SFO has CP beat 100% in one category...lets start

C'mon CP! Build us a good woodie! I love cp to death but if they built a nice CCI woodie a la villain than cp would be damn near perfect. Lets go ahead and start planning now. Where in the park would you place CP's shiny new CCI woodie, and how would you make the track layout? I would like to see it placed out front and have it be a double out and back layout, but also have a really mean double helix at the end. Maybe the helix could be in the demon drop area. Any thoughts, ideas?
I’ve ridden Villain, Raging Wolf Bobs, and Big Dipper. The only one at SFOH that’s really good is the Big Dipper (can you say “Miller time”), and that’s due in part to the old style trains. I still like Mean Streak better than Villain or RWB, and when CP antes up for a new machine, I want to see another B&M or Arrow inverted.

- Raptor Dave
I think they need a new woodie also, though with all the demand for B&M floorless coasters, or anything steel with loops, I don't think it'll happen anytime soon. I just think they have plenty of steel coasters, it's high time they got a new woodie. I don't think they should fill the park with B&M inverts, it'd get too predictable. But then, I don't exactly know how they could make a new and exciting woodie that has all the best elements that would make people get excited. They have pretty much everything you could ask for in excitement, so the GP would probably look down on a regular old wooden coaster after having just built the Force.

Question: How do you explain the actions of millions of people who wait hours upon hours to be dropped down a hill??
Answer: You don't...
The Villain at SFO is really fast! But anyways I dont really like wood coasters so I'd like to see some steel!
I like the construction of the Villian...wooden track with steel supports. It will probably hold up a lot better in time. If we could go back in time, Mean Streak would have benefited from this concept.
If Cedar Point does build a new wooden coaster, do you think the name would end in Streak? How about New Streak? I guess thats a little cheesy, but i'm guessing they'll continue with the Streak in the name.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
I agree w/ CPDave...on the Arrow issue anyway. It's been a good long while since CP has given any work to Arrow. Arrow is comming up w/ a lot of new ideas and designs that look like they have potential to be great rides. Maybe get Toomer out of retirment to help. ;)
With Arrows reputation as of late, dont expect that to happen anytime soon. When you have coasters like Drachen Fire and Steel Phantom ready for the scrap heap that kind of puts a damper on Arrows credibility. The 70s and 80s were great for Arrow but the 90s just killed them.

How about the Sandusky Scorcher or the Cyclone Streak. Better yet, just build a better Mean Streak and keep the name.
How about “Brown Streak”?

Seriously, S&S Sports Power is coming on strong, too. MSNBC ran a very interesting show on thrill rides that showcased some interesting new technology. One segment included an S&S prototype air thrust coaster with a ride element that strongly resembled Power Tower. The train shot out of the station, traveled in to a vertical turn and straight up one side of the tower, slowed at it went over the top, then accelerated straight down the other side and then leveled out to horizontal. They didn’t show much else for that ride, but I think a Power Tower like element in a roller coaster would be fantastic.

- Raptor Dave *** This post was edited by CPDave on 6/6/2000. ***
The public will NOT look down on a great wooden coaster because a truly great woodie would easily be the best ride in the park. Go to SFO and look at the reactions of riders after they get off Batman.....its very *blah* Then look at riders reactions on Villain.....they go nuts! The fact is that the public wants good coasters, they just think they want boring B&M's. A great wooden ride at CP would be the most popular ride ever, in my opinion, because it would spark the most repeat riders.
CP still deals w/ both CCI and Arrow.

ValleyFair! put in an Arrow Wild Mouse last year and KBF has GhostRider, which is one of CCI's top 5.
[Stampida, Shivering Timbers, GR, Legend, and Raven]
Mean Streak was built after Magnum and the public loved it. That was when it opened.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
While I don't find Batman Knight Flight to be a "boring" B&M, I DO prefer Villain. A GOOD CCI (or GCI) WOULD fit in well at Cedar Point. I agree that one area Cedar Point is lacking, is wooden coasters.

Blue Streak is a shadow of its former self, Mean Streak is Ok but NOT a *GOOD* woodie (at least not in my book...)

MF count: 4
nice post gregleg. bkf isnt a boring ride at all. i think it will be a great standing coaster for a long time. cp does lack in the wood catergory though. i hope they dont put a floorless in, there are too many as there is.
I think the Streaks are both great rides. What does that have to do with them getting a new woodie? I wouldn't mind getting an old twister style or a Looper.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Well, I don't know about "too many" floorlesses. Last year there was 1. This year there are, what, 5? (Medusa East, Medusa West, Kraken, Superman Krypton Coaster, and Batman Knight Flight. Did I miss any?) There are still FAR more inverted and standups installed.

Now, having said that, I STILL feel Cedar Point would be better served with a good wooden coaster than a floorless -- CP has enough steel for a while :)

As for what the Streaks have to do with a new woodie, they illustrate that his is where Cedar Point is most lacking :)

MF count: 4 *** This post was edited by GregLeg1 on 6/9/2000. ***
I think CP could benefit not from just a single new woodie, but at least a couple over the next few years -- even shorter ones with LOTS of track length and LOTS of air time.

The way I see all the twisters, loopers, inverteds, stand-ups, whatever is that with the exception of number of inversion, length and height, they all have pretty much the same feel -- smooth and fast. But woodies each have their very own distinct personality. You just never know what to expect from them. IMHO they give the best air time, and they are all so different. No two hills are quite the same.

The big hyper, giga, terra (or whatever theyre being called now) coasters are powerful, yes, but as far as I'm concerned too powerful to really appreciate the subtleties and the speed. I like Magnum an awful lot, but when I'm on it I dont notice the speed, i notice the POWER. When I'm on Blue Streak, even though its slow it FEELS fast. I will not make a judgement on MF however until I've ridden it.

I think CP's steel coasters are wonderful and I love riding them all. But they have enough. Now I'd love to see CP start to concentrate not on technological wonders that raise prices by $6 in just one summer, but on those fun machines with sudden turns, lots of bunny hops and some creative architecture.

I'm not afraid to admit it , if I only got to ride one more roller coaster at Cedar Point ever ----- it would have to be Blue Streak. I just wish they hadn't changed the cars.

Seriously, it's something I've espoused for years...CP should raze Mean Streak, but only conditionally on a new mega-woodie, from GCI or CCI, being put in it's place. I would gladly trade Mean Streak for Shivering Timbers, or even Villian. There's enough real estate in Mean Streak's footprint for a GOOD wooden twister. One with far better longevity and far fewer maintainence headaches then Mean Squeak has.

Man, you could fit about 6 villains in the room mean streak takes up. The fact is that Mean Streak is just lame, and while it shouldn't be razed, CP should build a new, high quality, WILD coaster. CP has only 3 coasters that I would call truly aggresive: Blue Streak, Mantis, and Magnum. What CP needs is its first true COASTER that really throws you around and up and down and all over the place much like a good CCI can. We can only pray..... *** This post was edited by ravenguy98 on 6/9/2000. ***

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