Last year at the beginning of the season i was happy to know that they had put new longer seat belts on Millie, I had also lost about 20 pounds so i knew i could ride. In fact i was able to ride about ten times this year. BUT i could not ride TTD. The year before i was able to ride TTD but not Millie. So can any employee help me understand why they made TTD belts shorter and Millies shorter?
Thanks in advance
MaVeRiCk AnD MaGnUm-XL200
Higher +
Steeper +
Faster =
The Better!
The truth is that the seatbelts are not all the same length.
I have a friend who has some issues on occassion but not always. Usually she is good on Millie but once she needed assistance. Later that day she was fine.
Personally I rode TTD all season and on my last ride (I had ridden 3 times the same weekend) I found my belt much shorter on the purple train last row that it had ever been. Normally I have quite a reasonable amount of slack but this time I had to pull on it more than I have ever needed to. Previously that weekend I did not notice anything on any rides on either coaster.
I'm going out to get some air.
For some reason it always seems to be much harder to have consistency in the belt lengths than you would think it should be. I've come across some pretty large seat-to-seat variations.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
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