PKI going smoke free

crazy horse's avatar

Yea, that harry potter thing is scary. Did'ent that happen years ago with (I think) Tom sawyer being pulled from school shelfs?

Rights are slowly decaying in america. The problem is that americans are getting lazy and will sit there and bit*h about it, but not take any action about it.

My biggest beef about smoking in amusement parks and restaurants is like I mentiond above: amusement parks and restaurants are family places, thus smoking should not be alowed. Bars on the other hand do not have children running around (allthough some nights it may seem like it), so smoking is fine.

Its harder for smokers to understand the impact that smoking has on non smokers. Shure, that ocasinal wiff of smoke may not give us cancer....but its the nasty smell of it that makes me gag. And the link I posted in this thread lists all the toxins that cancer sticks produce. I dont know about you, but I dont want to inhale any of that crap.

Its differant than banning a book.....shure it may be wrong to ban a book. But banning a book does not couse health problems, so you really cant compare the two.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
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I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

JuggaLotus, I think you misread what I said. I said that a wiff of smoke you catch on the midway is not going to affect anyone's health like indoor smoke will. I just said that it's plain annoying when you get that stuff in your face.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

JuggaLotus's avatar

Sorry about that, the first part of that paragraph was agreeing with you, the second half was stating what you just said again.

Goodbye MrScott


I really don't care which way it goes. Like I said, I smoke cigars a few times a week. I do this in places where it's permitted. Correct me if I'm wrong, but according to your line of thinking Crazy Horse, if non-smokers enjoy a particular dish at one of these places then smoking should be ban? I go to an establishment that serves meals, drinks, and sells cigars. Many people sit around and smoke a cigar or cigarette have a meal or drink and chat. There are also non-smokers who go there for lunch or dinner. So, since you like a particular dish, smoking should be ban at this place?? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but that is just silly. Of course this has nothing to do with the situation at CP. I really think it's a non issue. You had your jersey burned which sucks. But I really don't think a ban is needed. I have never noticed any of the midways covered with cigarette buts and I don't fear being burned by a smoker. Yeah it happens, but lots of stuff happens. I got into an accident once because the other driver and I quote "had my tunes too loud". Should we ban radios in cars now because it caused an accident I was involved in? I don't know why you say typical smoker attitude to me when I clearly stated I don't smoke at CP and agree with no smoking in lines. Americans are thinking about their health more? Must be why we are or near the top, the fattest country in the world. And I don't know why your giving the example of banning non-smokers from places. Who would ever do that? Here are three options to pick from:

A:Ban non-smokers which is 75% of my business? I think this option is out.

B:Ban smokers which is 25% of my business? Maybe.

C: Ban neither and have a drop of maybe 1-2% from the people who don't like it?

I'll go with option C. It's funny how smoking at an outdoor venue becomes an issue. Yes, there are laws being passed that ban smoking is certain places yet we give almost anyone a gun who wants it. Yes, America has their priorities straight.

crazy horse's avatar

There you go comparing it to other things that have nothing to do with smoking and its effects on people. I clearly stated that I think smoking should have designated outdoor smoking areas in family type places like amusement parks and restaurants.

Call me silly, but when I am eating a meal, I (and many others) dislike the smell of smoke. And I never said that "just because" they serve a dish that I like, smoking should be banned.

The place that you go to eat, drink and smoke, sounds like a bar to me. A bar is not a family type place.

And you say a ban is not needed. I never mentiond a complete "ban" on smoking at cedar point. I am all for designated smoking areas. Remember the win-win thingy?

The reason that the midways are not loaded with cigarette butts is because cedarpoint has people that they have to pay to clean them up. Ever watch a smoker on the midway? What do they do with there butts after they are done smoking? It always ends up in the bushes or on the midway. Hell, I even witnesed a smoker flick his butts into the petting zoo area where the animals were. He was trying to hit one of the goats with it.

I know lots of people that smoke, but even they do not like to smoke while/during eating. So I think that if more restaurants did go to a no smoking policy, there buisness would increase as it has in some citys already.That would be option D. But I also believe that there should be a place outside for smokers to be able to go to and smoke away from familys and people that are eating.

Americans are the fattest in the world, and that is one of the MANY reasons that americans are thinking of health more.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Crazy horse, you have issues. But that's beside the point.

I'm a smoker. And I NEVER toss a butt on the ground. They go in the trash (after fully extinguished, of course).


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Excuse me? Drinking has no affect on other people? Guns have no effect on other people? Religious beliefs have no effect on other people?

