal, but I submit that many are *STILL* oblivious to them. Give you another example, the Millennium Force spiel *CLEARLY* states to keep your hands down at all times. How many here have put their hands up? Right...that's what I thought!
--Aint no high horses around here!

Ok people...I was not trying to start a fight with anyone or whatever. I have already appologized several times for my other posts so please STOP HARASSING ME about it. I have come to realize that many people are harassing me because they have no Idea what it is like to get so sick from something that other people are doing. If any of you who have made some of those not so nice comments to me had asthma or got sick from cigarette smoke you wouldn't do it.

If you had a child, significant other, or someone who you love that gets sick from it and had to limit his life because of another person's habit it would make you angry. Maybe if you look at it that way you would understand and wouldn't harass me about it...or maybe not.

All I ask is to stop harassing me. I am sorry that I annoyed people and I am sorry about my other posts. For those of you who don't smoke, I have a website that has good info about second-hand smoke and other smoking related subjects so e-mail me for the link.


If anyone is e-mailing Emma to harass her, please stop.

Emma, if that is NOT the case, then nobody can harass you unless you voluntarily continue to log on here to see the latest on your original post.

It's like TV.  There's an "off" switch (or button on the remote).

Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)

For the statement of the coal burning engines going by the line every 10 minutes or so, that's mostly coal (carbon). Anyone that complains about the train smoke, other than because of the odd smell, has some problems since they themselves are carbon. It also passes by in a few seconds or faster with a wind. When someone is smoking in line, they are expelling several hazardous chemicals in second hand smoke after they have reacted to oxygen. So it's not just tobacco smoke.

Also, I just remembered an incident this past season with a smoker. I was standing in line, and the person behind me lit up. I was pretty mad, but I didn't make a scene. Then, while trying to conseal his cigarette, he put it down at waist level. As I turned around, my hand swung around, not thinking anything of it. His cigarette burned my hand. Let's just say I was pissed! I grabbed my hand, and he saw that I was in some pain, and didn't even apologized.

This is another reason why people shouldn't smoke in line.

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 1/10/2002. ***

Emma..I think the reason that you may feel you have been harrassed is that it seems you say one thing and then say the exact your past few posts you say "I never said a complete smoking ban at the original suggestion was to have designated smoking areas... " But yet..your original first post you said.."I think that Cedar Point should go smoke-free". and added later about the designated areas..

But have the right to your opinion and I respect that.  I dont smoke in line for the simple fact its the rules and I can go without a cig for a while.  Maybe Im blind to it..but I really dont see that many people smoking in lines.  Maybe there is one in about every third line I stand in. And I have yet to see a person chain smoke for a hour straight in line even before the no smoking rule was in effect. I just feel as long as it is outside of the line..and not in an enclosed area, and as much wind as CP gets, I dont see it being that huge of an issue. 

What I dont understand is, there are very few that smoke in line and it really bothers the non smokers, yet these same non smokers will go to a bar etc, where there is alot more smoke in an enclosed area, do these same people walk around the bar etc, complaing about the smoke? Its much worse in a place like that then one person smoking a cig in an outside line. Yes one is not suppose to smoke in line so why should  a nonsmoker have to put up with it, agreed! But that one person smoking in line is that much of a huge health issue? But a non smoker will willing go to a smoke filled bar (or place), and then  are obviously not to concerned about their health or the smell of it then? I dont get that.

*** This post was edited by tohot2se on 1/10/2002. ***

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