SFO has CP beat 100% in one category...lets start

Magnum is sinking!

Word going around the Lemon Chill is that the Wildcat is not on the choping block.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!


They should build A floorless woodie

It would be another first


That brings up a good point. Why DON'T they make a stand-up woodie or floorless woodie, or since they can go upside down now-make a corkscrew woodie?


Ow, my legs hurt just thinking about a stand-up woodie!!


I think a woodie with incredible track length, lots of SUDDEN drops like Wildcat has, a couple of nice LONG bunny hop stretches, at least two overbanked turns and a couple underground tunnels. Just for fun let's make it a racer, and have the trains split into different directions only to meet up again on what looks like a near collision in a lighted portion of a tunnel. Anyone with me on that one? I'd just as soon do without the loops.


First half of that description sounds a lot like Shivering Timbers.

A standup woodie... would... kinda hurt, I'd imagine. I fear woodie OTSRs.


I prefer the "out of control" intensity on woodies than the "gracefulness" on steel coasters. Heres what you do. You hire CCI to "re-do"the MS. Since CCI is part of the old Dinn Corp. (Dinn's daughter), CCI could remove parts of MS, keep the lift and drop, and then just turn it into a great "new"woodie. Like Kennywood did with turning Pippin into Thunderbolt. Keep the good parts, and remove the bad parts. And top it all of with Gertshlauer trains!!


'cept CCI doesn't like building over 100-130'.


Give us a CCI (always liked twisted sister) or better yet give us a LIM launch full circut! Or you could make it like Batman and Robin the Chiller, or Jokers Jinx...or you could just give us a LIM launch!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!



My wife & I did not ride Mean Streak on our first trip to the point this year(5-30-6-2).I dont feel that M.S. is the same quality of coaster as the rest of the points stable.I could only hope that C.P.managment will take their lumps& sell it off.The space this would free up is much needed,maybe not right now but on down the road you either expand into the parkng lot or lake erie.They could put a S&S thrust air that could break a speed record,a record breaking stealth ride,a LIM record breaker,or a CCI woodie.I think I made my point.They could have 2 great rides in the space of 1 mistake.


MS is also a waste of space IMO, but believe it or not many people still like the ride. 2 great rides in the space of 1 mistake. Sounds like a great plan to mee too.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)


Of course people like it. In August I waited 45 minutes for it. Of all the people I talked to in the queue, almost all of them say they like it because it DOES beat them around. To me if a woodie doesn't beat you around a little bit, it's not a good woodie. I think that trying not to get beat to hell is part of the fun and SHOULD be part of the ride. Woodies are meant to have different personalities and feels than steel coasters. If you want a smooth ride, ride MF, but if you want rough and furious monster that tries to beat the crap out of you, ride Mean Streak. I think it lives up to it's name. I love it! So please leave it alone.

Think about it, what coaster doesn't live up to it's name at the point.

Mean Streak - mean

Blue Streak - blue

Raptor - you fly

Mantis - you stand up like a praying mantis

Magnum - this name means big, and back then/now it is

Millennium Force - millennium gimick, but it does feel like there is a force at work

Corkscrew - it looks like a corkscrew

Gemini - mirror images, well not quite, but close

Disaster Transport - it lives up to it's name, need I say more?

Cedar Creek Mine Ride - mine type cars, by a creek/lagoon

Jr. Gemini - baby of big brother

Woodstock's Express - fast and smooth like the little bird

Iron Dragon - flies around like a dragon, better when it came out because there was more vegetation around

Wildcat - doesn't look very wild, but it is.

To me every coaster at the point lives up to it's name. Now I'm sure that CP didn't want MS AS rough as it is, but the GP doesn't care, it's still a great ride.

MF count: 4
Raptor count: 4
Mantis count: 4
Magnum count: 3

Mean Streak:
Fast and Furious,
Just the way I like it


i too enjoy Mean Streak for its roughness..that's what a woodie is all about! while i enjoy the speed and the power of Maggy and MF, and the sheer AGRESSION of Mantis and Magnum, there is something about a woodie that just can't be beat. they LOOK cool, with all those planks nailed in place "Just so", with the noises of the trains going by like locomotives, the brakes squealing you to a stop into the station, and the smell of a woodie too. sure they are a little rough, even Blue Streak has gotten rough over the last year, but so what? theay are supposed to do that. they age like fine wines into their prime, into their personalities, into what they are meant to be. and they don't last forever, they need daily rebuilding, daily maintenance. they are a lobor of love for a park. you can always tell when a park loves its wooden coasters..new paint, new track every year/day/week...with a steelie, you put it up and leave it alone for the most part. you maintain the trains and make sure no bolts come loos or off, but you walk that wooden track every day making repairs. i have to agree that my final ride at CP would be Blue Streak. pound for pound a great ride...
now, a CCI WOULD be nice, just don't use it to REPLACE MS.

ride early, ride often!!!


How about a floorless stand-up inverted woodie? Hey, just a suggestion. :)

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