You live in a very small world, crazy horse, if you can't see the larger picture here.

I agree breathing second hand smoke within the confines of a room for a period of time can be harmful. The small wiff you get walking on a midway is not. It's no less harmful than breathing someone's farts. And I can't tell you how many times I've had to stand in line next to someone who releases a few.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

crazy horse's avatar

I never said that drinking and guns dont have effects on people. So dont put words in my mouth. I said that you should stick to the subject at hand and stop trying to compare it to other issues.

And for the billionth time....I know that just a wiff of smoke will not couse me much harm. But once again, its the smell of the smoke that I dislike. Plus just knowing what I am inhaling. Again, call me silly.

I live in a small world? I am talking about THIS subject( smoking in amusement parks and restaurants), and you keep trying to bring OTHER issues into it. I realize that there are a lot of bad things out there...sure. But thats another issue.

Stick to the issue at hand.

Thats great Mr scott.

I am glad that you toss your butts into the trash, but you are one of the minority of smokers that do. I am just stating what I and many others have seen.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I'm glad you approve, crazy horse. Now I can sleep tonight.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Having a smoke free park would be a great thing, but there are things you can do. When I was in the park and was not working, I would ride rides. If I saw someone smoking in line, ( TTD especially, now that I think about it ) I asked them to put it out. In that situation there is nothing they can do, truly, because if ANYONE is called over, they are in the wrong. See someone smoking in line, ask them to put it out or youll call an employee over. Easy as that.

As far as the midways go... I cant see anything truly happening. Are we going to start strip-searching at the gates for cigarettes? No. And most of the time, the police force of CP has priorities other than walking the park randomly searching for smokers.

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06: Screamster- Fright Zone
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04: Thunder Canyon/ Power Tower/ Screamster-FrightZone

I really hope CP impliments something like this in the future. The designated areas would be enough. There's nothing worse than waiting in line next to as bunch of people smoking cigarettes. There was once a time where I had to ask the people to stop it was bothering my so bad. I have a minor case of athsma. The smoke doesn't make be cough, but I'm thinking about bringing my inhaler and using it in front of them and see what they do.

Coaster Fanatic Since 2003

Crazy Horse Said,

Ever watch a smoker on the midway? What do they do with there butts after they are done smoking? It always ends up in the bushes or on the midway. Hell, I even witnesed a smoker flick his butts into the petting zoo area where the animals were. He was trying to hit one of the goats with it.

No. I really haven't watched the many atrocities committed by smokers at CP. I don't walk around watching them and commit to memory what they do.

It's hard not to compare other things to this. You have now stated that you really don't fear for your health at a place like CP and that it's the bad smell that you dislike. Certrain perfumes, if exposed to them long enough, make my allergies act up. Should CP ban these? Yes, I am comparing it to another thing because I thinks it's appropriate in this situation. Most now agree it's not a health issue but somehing of personal taste. I am full for no smoking in lines and the eating places within CP. I agree with you that there are famlies in line and inside these places and children don't need to be exposed to smoke. But a ban IMO on the midways is not needed. I won't jump on any "anti" anything wagon if it really isn't needed. What will happen? Most likely you will get the designated areas you lone for with a couple years. Some crack pot lawyer will sue some place over it and that will be that. I think we have covered this subject to the extreme and it's about done. At least it is for me.
*** Edited 3/26/2005 12:14:51 AM UTC by Winston306***
*** Edited 3/26/2005 12:18:23 AM UTC by Winston306***

crazy horse's avatar

What I ment by "watching a smoker" is just by walking down the midway, not sit there and look for smokers. And there you go again, why do you insist on comparing it to other issues?

And I do fear for my health. In case you forgot, go back to the link I posted on the ingredients of cigarettes and second hand smoke. And than tell me I have no reason to be worried about my health.

I do dislike the smell as well, it makes me sick to my stomach.

A designated smoking area is a great idea. You said youself that smoking should not be alowed in line or where people are eating. Tell me this.....when you walk down the midway at the point, what are the people that are sitting on the benches doing? Lots of people are sitting there eating ther cotton candy or macho nachos(drool). So that would constitute a place where people eat.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Ok Crazy horse. You keep complaining that people are straying from the topic when they are trying to make analogies to similar issues.

1) Smoking should be quarentined within a park because second hand smoke is dangerous to peoples health.- True second hand smoke can be dangerous under certain circumstances, however a parks midway is not one of these cases.

