Saw MF in Action

I was at CP on Tuesday saw MF running. And it was looking mighty good. With The big man himself on it. The lift is awesome only takes it 20 seconds to get up. The only noise you hear is when it gets to top going over hill and then its all history...

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Jeff's avatar
The big man? Mr. Kinzel?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Holy @#%@! 20 seconds? How fast IS that? I mean, were talking about 400 and change in 20 seconds...that's a little faster than I thought it would be! Man, you aren't going to have time to worry :) see ya on the 14th
Ok, did the math....that's around 15 mph....not exactly fast, but I'm starting to wonder how that will feel...15 mph on the way up to 310ft...oh baby....
Kinzel or Monty?
Moe,Larry, or Curly? Shaggy or Squiggy? Tom, Dick, or Harry?
Had to do it.
It was Kinzel and about 7 others some were in the back and when they came around by were we were standing the ones in the back lloked scared....I will be working weekends on Mantis . Hope to see everyine at the Point.

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What color train was running when you saw it?

"He's so cool, that flyguydee!"
Were they happy scared or SCARED scared?
It was the red me they looked scared.Two of the front people had there hands up..They also moved Albert one of the engines by the pedestrian tunnel for display. I do have pics.
But I am not suppose to put them on web.

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I wonder if monty rode MF yet????????
why aren't you allowed to put them on the web?

I was told by a manager of mine they are getting picky on what we are allowed to do...she said it would be ok to take with my digital but not a video...and not to spread it on the internent

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This one is for Traingirl98_99TL. I find it hard to believe that you went to Cedar Point at all. Why don't you prove it by showing your pictures, I have already shown ALL my pics. I am friends with the owner of Chas F. Mann's painting company, who will be finishing the painting job on MF. Want to see the pics? E-mail me at, and I will have a website opening soon that will display all the pics. I can, unlike you Traingirl98_99TL, prove I went there. EVANJM5@AOL.COM HTTP://WWW.CEDARPOINT.HOMESTEAD.COM (coming soon)
Evanjm5 OOOOoooooOOOO You are in trouble now

Millennium Force Ride Count:0
evanjm5... maybe someone here wants to keep her job and not lose it!:( Just a thought.
And stealing a part of the tunnels isn't smart either.
Bring out the rollercoaster police!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff's avatar
The game continues...

Employees of the park, like TrainGirl who have clearly been there by now, are professional enough to respect the wishes of their employer, if for no other reason than they wish to continue working there.

There are also a great many enthusiasts who have volumes of photographs that they were allowed to take for personal use. Could they post them all? Sure they could. Would they ever get to enjoy those perks again? Not a chance.

Everyone will get to see what they've been longing to see in due time. Just hang in there.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Thanks Jeff...1 more week till i start working I'm processed in and ready to go...Jeff I know your not to fond of the Mantis crew But I am 1 of the friendliest people I know come visit me there on weekends

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