If anyone can help me on this, I'd appreciate it. I assume crowds are obviously less this time of the year. Secondly, if I remember correctly, CP is still open during the week through this weekend. Most school age kids are back in school, so crowds seem like they'd be somewhat lighter than when I went to CP back in June.
My question is this: Can anyone give my any insight as to what crowds would be approximately like if I was to venture to CP later this week (maybe Wednesday or Thursday)? I know no one exactly knows, but has anyone gone to CP either late last week or today or even this time of the year during past years?
I have about a 4 hour drive to CP, but if crowds are expected to be light this week, I'd make the drive to CP.
In general, this last week in August is one of the best times to visit the park. Wednesday or Thursday should be perfect actually. If I can get a day off, I'll be going myself.
Dave McWilliams
I have this time of the year in the past and the crowds are minimal to say the least. I have a 3 hour drive and am going tomorrow (wed).
See you in line.
speaking of crowds this time of year, how bad is labor day weekend? (sorry if this sounds like a "how will crowds be on the 7th?" question) I may go down on saturday or sunday, but if labor day weekend is historically a time where u wait more than 10 minutes to get on gemeni, i think ill just do homework...
The 8-ball says....Saturday and Sunday will be a zoo if the weather is good. Monday will be better.
Dave McWilliams