Saw MF in Action

Playing Devil's Advocate, we've also seen quite a bit of false 'insider info' in the last year, so a bit of 'put up or shut up' is to be expected, and I feel, completely valid.
Jeff's avatar
Hey, I still like the ride, and I'm sure the new blood will make things more interesting!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Jeff couldn't of said it better evanjm5!! Like he said..many of us have many pics we've been dying to diplay on our webpages but have not been able to due to perks being put in jeoprady!!

Jeffrey Spartan and Proud New PAPPA
MSU National Champs 2000
Well said Jeff.

Mantis How Much Can You Stand?
The obvious question with regard to the many *many* historical photographs out there of Millennium Force...

Is the embargo on construction photos scheduled to be lifted after the ride opens?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Let's hope so...I've got a few that I'm not going to post, and just keep in my collection so I don't make anyone upset...
Gooober and I went to Battery Park today to take some pictures. Were we ever surprized to see the trains running today. With only 20 seconds from the station to the top of the lift hill, no one will have a chance to be scared! It is hard to believe that MF really goes 92 mph when you watch it from so far away. Man does that ride look SWEEEETTT!!!! OOOHHH BABY we can't wait to ride!!!
Me and screechnowl went yesterday to get our season passes, and we watch the coaster, there were some people on it the first 2 times we were close to it, my pictures are getting developed, I'll probably put up a webpage with them on it. Mantis, Power tower, Raptor, Bluestreak and the ferris wheel were testing, thats all we could see anyways. MF looks awsome!!! It doesnt look scary in person, it just looks AWSOME!!! We timed how long it took te train to get up the hill, 25 seconds to crest. We also timed the ride, it was a little more than 100 seconds, I'm not exactly sure on that. The red, and blue trains were running with dummies in them, except the front car of the blue train, where the people were riding. The yellow train was on the transfor track. The tunnels still don't have the rocks on them yet, they are still nice and silver. The magnetic brakes look like they work real good, they slow you down nicely, and not a sudden jolt.

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
My friends got to ride MF yesterday :(

Wagons Supervisor 2000
Will May 6th ever arrive?????
OMG this is SOOOOO crazy!! Less than a week away :)

Luscious Lush
"I've upped my standards, so UP YOURS"
Jeff's avatar
Dave: I spoke to PR today, and he asked that the construction photos continue to be kept off of the Web. Sorry.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"

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