2) Smoking should be quarentined within a park beacuse people could accidently burn someone else and/or ruin personal property.- Again possible, but also possible to do similar actions with hot or messy food or even those basketballs. The problem isn't smokers, it's idiots that don't pay attention to others.

3) Smoking should be quarentined because smokers litter- As someone who swept a park or two i know that nearly a third of the trash is cigarette butts. But the cam be anything from wrappers to underwear. People are inconsiderate and lazy. Smokers have their fare share. Again not because the smoke but because they are inconsiderate.

4) Smoking should be quarentined within a park because it isn't family-friendly.- That statement is purely opinion-based. And while you're more than welcome to your opion, i cannot see how having your kids see people smoke is damaging to yours or anyone else's family. There are all kinds of things out there that are bad influences to children, you can't shelter them from all of it. All you can do is try to give them as much information as possible to make the right choice when it's time.

It sounds like it to me that the only valid reason to quarentine smoking within a park is so that you and people who think like you aren't inconvienenced by nasty smelly smoke that might catch you offguard, because the rest don't stand up. Any of the other arguements can be argued or be found as issues that aren't a factor of smokers but of human nature.

Finally smokers impact on insurance rates cannot be the majority of cost to payouts. There are to many different reasons people would file for benefits. Perhaps a plurality. But even then i would need some hard data. Complaining about smokers and their impact on health costs is like complaining about anyone who lives an unhealthy lifestyle or takes unnecessary risks. If Jeff is right then we are all paying for the heavy drinkers, lazy slobs, daredevils of the country. All of which cause people to be ill and increase the costs of health care. But then even perfect angels might just have a desease that would also cause a drain on the system.

And i think the ties are right on topic. It is another example of how a private business has its right to conduct itself how it wants to. Again property rights are at the core of this society, and allowing an owner to determine if they want to have smoking is one of those decisons they can make. And again you aren't forced to go to these establishments and there are plenty of other places that offer the same services without smoking.

Yes, maybe u might get a small wiff of a cigarette while walkin down the midway.You might think that it smells bad, but others think that it smells good. That little wiff isnt goin to kill you or have any affect on your health. If your downwind of a smoker while walking down the midway then DONT FOLLOW THEM. Walk 10 feet to their side, problem solved. You having to move from behind them is far less trouble then smokers having to go to a certain area and stay there until they are done with their cigarette. Next thing you know u non smokers will be complaining about walking by a smoking area and smelling it. Personally I think that non-smokers will find any way to complain about cigarettes. Yes, sometimes i agree that smoking is annoying to non-smokers, but this is for sure not one of them. Non-Smokers: hike up your skirts and stop complaining. We smokers have just as much of a right to smoke as you do not to.

crazy horse's avatar


1: Second hand smoke is not ONLY dangerous to inhale, but it is a disgusting thing to smell as well. Makes many people sick to there stomach.

2: Getting burnt by one is just one of the many reasons smoking should be in designated areas....but not the main reason.

3: You said it yourself, smokers make a mess on the midways. Sure there not the only ones, but they make up a large chunk of it.

4: So in your opiniun, children should be exposed to the smoke? Children like to mimic others, and smoking is not something I want my kids to mimic. I actualy care about my kids. I cannot shelter them from all the bad things out there, but I can shure as hell try my best.

Its not that we(non smokers) are just "inconvienenced" by smokers. Its a lot more than that. Its many reasons why, just look at the threads above and you will see many reasons. I am not going to list them all again.

If you dont think that smokers are a big burden on the health care buisness, than you need to read up on it.


Others that smoke would find the smell ok, but not the majority of non smokers. And like I sad above, I know a wiff is not going to "kill me". But I dont want to inhale all the poisons that are in a cancer stick, and it makes many peeps sick to there stomach.

I am sorry if it will incovineance you to go to a designated smoking area. Kings island has 19 of em. So I am sure you wont have to walk very far at all. You tell me just to simply 'move around them". Well, why dont you just go to a designated smoking area? whats the differance? I dont follow smokers around the park. It sounds like you are being lazy about it.

And damn right we "non smokers" will find ways to complaine about it. We actualy care about our health. So you are saying that non smokers should "hike up our skirts and stop complaining"? Yea...ok.

You do have a right to smoke, just as I have the right for fresh air. Hence.....designated smoking areas.
*** Edited 3/26/2005 7:03:34 PM UTC by crazy horse***

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Walt's avatar

I think we've taken this as far as it will go.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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