Raptor Crew 07-09-03

I was at the point yesterday and at about 9:30 we got in line for Raptor, we got right up to the station in no time and they kept filling the station with more and more people. It was pretty cramped at first, but I soon began to realize why they were doing this. Number one, they were running all the trains, but not only that, what i soon came to realize about halfway through the ride.... there were no trimbrakes on. We went through the trim brakes like nothing and flew through the whole rest of the ride. It was the most intense and the best ride I've ever had on Raptor (we had front seat), and I just wanted to give kudos to the Raptor Crew for getting us through so quickly, and for turning the trims off.

Trips to CP thus far: 5
Maggie - 15; Raptor - 12; WT - 9; MF - 8; ID - 6; BS - 6; Mantis - 5; WE - 2 Gemini - 2; MS - 2; DT - 2; CCMR - 2; Corkscrew - 1; Wildcat - 1; TTD - 1; Jr. Gemini - 0

I haven't been on Raptor this season when the trims are on. Awesome rides. And the crew has done a great job this year. Thanks guys!

Awww, bad day? Take a different perspective on things. Try upside down, a barrel roll, a cobra roll or a corkscrew. Life can't be all that bad when your feet are over your head!

The trims have been off all season, and yes, I would agree that the Raptor crew has to be the quickest and most efficient crew of the park.

Egg nog... how'd they think that up?
"I want to get a little drunk... but I also want some pankcakes."

Raptor crew 03 = Absolutely Amazing.

I've been on Raptor several times this season and I don't think I've ever stood still once in that line even when it was long. They are doing a fantastic job.

"I just wanted to sign the banner"
Iron Dragon=746;)
"Hooper is Pete Sampras"

when i was there. the ride shut down when i got into the station, and the crew was really mean. people sat down because of the long wait, and then the crew came and yelled at them and told them to stand back up. after that we just left because it kind of just ruined my day, i don't know why.

It's like a new pair of underwear; at first it's constrictive... but after a while it becomes a part of you. -Garth Algar

Jeff's avatar
Yeah, and I'm sure they weren't provoked or anything.

While the crew is indeed dispatching pretty efficiently, I can't help but wonder if the trains haven't been slowed significantly on the final brake run to compensate for a trim-less mid-course and give the crew more time.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - Sillynonsense.com
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

LuvRaptor's avatar
Gotta love the Raptor crew!! :) And since they are TELLING me I'm coming back this Fall, I suppose I have to! ;)

No block brake is awesome during the ride but it is also making invervals alot harder for the crew. We've always had to hussle to make intervals and I imagine this season it is even more demanding. But I can't wait! ;)
This year's crew rocks, and you'll notice alot of them are return crew members from 2002, which was also one of the most awesome crews. as a guest and a crew member!! :)

2000/2002 Raptor Crew
2003 Crew??
Lifetime Raptor flights: 761 :) (goin for 1k in '03!)
Who got to hear her name over Talon's loudspeaker! :)
It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that? :)

when i was there 3 weeks ago the raptor line was quick and efficient. great job.

the trim brakes were off then as well, it was a pretty intense ride, especially the helix at the end without the trim. mean streak should take a lesson from raptor!

I have ridden Raptor 6 times this season, and it seems to have dramatically increased the intensity of the ride with those trims off. :) I also thought that the crew did a good job and ran the trains through very fast. :)
Admin- http://rollercoast.proboards16.com/

I also think the crew has been doing an awesome job this year. The lines always seems to be in constant motion, which makes waiting much easier (at least for me, I hate standing still). And with the trim turned off, I swear my shoes are going to be sucked off my feet in the final helix.
Bob M.
I also think the g's pulled on the drop out of the MCB's are similar to those on the final helix now. Also, about the crew- They are flying people through the station (pun intended) yet they make it look so easy. The girl in the back on the load side is really nice and talks to the people waiting while pushing the clear button.

Great Job!

Pardon my ignorance, but where are the trims located? I noticed a big difference this season. Is turning these off on other rides a common practice?
Jeff's avatar
But can anyone actually confirm that the dispatch interval is shorter? I bet Dave could.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - Sillynonsense.com
DELETED! What time does the water show start?


You gave us strict orders not to let you work as part of the Raptor crew this year!

MF Circuts=396(03=80)
TTD Launches=13
Launch that sucker...Yeah!

I will also agree that Raptor's crew this year is awesome (but really, when isn't it?). They are moving people through this ride at insane speeds. My only thing is that I got yelled at for taking pictures of the lift while waiting for the front row. On every other coaster in the park I have took pictures, and almost everytime I did, a ride-op came over and talked to me while I was taking pictures. Oh well, that still doesn't even come close to consider the crew bad.
*** This post was edited by Mark Burleson 7/10/2003 11:06:34 PM ***
On the 8th, Me and Cue-Tip hit Raptor 7 times in a row in about 40 minutes including one fast pass.. They were really hussling people through. Kudos to the crew.

If idiots could fly planes, this place would be a friggin airport!

I have to agree with most all of the above comments, Raptor's crew flat out kicks ass. Now, why can't their efficency be transferred to the other rides that are in dire need of it??
"What time does the 10 pm laser show start?"

No I haven't noticed the brake run any slower in bringing trains in. And the crew seems to be moving the trains out perhaps a tad slower then previous years, but not by much at all. Dave, what are the numbers this year on Raptor?

"This second hill is my favorite part of the ride. It is so Cool!"
TTD Status: "Contaminates in the system" S.K.

LuvRaptor's avatar

Tony said:

You gave us strict orders not to let you work as part of the Raptor crew this year!

Actually Tony I think that was LAST season before I knew how awesome the crew was. Besides, how else will you beable to help me explain, "Raptor is down for mechanical......yadda yadda yadda" a million times at entrance? ;)

I can't say 100% on it yet anyway. Quarter Horse Congress is our LIFE in October so I'm trying to work around that again. We'll see!

Jeff said:
But can anyone actually confirm that the dispatch interval is shorter?

All I know is the TL and some of the crew have told me more than once that the interval times are shorter. I would like to hear Dave's technical answer to that question too Jeff.

Hooper- I too haven't noticed the brake run being any slower, but that feeling may be just because the lack of intervals (or almost intervals) would obviousely equate to a slower brake run?

2000/2002 Raptor Crew
2003 Crew??
Lifetime Raptor flights: 761 :) (goin for 1k in '03)
Who got to hear her name over Talon's loudspeaker! :)
It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that? :)

Jeff da Beat's avatar
Yeah, the trim brakes are off but those final brakes are a lot harder than I remember. Since the turned out of the final helix is so tight (not the actual turn but the transition from being banked to flat), it comes as a surprise to everyone. But hey, I don't mind. I love it

Ohio State, here I come!

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