Question about crowds at CP this time of the year


Monday, August 28, 2000 10:30 PM
If anyone can help me on this, I'd appreciate it. I assume crowds are obviously less this time of the year. Secondly, if I remember correctly, CP is still open during the week through this weekend. Most school age kids are back in school, so crowds seem like they'd be somewhat lighter than when I went to CP back in June.

My question is this: Can anyone give my any insight as to what crowds would be approximately like if I was to venture to CP later this week (maybe Wednesday or Thursday)? I know no one exactly knows, but has anyone gone to CP either late last week or today or even this time of the year during past years?

I have about a 4 hour drive to CP, but if crowds are expected to be light this week, I'd make the drive to CP.



Monday, August 28, 2000 10:43 PM
In general, this last week in August is one of the best times to visit the park. Wednesday or Thursday should be perfect actually. If I can get a day off, I'll be going myself.

Dave McWilliams


Tuesday, August 29, 2000 2:42 PM
I have this time of the year in the past and the crowds are minimal to say the least. I have a 3 hour drive and am going tomorrow (wed).

See you in line.


Wednesday, August 30, 2000 9:14 PM
speaking of crowds this time of year, how bad is labor day weekend? (sorry if this sounds like a "how will crowds be on the 7th?" question) I may go down on saturday or sunday, but if labor day weekend is historically a time where u wait more than 10 minutes to get on gemeni, i think ill just do homework...


Thursday, August 31, 2000 2:15 PM
The 8-ball says....Saturday and Sunday will be a zoo if the weather is good. Monday will be better.

Dave McWilliams

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