Sandusky Library

I looked around for this topic first but couldn't find any.

Does anyone know if the Sandusky library allows employees to get library cards for free? I know most public libraries require you to show proof of residency because of taxes and all that. I just didn't know if the Sandusky library made exceptions for seasonal employees.


2008--Games Office Clerk & Wacky Wire Master
2007--Office Clerk (Games)

I'm pretty sure you can. You are a resident of Ohio. You have to file taxes in Ohio and you also pay the city tax. I was just laughing since I still have my card in my wallet. I went there to use the computers most of the time, but the DVD's were a bonus.

2004,2005 Food Services
2006 One Long visit

Sandusky has a really nice library.

When I go there in the summer I see employees there checking out materials quite frequently. It doesn't cost anything to get a card and I know that they let the employees from out of the country get a card, too.

Yep, the foreigners often use the internet to communicate with their homes as well. The library staff is very accomodating as well. Shouldn't be a problem.

As long as you have a drivers license, you can get a library card @ the Sandusky library. NON residents are exempt from any "laws/regulations" due to the high traffic of transient residents in the summer months.

Yeah, you can get a card with a photo ID. I think foreigners can even get one with a passport. Furthermore, I can't recommend this library enough. Absolutely a top-rate facility.

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